
I asked dream characters to self inquire

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I was having a realistic dream, i did not know im dreaming and there were some people around me, and i dont remember entire conversation, but at one point I asked them "but do you know what you are" and they found the question rather hard to answer. 

They didnt even go for the copout answer "i am human", they were baffled. One girl said, well i definitely know Where I am, turning around and looking and pointing at the environment we were in, but I countered with, if you dont know what you are, how do you know where you are! Touche. 

One other guy started listing things he is. I am this, I am that, i stopped him at " I am" as he was listing and told him everything that follows I am is a fabrication of his mind.

Its extremely interesting to me, because these people in my dream were so convincingly real, that i am still wondering if they actually exist(ed) during the dream as "separate" conscious agents. Because i definitely wasnt controlling their responses and didnt know what they will say. 

Just sharing this funny dream <3 


Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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Interesting. Lucid dreaming, maybe.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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5 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Interesting. Lucid dreaming, maybe.

Nono i wasnt lucid dreaming, i said i didnt know im dreaming, i was same ego as I am in waking, but i didnt know im dreaming. 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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@Dodointeresting, you could be controlling their responses but since you were dreaming, you couldn't know! Otherwise the dream would've collapsed!

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3 hours ago, m0hsen said:

@Dodointeresting, you could be controlling their responses but since you were dreaming, you couldn't know! Otherwise the dream would've collapsed!

Well i wasnt controlling them for sure, it was the same feeling as having conversation in real life, no idea what they will say and just thinking about what I want to say.

Just the same as the entire dream environment and things happening, they just come from the subconscious I guess, and the conscious me just experiences it. 

Perhaps waking is similar, but on a higher level than a dream. 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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