The 3 Most Common Traits Of All High Performers

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Interesting ways of seeing why these hyper-successful/high performing people are the way they are,

3 Traits:

  • Superiority Complex (They think they are better than other people and think they deserve more)
  • Massive Insecurity/Not Being Enough
  • Impulse Control



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I can definitely see this being the case

All three are attributes that drive an individual forward

I look at the first 2 as getting you started and taking you from 0 to 1, and then impulse control as something that keeps you on the right track

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That's the list that makes us not-so-big performers feel better about ourselves.

What about what makes such individuals kick ass?

  • Vision and clarity. They know what they want, they're intrinsically motivated
  • Commitment. They're committed to achieving whatever they've set up to do
  • Practice. They put in the hours into their craft and obsessively practice it
  • A positive relationship towards failure. It is held as a learning tool and thus actively confronted and improved upon
  • etc.
Edited by UnbornTao

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Speaking to the first point, I've def noticed in my own exp, that a superiority complex helps a ton with achieving things 

Also, the most successful friend I know has a masssive ego. People demonize it but i think it can be a nice tool for success. Just don't get carried away with treating people bad etc. 

Also ik a ton of athletes I noticed have massive egos. Kobe lebron mj? Absolute narcissists lol. At least from my own pov watching their interviews 

Edited by Jacob Morres

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I would say it's nice to have these traits to a moderate degree but there are other factors like commitment and passion which fuel their drive as well. 


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I was contemplating that.

I have a great amount of the first two points.

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I actually think that we can use it to develop ourselves and deliver results to humanity.

Good/Bad Mindset is not the way.

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one way of looking at it, is what you're describing is high fear. And you can use a combination of love and fear to get to where you want to be. I also think a strong love for your vision can get you to where you want to be, with strategically using fear. 

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What I find interesting is how the first 2 traits are seemingly "contradictory". Superiority Complex (entitlement?) and Massive Insecurity. I have not done research on this, but I assume they aren't mutually exclusive. We can almost reword this as Superiority Complex = having a big vision for oneself, and the insecurity as "fear of failure", which is associated with the possibility of not achieving that vision, because the fear is associated with our vision and our identity.

In my opinion there is 1 trait that is the most important, without necessarily forcing us to feel insecure or neurotic about failure, which is just focus. The mere act of focusing on a goal for long enough is a lot more powerful than people realize. Focus, focus, focus. Reduce distractions in life, focus on what you want. This simple lesson has helped me a lot in my life.

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On 12/4/2023 at 2:43 AM, CARDOZZO said:

3 Traits:

  • Superiority Complex (They think they are better than other people and think they deserve more)
  • Massive Insecurity/Not Being Enough
  • Impulse Control


When I was still in school I had all those traits and it made me a high performer. As I started doing emotional work, I dissolved my superiority complex, which made the insecurity of not being enough also disappear to large degree, though I worked on it separately as well. Having outgrown the first two traits, there was really no need to control my impulses anymore to achieve high, so I lost that ability as well. This made me a mediocre performer even though I am capable of so much more.

The first two traits really helped to motivate me to keep going for high performance. Because not doing so would infringe on the survival of my superiority complex and the insecurity kept me fearful and wanting to achieve more. It's a very anal way of living but also not so bad. It makes you comes off as pretty selfish in your relationships though.

Now with that motivation gone it's really hard to achieve high, because my mind doesn't see the value in it. Which is something I have recently realized. You need to show your mind how what you want to achieve has and provides more value than other alternatives, after deducting the effort expended from the values gained of course. If you master this, it would be a less anal and more conscious way of being a high performer, than the prior way.

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#1 Ambition

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Be careful with this desire to be an ambitious person and a hard worker. On a deeper emotional level, success will never nourish you. People who are workaholics are blissfully unaware of this one existential fact that, in the end they're going to die and all of their hard work will mean nothing. The Bible explicitly teaches is this, stating that we come from dust and will become the dust.

I really like this book:

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.

"Love is the realization that there no difference between anything. Love is a complete absence of all bias". -- Leo Gura

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@Husseinisdoingfine I think your ambition should be extremely high around 15-45 years old (speaking as a man).

You have to organize and build a powerful foundation, developing your stage orange (Spiral Dynamics) as soon as possible to climb higher mountains and getting out of chasing your own tail.

Ambition and obsession is a powerful fuel if you know how to use it, when to use it and how to stop using it after your job get done.

Elon Musk is an example, he loves the game of inventions and business. But probably he’ll work until his death.

What is hard work for yourself is a play for others, paraphrasing Naval Ravikant.

Discover what is a play for yourself.


Edited by CARDOZZO

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I don't even know what ambition is anymore.. 

I would say competitiveness would be one. Always aiming high.

I am a middle high performer , that is not too high. If (c)gpa 3.5 and above would be high I would be 3.35. 

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@Lila9 xD


A bit of self hate is good for productivity. - Lex Fridman


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