
A cute girl with substance????!

25 posts in this topic

22 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Threads like this really irks me. Why? Not because I'm guilty of any of this but the stigma that is placed on pretty people and thinking they are all like that as if ugly people don't have these same traits. It's like you're giving ugly people a pass to be mean because you pity them, (I don't like using the word ugly, but you get the drift). THERE ARE UGLY PEOPLE WHO ALSO ACT OUT BECAUSE THEY ARE UGLY. Why get on pretty people cases. I know pretty people get more privileges but their personalities have nothing to do with whether they are pretty or not. They are just people. You project your biases unto them. Yes some do, but do you know how hard it is to be someone you are not all the time and people's personalities aren't formed because of the way they look. This is just ignorance to think that.

I'm not saying a pretty girl won't use her looks to get what she wants or act a certain way in public for a short while or carry on as if her shit doesn't stink at times, but it may or may not be who she is at the core and she may just be manipulating her energy to suit her current circumstance. Don't blame the messenger, blame the message type thing. Don't blame the elected, blame the ones who elected them. So you calling them pretty then blaming them for using it to get what they want. Still has nothing to do with how nice or mean they are. Just the same with rich people or poor people(seeking pity and receiving it to get what they want as in government money) what do you think that is, poor people who sit on their asses because they get assistance is still using something to get something. 

I've been pretty all my life. I've been a model, have entered numerous contents in Jamaica where I grew up. Was in the Miss Jamaica Model contest and came in the top 50 out of thousands, Miss Jamaica Festival, here in the US I did local fashion shows I became an exotic dancer, I did photo shoots, was in a calender.....i couldn't have done all that and more being ugly or average looking. ALL THE WHILE BEING RESPECTFUL, A VERY NICE PERSON WHO JUST EXUDED LOTS OF LOVE TO EVERYONE. How do I know that, because I've also been told, also have been cherished because of that, also have been chosen because of that also have been left because of being too fucking nice, taken advantage of because of my sincerity, I've been used because of my kindness, I've been stomped on because of my naivety, all by UGLY FUCKING PEOPLE(excuse me but I'm keeping it real, not ugly but I'm making a point they weren't all that attractive) 

This is why I get so emotional about threads like these because I, as a pretty girl, have been hurt and dooped by ugly people. The very attractive people I know both male and female are all nice people. So ugly people will take out their ugliness on pretty people too. Ugly people can be mean too. I've had people tell me they thought I was mean before they even got to know me, before they even said one word then they act surprised because I wasn't and still am not mean. I've gotten a bit more firmer now and don't take no shit because I've been such a softie and now I stand up for me, but I'm still a nice person overall even with all my perceived flaws and weaknesses and have done some mean stuff for survival purposes but never have I once been cruel or intentionally hurt anyone and I would immediately apologize if it was brought to my attention. 

I am even more emotional and sensitive about this topic than i'm projecting because it is personal to me. I even go out of my way to be nice to people at times only because of my heart not because I'm trying. It comes naturally. My mean side is more of a front, as a protection mechanism and doesn't feel good; that's why I apologize so much for it; you can even see that on the forum if you've noticed.

I'm only saying these things not as a rant or trying to look good, but to let you know how wrong you are to be judging people based off of their looks. Get to know someone first before you project your insecurities and biases unto them because you are doing the same thing you are accusing them of it's just been reversed. I don't know if you're physically  attractive or not, but you are surely ugly on the inside to be saying the things you are saying.

It's my genuine view that most pretty women are just dark by nature. So I avoid them. They have no incentive to be good. So I avoid them. I don't engage them in social settings. I don't need to, and even I do, I'm civil and just ignore them. People generally only have to act in ways that they need to in given scenarios. And all human beings hold the right to defend themselves - whether physically, emotionally, etc. So given the inherent nature of pretty women, I take my time to avert them, since I know how things progress and will unfold. 

As I said above, human psychology will favour bonds and looks. Pretty women of course know and experience this - so they will take their time to exploit this accordingly. I can't blame them for it, though I can steer clear of such. It's like being in a forest with wolves around. They cannot help being predators, so once has to take precautions in that scenario. 

What's more is that I'm quite reserved in real life. I'm not loud or crazy, and just sit and do my own thing. It's not that I lack confidence. I am often quite ballsy in defending myself and for the most part, am comfortable in who I am and my strengths and weaknesses. However, it's often pretty women who pick up on this, and then use their social power to tell others to fuck me around. So for that, I despise them all. they clearly lack the sense not to avoid anybody they don't feel comfortable around, and lack the contrition to realise they cannot "win" every social interaction. I see no reason to change who I am, and not for others petty comforts. Such is life. We don't get everything we want and the world isn't a utopia. Pretty women are blinded to this reality, and they are too egocentric to realise and embrace it. I bet I'm more assured in myself than the masses of hotties out there. If I find a person too loud, or cocky, or too funny (as in they make jokes in inappropriate times), I avoid them. They are being who they are. I don't need to engage with them, and neither them with me. It is what it is. But nooo. Pretties have to "force" people to their whims. The world MUST conform to the views pretties hold. 

If pretty women are disliked, they bring it on themselves. They probably act out and then don't realise that others are responding to their own negativities. Life is reciprocal. What we give out is often what we get back. If a person dresses scruffily and stinks like shit, they'd be avoided. It's on that person then to realise they are repelling others, or they don't care then recognise the consequences of their acts.

Yes, I can see this is an ugly attitude to hold. I'm not generally a prejudiced person, and don't associate with racist, homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, etc. people. But my view is a defensive one. I seldom ever see pretty women not use their societally-derived outlook in a good way. it's also about cliques, and using said power in a harsh manner, and it's tiring. So yes, I do assume that every attractive woman I meet is a bitch to her core. I am wary of them in workplaces, since they won't act professionally but then use their derived mental state to act up. I believe as humans, we're kind of shaped and set in early tweenhood. If a girl who is pretty at that age realises she has this social setting due to her looks, she'd seldom give it up, since she has no incentive to. There are very few who hold the moral sense, magnanimity, wisdom, or nobleness to do that. And since one cannot blame them for such, I avoid them. I don't think they can manage people effectively. They will invariably play favourites, be unprofessional, and not see a person under their command or care. They would act up and get away with it due to their looks. 

I would argue it's pretty women who bring any hate on themselves. Many of them are judgmental asf, mainly due to the reasons I've cited. So others act accordingly. They also believe, due to socialisation, that their views and beliefs are the most important in any setting. They also are hypocrites. They talk about being "nice" but seldom ever adhere to it. Most things they say are either for show, things they believe as ideals but don't employ, or things to promote a positive and charitable air that they don't really adhere to. 

Yes, I would further admit that I'm prejudiced in this regard. Like you, I presume, I'm black. We both know the issues our people - for want of a term - have faced. I don't know about you, but most black people I know of course oppose bigotry, but then we realise that there will always be some out there who have darker thoughts or views. It may seem pessimistic, but such is life. There are plenty of blacks who are homophobic, as are other non-whites, due to religious reasons for instance. I've come to realise that being imperfect is normal, and we can only really strive towards an ideal. I'd say I try my best to be good to all I encounter, and few who know me well would say I'm a malevolent or vicious person. Though whilst I oppose most bigotry, I do admit that based on elemental social dynamics, I find conventionally attractive women act scummy and thus I don't tolerate them highly. Yes, they are nice to look at and we're all innately horny. But there is more to life than sex. I've often found that sex with 5s or 6s can be as good as with 10s. And dating is about connection and not about seeking partners as trophies. That's a very immature means to approach dating, IMHO. 

I genuinely don't see any group as better than another. Hence why I refuse to look up to pretty women. If others wish to be hypocritical in how they engage such, so be it. I cannot control them. But it's something I genuinely believe in and do my best to follow. I believe many have prejudices. And often a large number would justify this by saying it's "not as bad" as other prejudices. For instance, a person might dislike ugly people or short people but then say it's not as bad as racism because uglies or shorties haven't been enslaved or considered second-class citizens. Or they may oppose sexism or despise ginger-haired people, again for reasons of past marginalisation. This rationale seems dim IMHO, since bigotry is wrong not because of past cases of systemic oppression but it's unkind. I believe people need to more honest and admit they have prejudices, and not assume they are all good. Good and bad in people are on a spectrum. Many "good" people often act out sometimes. Many "bad" people show charity. It's as if a crime boss or warlord isn't kind to his followers. It's not as if some charity worker or teacher who helps the disadvantaged doesn't call people a cu** due to anger or via a random hostile urge. If my view makes me "bad" in some people's eyes, so be it. I'm not a Christian (well I used to be) but then the Lord Himself said that we're all sinners. they should look at their own negative views before they claim sainthood. 

So until a miracle proves me wrong, I will assume that every attractive woman I encounter has dark intent, is spoilt, and will be a bully. She'd have to literally turn water into wine or feed a mass of people with loaves and fish to prove me wrong. 



For what it's worth, I don't know you. So if you feel hurt by this or other threads I've posted, I'm sorry. I didn't intend to attack you specifically. But I am honestly wary of conventionally hot women. 


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31 minutes ago, bebotalk said:

If pretty women are disliked, they bring it on themselves.

Just so you know, when I was disliked before people knew me I was just sitting and minding my business. Even on this forum it has been said how "I didn't like Princess Arabia before but now I find her to be........."forget the exact words here, it was under a thread about women of the forum. So, you see, you can be disliked for reasons other than what you caused on yourself. 

37 minutes ago, bebotalk said:

For what it's worth, I don't know you. So if you feel hurt by this or other threads I've posted, I'm sorry. I didn't intend to attack you specifically. But I am honestly wary of conventionally hot women.

I don't feel hurt, irked. Irked from people's ignorance. Irked that humans can be so judgemental where we class and group people into categories just from their little experiences and bubbles. 8billion people are judged because of a few thousands behaviour and i pushed it with that figure. Makes no sense. Every black person is this because all the ones I met were that. Every rich person is this because all the ones I met were that, Every pretty girl is this because all the ones I met were that. That alone is silly. Then again you are all there is and nothing exists outside your consciousness so what you're conscious of is all there is. Thanks for the reminder and the proof.

It doesn't really matter anymore as I've recognized the delusion and the game being played, so my long rant was just another part of the fucking play and my being irked is another and you hating pretty women another and so it goes on forever. Enjoy the ride. Ha ha ha

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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On 09/03/2024 at 1:18 PM, Buck Edwards said:

Nice people can come in all shapes and forms. 

Un-nice people can come in all shapes and forms. 


Most pretty women aren't good people. it's just a fact. So then others don't have to respond to them. this is root human conduct. it's not about people "demanding" good conduct. Life is give and take. 

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Just now, bebotalk said:

Most pretty women aren't good people. it's just a fact. So then others don't have to respond to them. this is root human conduct. it's not about people "demanding" good conduct. Life is give and take. 

What makes them not be good in your mind? Like what's the underlying reason. 

My name is Whitney. 



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3 minutes ago, Buck Edwards said:

What makes them not be good in your mind? Like what's the underlying reason. 

As I've said in this thread, their conduct. And nobody has to respect them. i don't respect anybody a prior due to their looks. if they are dark of heart, others will respond. if that bothers you, then there is no absolute association with anybody.  Doesn't matter who is "valued" in society or life. Rich people are valued, so what? nobody has to engage with them.


Edited by bebotalk

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