Asia P

How to use psychedelics right?

14 posts in this topic

For you, what are the general mistakes that people make while doing psychedelics? 

How can we know if we're not using them as a form of escapism from reality?

For me, i really do love beeing high of shrooms, expecially when i'm alone in the dark night while meditating. You know, the reality, became incredibly astonishing, and the ego steps aside, so there's a lot more space to admire infinite god consciousness. 

I'm using them (salvia and shrooms) for exploring consciousness, it's really beautiful and gives to my life a deep meaning; but also to simply become more happy, because they help me to have a better relationship with my ego and material things.

I also do my daily meditation better since i started to explore into this things.

I also think that i can live without this, but i feel that i've got a lot more to experiment in this area, so i'm pushing trough very hard and fast.

I'll be very thankful for any advice and story...

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47 minutes ago, Asia P said:

For you, what are the general mistakes that people make while doing psychedelics? 

How can we know if we're not using them as a form of escapism from reality?

For me, i really do love beeing high of shrooms, expecially when i'm alone in the dark night while meditating. You know, the reality, became incredibly astonishing, and the ego steps aside, so there's a lot more space to admire infinite god consciousness. 

I'm using them (salvia and shrooms) for exploring consciousness, it's really beautiful and gives to my life a deep meaning; but also to simply become more happy, because they help me to have a better relationship with my ego and material things.

I also do my daily meditation better since i started to explore into this things.

I also think that i can live without this, but i feel that i've got a lot more to experiment in this area, so i'm pushing trough very hard and fast.

I'll be very thankful for any advice and story...

For me, trip sitter is the biggest mistake. One must be alone, in silence and darkness and be ready to die. If you are not ready to die do not ever consume high doses. I usually do 10 gr dried shrooms with lemon take by myself in darkness and silence. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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I don’t think anyone knows, especially all the fake shamen running around, or pundits writing books.   The scientific bureaucracy is now finally researching the issue, with studies at their institutions like John Hopkins, and believe that they can put psychedelics in a reliable box.  Good luck.

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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Sounds like you are doing it right :)

General mistakes I observe people make: 

  • stop after a few trips
  • too high a dose too quickly 
  • trip with sketchy people they don’t know well 
  • don’t integrate what they learn… 

 the right way to use it would be to listen to your intuition and let it guide you.

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Mistake I see with people and psychedelic is having a wrong Intent while going in.
They often do it either as a social thing or as something recreative,
setting a right Intention is really important before going in, if you do it just to have fun it's okay but set your Intention first.
If you do psychedelics to learn more about the mystery of life then ask the medicine about what you want, don't be affraid to even talk to it :

-"Hey mushroom, please I'd like to understand more about this and this topic, can you explain it to me as best as you can during this trip..?"
-"Hey Cannabis friend, I'd like to brainstorm with you around this topic if you will, let's have a sit together and think about this"
-"Hey LSD, I'd like to connect to my true self for this trip, can you show it to me..?"

And you take your trip with this Intention in mind. This will develop and you'll get your answers in due time, don't force it, let it come to you.
Another mistake I see with people is they act as if they know something about the world around them, they go with preconcieved notions, ideas about the world : "the world is so and so", "we are all one because Leo said so", "Everything is made of Love, I am Love" etc..
They have their own "map of the world", their own sets of beliefs and they don't realise this affects immensely the trip they get..
Drop these ideas because the world is stranger than you can think,
The way I go about it is with the warrior's mindset, an adventurous mind eager to explore the unknown,
just accept that you don't know anything about the world and nothing is for granted. 
That way you can explore the sheer mystery of the world and enjoy every part of it.


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1 hour ago, Lynx said:

Mistake I see with people and psychedelic is having a wrong Intent while going in.
They often do it either as a social thing or as something recreative,
setting a right Intention is really important before going in, if you do it just to have fun it's okay but set your Intention first.
If you do psychedelics to learn more about the mystery of life then ask the medicine about what you want, don't be affraid to even talk to it :

-"Hey mushroom, please I'd like to understand more about this and this topic, can you explain it to me as best as you can during this trip..?"
-"Hey Cannabis friend, I'd like to brainstorm with you around this topic if you will, let's have a sit together and think about this"
-"Hey LSD, I'd like to connect to my true self for this trip, can you show it to me..?"

And you take your trip with this Intention in mind. This will develop and you'll get your answers in due time, don't force it, let it come to you.
Another mistake I see with people is they act as if they know something about the world around them, they go with preconcieved notions, ideas about the world : "the world is so and so", "we are all one because Leo said so", "Everything is made of Love, I am Love" etc..
They have their own "map of the world", their own sets of beliefs and they don't realise this affects immensely the trip they get..
Drop these ideas because the world is stranger than you can think,
The way I go about it is with the warrior's mindset, an adventurous mind eager to explore the unknown,
just accept that you don't know anything about the world and nothing is for granted. 
That way you can explore the sheer mystery of the world and enjoy every part of it.


I don't know. My girlfriend had her deepest trips without any intentions before.

Intentions can become a limit. Tripping without intentions can open you up to things you don't expect.

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For you the main risk is to destroy the ego before you have even built it

Carl Jung used to say that the first half of your life should be used to build a healthy authentic ego. Being fully yourself, your best most authentic self.

The other half of your life should be used to dismantle your ego and self.


I'm talking from direct experience. Being involved in heavy spiritual workd and psychedelics at a young age will interfere with developing as a healthy human. You are trying to build and destroy at the same time a house. Is this wrong? No 

Does this pose new challenges than to people that are just destroying it in the second half of their life? Yes

Make very sure you have your life well set up. You have a good profession and career for yourself. As well as healthy relationships. Evolving in Spiral Dynamics and doing deep psychological work like shadow work. Living alone, cleaning the toilet, doing the landry, cooking your food, paying the bills, the house and so on...


A little story for you in Italian:

For the rest in English:


God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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For more general guidelines:


God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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1 hour ago, Davino said:

For you the main risk is to destroy the ego before you have even built it

Carl Jung used to say that the first half of your life should be used to build a healthy authentic ego. Being fully yourself, your best most authentic self.

The other half of your life should be used to dismantle your ego and self.


I'm talking from direct experience. Being involved in heavy spiritual workd and psychedelics at a young age will interfere with developing as a healthy human. You are trying to build and destroy at the same time a house. Is this wrong? No 

Does this pose new challenges than to people that are just destroying it in the second half of their life? Yes

Make very sure you have your life well set up. You have a good profession and career for yourself. As well as healthy relationships. Evolving in Spiral Dynamics and doing deep psychological work like shadow work. Living alone, cleaning the toilet, doing the landry, cooking your food, paying the bills, the house and so on...

Thanks for the message my friend, i wasn't considering this possibility...for you is just about building a mental and financial stable life, or is also about personality, experiences...?

On the one hand: i'm doing good with money, relationships, house ecc... but on the other hand psychedelics make me a lot more disintrested about certain experiences, maybe low quality relationships/friends, books, films, travels ecc... (in general every type of activity that involves a sort of personality/taste development) 

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13 hours ago, Asia P said:

for you is just about building a mental and financial stable life, or is also about personality, experiences...?

Both. Make your human life the best you can make it. Be a master in all walks of life

13 hours ago, Asia P said:

but on the other hand psychedelics make me a lot more disintrested about certain experiences

This is how it is supposed to be. Destroying the house to see the sky.

13 hours ago, Asia P said:

maybe low quality relationships/friends, books, films, travels ecc... (in general every type of activity that involves a sort of personality/taste development) 

Exactly so, not building a good foundation to destroy. 

You need to first have an ego to trascend it

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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I guess that’s the same answer as any other “how”: With consciousness!

but that’s no very useful is it.

Sailing on the ceiling 


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How to use psychedelics right?

Having difficult trips and still wanting to go back there regardless is a sign of strength. It may seem like you took a wrong turn, but in the bigger picture it was necessary for your growth.


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Read a lot about doses, trips and the effects.

Self inquery after the trip.

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