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How can this be fixed?

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I appreciate that an individual must work hard and be creative and bring lots of value to society. But I see more and more homeless people in Canada and USA. Nobody is caring for them, nobody keeps track of them to take their meds, so sometimes they don't and they just roam the streets causing trouble. What can be done to fix this extreme inequality in finances? 

And in even dating? Top few percent of men get to pick the majority of women. While majority of women aren't high quality enough to ever lock down those men no matter how hard they try. And many men struggle to even gain confidence to talk to us. I get it, someone must "work hard." But this appears to have come to a point of more than hard work. Working hard, even working smart has its limits. If someone is already working as hard as they can, doing quality work, even takes chances, and even succeeds in taking chances, and still comes up short... that's just disheartening.

Leo once said that the only way to get past capitalism in a society, is through and to let it run it's course. So that people eventually realize that making tons and tons of achievements and money won't bring happiness. But we are in a system where the rich and powerful aren't obligated to help anyone. And that even rewards more corruption. It encourages hook up and men and women to sleep around with no love. Causing more hurt and more extremes. There is nothing causing the powerful to let go of their power. I have a friend in stage orange, and I told her, "stage green is the next stage up. It allows you to be more loving and more compassionate." And she went "that's when you give up on all your dreams HAHA." But what she doesn't even realize is that it allows her do even more conscious business. How can we convince the powerful to share their wealth more? How can this be fixed? I still feel any society that doesn't cooperate and that's so individualistic/apathetic/lonely is bound to fall apart.

Edited by TheEnigma

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