Princess Arabia

Do You Think We Suffer Because Of The Birthing Process

46 posts in this topic

@Princess Arabia I think you are onto something.

I suspect Scientologists believe this. There was a rumor Tom Cruise did not want Katie Holmes to cry during birth or didn't want the baby to cry. The pain or maternal hormones imprint on the child and set up genetics or a lifetime of hormone responses. I have heard mothers even try to control their emotions during the 9 months of gestation to keep the fetuses hormones balanced. it gets into doulas and underwater births and stuff.

However I would say all is Hindu maya (illusion). So exploring this topic is just a distraction. But you may have inner work to do on your own birth. Or maybe you and your post are a projection of my mind and I am the one who needs to do inner work on my own birth.

But you are correct as mom and baby are one being. And the microcosm reflects the macrocosm.

Edited by Soul Flight

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3 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Takes one to know one. ;)

Im full of shit too! Thats what i have to resource to the Big Mind for some clarity. 😃🙏

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On 3/5/2024 at 0:45 AM, Princess Arabia said:

This is going to sound a bit weird, but I've been asking myself this for a long time. This suffering thing has been brought back up on here lately and it came to mind again - I just had to ask.

Do you think that suffering exists, or most humans suffer (maybe all at sometime in our lives) because of how we were brought into this world. Not sure how to word this, but I'll try. The umbilical cord was cut; and because of that, the energy that was released caused an energetic imbalance that we call suffering. For Christ's sake just about every baby cries when born. They say it's to produce air in the lungs of the newborn that was stuck in the womb for so long and it helps in the breathing process, but that's biological.

From an energetic standpoint, do you think that has anything to do with it since it's all energy at play here. God or Source separated itself from itself; and even though we're not literally separate, we are energetically. It's like severing a finger from your hand; that would be pretty painful. So, God suffers from the separation. When it attaches itself back to itself, as in Awakening or Enlightenment all suffering ceases. Of course, it can return but that's because of mental separation again and what the mind is doing.

As in a C-section birth, suffering still happens but not as severe - maybe. I have to do research on if babies born that way, if they have a as much mental suffering in their lives. I read that people born c-section are much calmer. (Read it on Google). Since there wasn't a chord that was cut the apparent separation occurred in a different way to cause less suffering, not to the mother per se but energetically so and the transference from the process to the baby had a different aura to it. 

I know this sounds weird, but it's something i pondered about and would like to hear your thoughts on it. All the contents of our suffering varies, and depends on the individual but all suffering is mental and has an energetic flow to it. There's a difference between pain vs suffering, which i'm sure you're aware of. I'm speaking of mental suffering. Seems almost a surety in humans at one point or another and I was wondering if what I mentioned had anything to do with it.

What do you think. Keep in mind Energy, Frequency and Vibration when considering this notion. Please don't make fun of me if this is absurd thinking, it's just my mind can get pretty radical and a lot of times things that I thought about in the past that seemed a bit weird to me turned out to be a thing so i'm not putting this one down just yet.




Pain/ suffering is the other side of bliss, just like how form is the other face of the formless, they emerge together and are one and the same, this is the very design of the universe/reality.

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5 hours ago, Soul Flight said:

@Princess Arabia I think you are onto something.

I suspect Scientologists believe this. There was a rumor Tom Cruise did not want Katie Holmes to cry during birth or didn't want the baby to cry. The pain or maternal hormones imprint on the child and set up genetics or a lifetime of hormone responses. I have heard mothers even try to control their emotions during the 9 months of gestation to keep the fetuses hormones balanced. it gets into doulas and underwater births and stuff.

However I would say all is Hindu maya (illusion). So exploring this topic is just a distraction. But you may have inner work to do on your own birth. Or maybe you and your post are a projection of my mind and I am the one who needs to do inner work on my own birth.

But you are correct as mom and baby are one being. And the microcosm reflects the macrocosm.

You know what's funny, when I was writing this post, I said to myself someone is going to say, "I think you're unto something". Didn't know who, but I imagined it. The power of imagination. Don't know, but I'd be getting these weird insights and they don't just come out of nowhere and then again they do so who knows.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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16 minutes ago, Yousif said:

Pain/ suffering is the other side of bliss, just like how form is the other face of the formless, they emerge together and are one and the same, this is the very design of the universe/reality.


What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:


The more we are sensitive to pleasure, the more we’re sensitive to pain, if you lower that sensitivity, suffering ceases to exist, 

the more money and power you want/ the more responsibility/ accountability you gonna take, 

in this way the universe is fair. 

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