
Is coaching overpriced

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A female friend of me paid 3k for a manifestation course and coaching and the only thing she manifested is a dude on instagram that lives 20k miles away.

And she is very happy about it. I asked her what she learned and I could basically taught her that for free. But she won’t value what I say in the same way because she doesn’t pay me. 


I talked to multiple people who paid for coaching. I paid for coaching too but it is very disappointing. The best coaches are free. Or you have to have luck with a good therapist which I have.  

How do you know that you found a good coach? In my opinion you can just feel it. You are really lucky if you find a good life coach. Even my therapist who earns a lot and I can’t imagine getting a better one can’t really think on my level. She is specialized at her thing which is good enough and she does help me with her speciality.  A lot. 

 At the end you have to be your own coach because your road is unique. The best you can do if find a coach that is specialized at the subset of a problem you have. 

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4 hours ago, StarStruck said:


Even my therapist who earns a lot and I can’t imagine getting a better one can’t really think on my level. She is specialized at her thing which is good enough and she does help me with her special

 At the end you have to be your own coach because your road is unique. The best you can do if find a coach that is specialized at the subset of a problem you have. 

I would agree with this, finding someone that is specialized field related to your problems.

How did you find your therapist? I feel its like its finding gold finding the right one for you. Do you go in persón?/online?

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Posted (edited)

@cjoseph90 in person. I have a good intuition. I read their website and call them to catch his or her vibe. She loves her job. Therapist who loves her job is so important. There are other indicators to look for too.


Edited by StarStruck

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I think there are good coaches out there. 

But, a lot of people who are under qualified learn marketing and sales and people end up paying 3k for a “manifesting” course is nonsense to me. Law of attraction and manifestation is dumb.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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It is really difficult as theres no hard and fast rule, but I would say red flags for me are aggressive marketing, way overpriced course with upsells, style over substance so if theres more focus on the personality rather than the actual content. In general its more of the vibe you get from them, but also look at reviews, careful if theyre sponsored or have an affiliate link. It is minefield out there though

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Posted (edited)

23 hours ago, StarStruck said:


 The best coaches are free. 

You mean 1 on 1 coaching sessions? I doubt a professional coach will coach you for free. 

A coach can change a person's life completely especially if the person is the non-contemplative type. Maybe you are a contemplative dude like most people here and maybe this is why it feels useless for you. Most people just live life like dogs, they piss on the trees instead of contemplating life and taking action. 

Coaching is not really about advice, it is about guiding them to do what they don't: contemplate and create a step by step action plan.

I have a friend who is the exact type of person who needs a coach, he follows Leo's teachings for years, bought his LP course but the problem is that he always looks for somebody else to tell him what to do and what is the truth instead of trusting his intuition and contemplate by himself.

And those who just blabber their mouths and spin around ideas without taking clear action (like many spiritual people here) also need coaching.

I started an ICF course here in Sweden and looking forward to change people's lives. I'll start coaching people for free but after I feel confident enough, it will be at least 130 dollars per session. 

Edited by Alexop

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23 hours ago, StarStruck said:

But she won’t value what I say in the same way because she doesn’t pay me.

That is part of the equation. Putting some skin in the game make people more engaged. That is a major justification for why people charge so much for self-help courses and seminars (it also filters out people who are less motivated to work with you as a coach). The pricing is part of the marketing.

It is of course not strictly necessary to get someone else to essentially do the thinking for you, but it is quiet hard actually to be self-driven. You are in a sense paying for the convenience of someone else to take responsibility for your goals (not to mention many people are not aware that they can learn how to change their lives on their own and get sucked in by the marketing).

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11 minutes ago, Alexop said:

You mean 1 on 1 coaching sessions? I doubt a professional coach will coach you for free. 

A coach can change a person's life completely especially if the person is the non-contemplative type. Maybe you are a contemplative dude like most people here and maybe this is why it feels useless for you. Most people just live life like dogs, they piss on the trees instead of contemplating life and taking action. 

Coaching is not really about advice, it is about guiding them to do what they don't: contemplate and create a step by step action plan.

I have a friend who is the exact type of person who needs a coach, he follows Leo's teachings for years, bought his LP course but the problem is that he always looks for somebody else to tell him what to do and what is the truth instead of trusting his intuition and contemplate by himself.

And those who just blabber their mouths and spin around ideas without taking clear action (like many spiritual people here) also need coaching.

I started an ICF course here in Sweden and looking forward to change people's lives. I'll start coaching people for free but after I feel confident enough, it will be at least 130 dollars per session. 

I found a business mentor who would just teach me for free because we had a connection. If I paid him, the dynamic would be different and probably ruin it.

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Posted (edited)

12 hours ago, Thought Art said:

Law of attraction and manifestation is dumb.

Lol, remember that you are on a forum where everyone believes they are God (probably you too) embodying a bipedal thing that likes to eat stuff and put part of its body in the hollow part of another type of the same species biped, all on a giant ball rotating around another giant ball.
And yet, that doesn't pose a problem for you.

Edited by Schizophonia

The devil is in the details.

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Posted (edited)

53 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

I found a business mentor who would just teach me for free because we had a connection. If I paid him, the dynamic would be different and probably ruin it.

not necessarly, some people get motivated to change only when they pay. And a mentor is not a coach. You can get advice for free on forums and by mailing the mentors.

Edited by Alexop

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Love this, and thanks for sharing your experience :)

Is coaching overpriced?:  yes and no, and depends on your relationship to and with money and value. Ultimately, money is wrapped in all our deep traumas, sense of trust in ourselves. Which is why, hiring a good coach is scary, because there is no more excuses, and has you confront all the stuff that we hide and protect from (which is deeply spiritual in essence).

I've personally paid coaches who, deep down, I thought I was better and more skillful than then. I also invested a lot of money on coaches who have helped me transformed my life in ways it would take me days to share. 

And with my therapist too, it took me going through 3, to find the one I know can hold me and serve me in a way I feel most need.

These days I charge 12k to work with me for a year. I Make 6 figures and work 15 hours/week.

As a context, I used to be very shy, insecure, awkward and a teacher or early years earning 1,200 pounds back in the old days.

And like, as an example, a client of mine went from 190k (working 50 hours per week) to 420k in a year, while having 12 weeks off, plus saving his marriage and creating way more intimacy, impact in his company, and freedom.

So the money is worth it for as long as we create the results we are committed to having. Whether a coach charges 3k or 100k.

But I've also done pro bono work with people who are very committed but couldn't afford me fees. Or I'd create something bespoken for the right people who aren't ready yet to commit to a big investment.

In regard to this question: How do you know that you found a good coach?

I'd say, personally, through talking to a bunch and feeling into it. Although I only trust coaches who have proven their value on what they do, have served me powerfully with no agenda and more importantly, are doing their own deep work VS just talking about it. Meaning, they too invest good money on their therapists, coaches, and education. 

There is so much more to this industry and conversation. The problem with coaching is that it has a very low bar of entry and very high to actually have a thriving business. And with that comes a lot of people who call themselves coaches, who aren't qualified or gone through a rigorous training. 

None of this is wrong, but it also damages the image and potency this work has to offer. And the impact all of this, is that most people, because they haven't worked with powerful coaches and created real results in their lives. They conclude that isn't worth it and it's best to try to coach themselves, which doesn't really work anyhow.

Happy to share more from my experience shall that be of value.


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I would say that it really depends on your level of experience and the amount of self help materials plus psychology studies you have done upon yourself. It is different for everybody.

Obviously if let say you are 35 year old and you have studied tons of self-help, you would consider going to a coaching program by a 20 year old a joke though there may be exceptions.

Some of us on this forum amassed so much self-help knowledge over the past 5 to 10 years so we probably need to get outstanding materials from top gurus like Leo Gura or Sadhguru.


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Posted (edited)

14 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

Lol, remember that you are on a forum where everyone believes they are God (probably you too) embodying a bipedal thing that likes to eat stuff and put part of its body in the hollow part of another type of the same species biped, all on a giant ball rotating around another giant ball.
And yet, that doesn't pose a problem for you.

Okay, that’s a good point. Reality is very magical and interesting. I think you are asking me why if reality is so bazar as it is would I not accept law of attraction and manifestation. 

There may be merit, and value to law of attraction/ manifestation concepts. I do suspect that these ideas have a kernel of truth to them. But, they do not explain the reality of how people get things. I do believe that law of attraction is a property of realty, though I reject the new age idea of relying on it too heavily. 

There are more effective ways of getting what you desire. A combination of concepts. 

For example, things like: 

1. Skill Building 

2. Flexibility of mind

3. Career Capital

4. Accounting and Finance

5. Dealing with Failures and set backs

6. The laws of mastery and Effective Interaction..

7. Skillful/ Mature Living

8. Financial Psychology 

9. Goal Setting and measuring 

10. Using Calendars and spreadsheets 

11. Work Ethic

12. Building a Common Place Book

and more 

13. Getting a Coach

I worry that some people rely on new age ideas about success without first/ also using intentional, rational, and concrete approaches to getting things in life. By effectively interacting with reality you can gain mastery over certain areas of life. This intentional approach to mastery I think at this time is more powerful than law of attraction. Though, law of attraction may be an aspect of a focused mind in thought, word and action over a long period of time. 

Simply imaging something or, relying on your horoscope I think is a less effective way of dealing with the hard cold truth of material success than Effective Interaction, Vision, Mastery, Holism, Balance, Maturity, Cognitive Behaviour, skill level, and energy management. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@StarStruck It really just depends on if you're a good fit for what the coach can offer and what kind of results a particular coach can help you get.... and if those results are worth the money to you.

I'm a coach, and many of my clients have told me that I've totally changed their lives. Lots of times this is intangible stuff... like getting rid of anxiety or letting go of certain hang-ups or shifting paradigms. But I've had more tangible results too... including one client who transformed his business into a multi-million dollar business after I helped him face the core reasons why he was self-sabotaging his success.

And I've (as a coaching client) taken business coaching courses that have made me back SIGNIFICANTLY more than what I've paid.

For example, I paid $3k for one business coaching course... which I've turned around to make around $70k (and counting) from.

And I recently completed a coaching course that I paid a little over a grand for, and upon completing it, I was able to make about twice that much immediately upon implementing it. So, it's already paid for itself.

I've also attended Somatic Healing group coaching events (which weren't too expensive) that have created a lot of inner transformation for me in terms of feeling and understanding my feelings... and having insights come to the surface that I was previously unaware of. And that was priceless.


Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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@Emerald Happy to hear your experience. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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24 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

@Emerald Happy to hear your experience. 


Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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Women can spend a lot of money and if they feel good for a moment they think it's worth the price.


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Coaches charge a lot since they offer specialised services. they may have specialised skills that few others offer, or can offer. 

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Coaching is all about transformation.

If you can do the transformation yourself you don't need a coach. Sometimes something else might be necessary for that transformation other than coaching. Or coaching can be an additional aspects in your transformation.

Coaches tend to cater to people with higher income. Just because those people will pay more for the same coaching as someone who is unemployed for example. So in that regard they could be seen as overpriced.

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