
Overly civilised people

67 posts in this topic

2 hours ago, bebotalk said:

I'm merely stating a fact. to ecommunicate effectively, it's about stating things in plain and comprehensible terms. 

I'm sorry me merely stating a fact bothers you.

People can do as tey please here, provided it's within the rules/scope of the forum.

You tend to live in your head a lot and project. it's probably some middle-eastern moral to do such, 

@bebotalk A feisty one with the facts.

If something I said were wrong I will reevaluate the statement, if something were incomprehensible I will try to write it better.

Bring them facts on and reference particular statements, that could be engaging. 

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i'm merely stating what is common. common things aren't bad. and it's my opinion. as you have a right to state yours, I can state mine. 

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53 minutes ago, bebotalk said:

i'm merely stating what is common. common things aren't bad. and it's my opinion. as you have a right to state yours, I can state mine. 

@bebotalk Aha I see, I will take what is common, a fact, a belief and not bad into consideration

Edited by Reciprocality

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Yes. Longstanding norms of communication are bad. because edgelords say so. What you conveyed doesn't make any sense. The grammar and meaning are all off. 

Edited by bebotalk

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On 13.3.2024 at 9:24 PM, Reciprocality said:

For every particular such case as in the example of the OP there could be as you say a hundred causes, and it is important for our own sake to not delude ourself into thinking we know someone just because of singular symptoms. 


On 13.3.2024 at 9:24 PM, Reciprocality said:

I think they generally are unaware even of the possibility of danger, and it is self-evident that it is a byproduct of modern civilisation.

Yeah people live in their bubbles, they repulse me too but it's not healthy for me.

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8 hours ago, meta_male said:

Yeah people live in their bubbles, they repulse me too but it's not healthy for me.

@meta_male I don't know why that alone should be unhealthy, bodily reactions are there for good reasons, repulsion as any other. It can be noticed that when people read the phrase "I am repulsed" and react to it as though the writer have a negative demeanour against these people they were repulsed by that they are projecting what it would mean for themselves to write that statement. This could explain the weirder responses in this thread.

What would become unhealthy for me is to judge people for this rather innocent behaviour that I described in the OP.

Edited by Reciprocality

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