
Actualized Group Meditation

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@Barna @Dodoster it will be 2:00pm in Connecticut/US, is it correct? Guys can you help me out with the time? Is it 1 hour or half an hour?

Edited by Sevi

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I've never done meditation in this way and I'm not sure what the added benefit is, but I'm fully open to idea and plan to participate.  I added my username.  Also, I will be meditating a lot tomorrow, so if anyone can't make the specific time listed I will also be able to meditate at other times as well so you can still participate and not be completely alone.

And if no one wants to do a particular type of meditation I will be doing basic mindfulness meditation with strong determination.  Also, I will also extend my sit over the 30 minutes to an hour or two (whatever feels right at the time) if anyone would like to participate with me in a little longer of a sit.  Do what feels right for you.

Edited by Heart of Space

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13 hours ago, Barna said:

Do you want to focus on awareness or on letting go?

I@Barna @Dodoster


Let's not leave the duration open ended. I vote for an hour. 



Ahh... this gave me such a high; feels just like before my performances!!! It's been almost two years that I haven't done any meditation with collectivity!!! I'm very excited!!!

Edited by Sevi

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10 hours ago, Sevi said:

@Barna @Dodoster it will be 2:00pm in Connecticut/US, is it correct?

It is correct.

8 hours ago, Sevi said:

Let's not leave the duration open ended. I vote for an hour. 

Let's not force everybody to do a one hour meditation. Whatever feels good. We will start together and when one wants to leave, they leave.
I will probably meditate for at least an hour.

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Count me in. 2:00 pm Eastern US it is .

I have family coming for Easter dinner.  I asked them to arrive after 3:00 so that gives me time for an hour sit

If there is no set point of focus yet,  I'll be mindful of the collective consciousness while sending love into the cosmos.

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Count on me: 19:00 pm Uk time

Could you please remind me of exactly what you guys will be meditating on in terms of resting as awareness or other methods.


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I'll join around 20:00 CET. I'm doing awareness or mindfulness meditation, which is just being being, its the only kind i do :) 

Edited by zazed

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Going to be returning to the heart!

-1/12 is Infinity 

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I may do it while cycling stationary, if that is ok?

I've found exercise meditation very rewarding, and challenging. Muscles screaming in pain, drops of sweat itching on the skin, the mind that is asking to stop soon. And then trying to realize fully, there is no self, this is just sensation, it just is. Accepting the suffering as it is. I use no music, video or any other "relaxing" shortcuts when i do this. Relaxing in being while the body is suffering, is very rewarding :D 

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I am joining probably with self-inquiry.

Do you guys know the app Insight Timer? We can make a group there, I think that would be useful!

Edited by Dragallur

When it rains, it pours like hell.

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3 hours ago, Barna said:

Let's not force everybody to do a one hour meditation. Whatever feels good. We will start together and when one wants to leave, they leave.
I will probably meditate for at least an hour.

@Barna Yeah, okay.. but I still invite and encourage everyone to at least try one hour. I'll be doing so.


2 hours ago, Greatnestwithin said:

Could you please remind me of exactly what you guys will be meditating on in terms of resting as awareness or other methods.


Do whatever is familiar and comfortable this time. If you like focus on awareness. We didn't specify it but I will be doing so.@Greatnestwithin

Edited by Sevi

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3 hours ago, cetus56 said:

I have family coming for Easter dinner.  I asked them to arrive after 3:00 so that gives me time for an hour sit

@cetus56 :) I also have changed my dance training hours.


Edited by Sevi

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2 hours ago, Dragallur said:

Do you guys know the app Insight Timer? We can make a group there, I think that would be useful!

I like the idea! I think I liked it a lot, as you see I double quoted youxD

2 hours ago, Dragallur said:

Do you guys know the app Insight Timer? We can make a group there, I think that would be useful!

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@Sevi Alright I will create it but we should not be making much of a discussions there so that everybody can participate HERE. It will be is called Actualized Group Meditation

EDIT: it is waiting for approval so I do not know how long before people can join


Edited by Dragallur

When it rains, it pours like hell.

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3 hours ago, Toby said:

1 hour left:

Ahah! I like it. 6 mins to go.


5 hours ago, Dragallur said:

EDIT: it is waiting for approval

@Dragallur What's this mean? Write to me later please. I need a little prep now.

Edited by Sevi
Common courtesy?

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In position and ready to go!


-1/12 is Infinity 

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I'm all done people.

I hope you all got the love I sent to you. I certainly felt yours!

It was a great meditation, I actually used a guided one by Mooji. Sort of a mix between meditation and self-inquiry.

Couldn't stop smiling and laughing all through!


“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few” 
― Shunryu Suzuki

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I had a bad experience as at one point some dude came near me and started smoking, so I couldn't enjoy the fresh air for about 20 of the minutes and my mind obviously found it worthy to bitch about.

But no matter whether pleasant or unpleasant, the main goal of mine is to question the subjective experiencer.

I cut it 3 minutes short, because I had to pee suddenly. I tried the Who has to pee, and the answer was I.


-1/12 is Infinity 

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