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Should we forever blame guilty people?

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   For example:

   Apparently was a human trafficker, and worked as a soldier. However, that's like 10 + years ago, such a long time ago, and sometimes people do change after decades go by based on many developmental factors.

   What do you guys think and feel? IMO banana guy is  a decent Channel and is a good arguer, but is he overreaching here?


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@Danioover9000 One thing that I would say about this is that these types of organizations are quite common for getting work for both illegal immigrants and immigrants who come over by applying for a student visa (who don't actually intend to be students). 

Places like hotels want and need the cheap labor from immigrants to run. But they don't want to shoulder the risks of hiring illegal immigrants and unauthorized workers directly.

So, instead of hiring immigrants, the hotels (and other work places) rent the workers from these types of companies who shoulder all the legal risks for a price.

That way, the hotel can get their risk-free cheap labor and the unauthorized workers get to work. 

And the going rate tends to be that they charge $1-$2 per hour off of the top of the unauthorized workers' wages as payment. So, giving that he was only charging 25 cents an hour is actually a really good rate. 

Typically, these immigrant labor rental organizations also go to the countries in question (I know of this happening in Eastern Europe)... and they see if there's anyone looking to immigrate. And they help those people get set up with student visas and a job in the states... and this gives people more opportunities to seek a better life for themselves. (And this may even be considered human trafficking in a court of law, even though it's voluntary.)

I know this because I know a lot of immigrants who came here as unauthorized workers (student visas) but most of them currently have their green cards or citizenship now.

And I even used to be acquainted with one guy who runs this type of business. I see what he does as quite important as many of my friends/acquaintances have been helped by what he does and that his business has functioned as a stepping stone for them into their lives as they are now.

And I recognize that (even though it's against the law) the system requires it to actually run functionally... as the system requires cheap immigrant labor to run.

So, I'm quite forgiving of the actual organization and his participation in it.

But of course, any type of exploitation (beyond the fees due to the company for the service they provide to workplaces and immigrants) is a terrible thing. And it's disappointing because I like Beau's personality and content.

That said, I could forgive it eventually if I feel like the person truly learned their lesson and wouldn't do it again. And I don't know Beau personally, so I can't attest to any of that. But he does seem like someone who cares a great deal about a lot of important causes. 

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