Princess Arabia

Do You Think We Suffer Because Of The Birthing Process

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@Princess Arabia  I KNOW that you are suffering.  Otherwise you would not be asking whether suffering is baked in the very first instance of this existence (when a baby is born that is).

And I feel you . All I'm saying is not projecting on you because I myself went through shitty suffering storms in my life and I have learned the lesson.

And btw I also always wondered where we came from. It just seems so strange that all of sudden we're all just here. Almost like we all just spawned out of nowhere. We all are just born from nowhere and them we live 80 years and then dissapear.  It's so mysterious .

I DONT  claim to have all the answers.  Just sharing some thoughts .

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@Princess Arabia

Suffering is an inherent property of imagining that you are the body and mind

That cognition you have, I am this human being, living creature on planet earth, this finite limited aspect of reality, inherently and in its root is fear

There is no freedom from suffering till you stop identifying with your body more than you do with this screen or the room you think you are in. Look arround your room, you are actually seeing your brain not a room

Since you find yourself in this cage called your body, the self-knot of fear is inherently present and that's why distraction is such a thing for conditioned existence. Distraction through spirituality and philosophy to avoid facing the raw fact that by believing you are a human you are unavoidably fearful and there's no way out of this point of view as you are locked in such paradigm.

You are not the body, you are not the mind, you are not your thoughts, you are not the world, you are not others, you are not any sensation, nor suffering nor pain, nor pleasure nor bliss, nor up nor down, nothing percieved nor in the container of experience you can find an "I" or yourself. This is kindergarden advaita and buddhism that has to be realized.

I am obviously not my car but I take great care of it. I feed it oil and take it to the mechanic if necessary and so on so forth. You can only transcend the body mind, THROUGH the body mind, in profound honesty and authenticity, in deep introspection, immense self love and diamond cut self awareness. You won't find any "I" in there you will just find awareness everywhere, being aware of an "I", of the thought of being a body and mind, of the thought of others, of how you have a literal tapestry in your mind that connect thoughts with thoughts and sensations with sensations that give rise to the ilusion of material earthly experience. In the same way a word in the dictionary is defined by other words in the dictionary and you can jump from one to the other in this perfectly arranged book where even dictionary and book is defined. In this same way, you create all sense of reality and meaning and jump from thought to thought and from believe to believe, from inner bodily sensations to exterior sensation and profs.

It is in this complex web of self deception that is tight together by the self-knot of fear, inherently so, by the unconscious definition that you are finite and a human, it is the knot itself. There is no way out till this is seen through and of course forget any babies and whatever distraction you want to fall in and go to the root. The knot of the self has to be undone in order to be free from suffering, because the self by its nature is fear and creates conflicts with other figments of reality. Fear is the source of suffering. You fear because you are God imagining you are human and there is no way you can awaken to this because you believe that you are a human awakening to God. It's hilarious when you think about it ahhahahha.

To sum up, imagining you are a finite figment of Reality is the reason why you fear and try to defend your borders, otherwise all that you think you are would cease to exist. So in this situation you find yourself in it is more than normal and healthy to have fear and survive from this self contracted knot, the real question here is:

Is there is a way out of this?

There is

They call it Awakening... They call it God...

Edited by Davino

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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We suffer because we stop following our intuition. I find that many people live through fear and instinct rather than intuition. Not questioning anything.


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@Princess Arabia No..suffering is brought about from the ego's own selfishness.  That has been my own experience anyway, which is all i have.

To me the suffering is really a result of the mind, brought about by the mind.

Even phyiscal ailments can be overcome through the mind - pain can be eradicated via the mind.  I know that's not easy of course.  So it is really is all in the mind. 

And the ego has a very selfish mind - hence lots of suffering :)


Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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7 hours ago, Someone here said:

 I KNOW that you are suffering.  Otherwise you would not be asking whether suffering is baked in the very first instance of this existence (when a baby is born that is).

Ok, whatever you say, my friend. The truth needs no defense. I will say this, though. I have suffered enough. I have made a conscious decision to not let the mind drag me into it's delusion of suffering anymore. I used to suffer, this was before Spirituality found me; before Source revealed itself to me. Now, I only get sad from time to time, but I don't allow the mind to keep me there. It doesn't last long. I rise above it quickly. When I see the power I have to do that, I keep doing it more and more and more. I also try to show people how to do this in my personal life and they are also seeing results. They have told me this. 

I am a curious being. Too curious sometimes. I want to know about Reality. I am in love with Reality, so naturally I want to know about it's nature and all the intricacies. I find it fascinating. Even suffering. Even happiness. All of it. As much as impossibly can. It's intriguing to me. Everyday I wake up and open my eyes, it feels weird that I was knocked out for a few hrs and here i am again, with the mind blabbering. I pay attention to that, I pay attention to every thought, emotion and feeling. I don't take them for granted. I have become an investigator. There's nothing else to do but to try and survive. Even that intrigues me. Why am I surviving just to die. All if it even suffering, that's why I ask. Only out of curiosity. 

My suffering now is miniscule. I observe it. I see it for what it is. I empathize with sufferers. I want to help them, but that's only so I don't have to suffer from seeing them suffer. It's still a selfish act. I'm aware of that. I'm learning to let go of the need to help others with their suffering. They need it. Just like I needed mine to get to this point. There lies my biography.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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2 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

@Princess Arabia No..suffering is brought about from the ego's own selfishness.  That has been my own experience anyway, which is all i have.

To me the suffering is really a result of the mind, brought about by the mind.

Even phyiscal ailments can be overcome through the mind - pain can be eradicated via the mind.  I know that's not easy of course.  So it is really is all in the mind. 

And the ego has a very selfish mind - hence lots of suffering :)


Yes, I understand that. But what are the mechanics of suffering. How did it come about to begin with, not why we suffer. Only @Bazooka Jesuscame close to explaining this. The mechanics of it. I still believe it's the mechanics of the belief in separation. When Consciousness separated itself from itself. Mentally. That's why it's in the mind because it originated in the mind. Birth is separation and death is reunion. A severed hand suffers, put it back together it begins the healing process. Mentally separating ourselves from ourselves we suffer. Unity is wholeness, hence no suffering. We're all trying different band-aids to heal the separation. Through all our desires in life, you name it. It's all an attempt to heal this severance. We just are not putting on the right band-aids which is to recognize ourselves as Source and to live from that place, no matter what.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Ultimately suffering is a configuration of your internal system/body/emotion/energies.

If i shot you intravenous fentanyl you wont suffer. Thats cause chemical internal configuration is KING to dictate how we experience reality.

Take responsability of your internal chemical configuration and you Will unable the possibility of suffering.


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1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

Jesuscame close to explaining this. The mechanics of it. I still believe it's the mechanics of the belief in separation. When Consciousness separated itself from itself. Mentally.

Any thinking / thoughts is separation. Not only the word of separation m consciousness never separate itself. İt is already what is. "You" separated via "thinking" and "you" is the separation itself. İn order to realize this, "you" must be vanish/dissolve. 

Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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Just now, James123 said:

Any thinking / thoughts is separation. Not only the word of separation m consciousness never separate itself. İt is already what is. "You" separated via "thinking" and "you" is the separation itself. 

Thats what I'm saying. I AM Consciousness that mentally separated myself into thinking I'm just a human. The illusion. You're basically saying the same thing I'm saying. It's just you're seeing Consciousness as a separate entity by saying 'it" and "you". I am both. I separated myself from myself. I am the "it" and the "you" you are referring to. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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5 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Thats what I'm saying. I AM Consciousness that mentally separated myself into thinking I'm just a human. The illusion. You're basically saying the same thing I'm saying. It's just you're seeing Consciousness as a separate entity by saying 'it" and "you". I am both. I separated myself from myself. I am the "it" and the "you" you are referring to. 


"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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Suffering is a line of code in human software that has an essential function: the evolution of the collective ego. It is the carrot in front of the donkey that makes it run. It is basically the dissonance between what is and what should be.

All humans suffer constantly, 100% of the time, without pause. Being human is the curse of Sisyphus, but there is a solution, enlightenment. It is absolutely impossible to stop suffering by convincing yourself that you are god, conscience, that you accept things, etc. absolutely impossible. Even at a rave surrounded by girls who love you and high on MDMA, in the background you will be suffering. always, every millisecond.

There is only one way to stop doing it, to solve the human enigma, to turn the puzzle around. it is like you are in a maze trying to find the exit but it is not possible, you will never do it, then at a given moment you understand it and you lift the maze and throw it away. you're free. How? It's an energetic change, something that seems very simple but it's absolutely impossible until you do. It's the definitive game

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Suffering is not inherent to existence, it is inherent to humans. When we talk about suffering we are not talking about pain, hunger, etc., but about that bug that we constantly have in the back of our minds, that anxious energy that never disappears. that: there is no joy without suffering is bullshit, reality in essence is joy, suffering is just a tool with a purpose. It seems that no one understands the obvious here, this is software, not stories from God.

Reality is cunning, but it can be hacked, this is enlightenment, to get out of the prison of the mind. You can suffer in the physical sense but not in the mental sense, because you have removed from the equation that line that is constantly creating an imaginary line parallel to reality and creating anxious energy as a result of the separation of those two lines. you cannot accept reality, because you are reality. reality is not acceptable or not acceptable, it is. No matter how much you try to accept it, you will never do so completely, so there will always be suffering, you will always be separated, floating above reality. You have to go down to earth and merge with reality, dissolve into it, because you are it. How? being clever, understanding the game, and being generous, giving of yourself, not about helping people, etc , it's about let the self fall

Edited by Breakingthewall

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All animals have umbilical cord too they do not needlessly suffer. Suffering is mental. Physical pain only brings it in the moment once its gone you stop feeling it unless you are traumatized by it then it becomes suffering. suffering is something you feel long after it is gone or long before it has happened. Its a cause of knowing past and future thats why they say stop thinking past and future exist and you end suffering.

Everything you think of past and future are made up so its needless and will crush your soul.

Edited by Hojo

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I’ve found that suffering ceases when you trust reality to unfold in whatever way it wants to unfold.


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8 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

that: there is no joy without suffering is bullshit

Ever heard of Yin & Yang?

A thing cannot exist / be experienced without its opposite. Obviously.

You only know what joy is because you have experienced suffering. Without this contrasting experience, "joy" would just be a random combination of three letters without any significance whatsoever.

8 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

reality in essence is joy

Reality in essence is EVERYTHING.


Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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33 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Ever heard of Yin & Yang?

A thing cannot exist / be experienced without its opposite. Obviously.


Look, Yesterday was doing spiritual practice and I received this message from the deity:

'Everything that you project to me is things created by humans. I´m absolutely beyond all of that. I´m outside all of that'.

'All of that' = Karma, ying & yang, love, 'universal intention', etc....

Is all crap we are projecting to nothingness. Nothingness is the perfect unconditionally non-giving-a fuck.

Which means that if you manage to be joyful for most of your life Reality won´t be chasing you to give you some misery so 'The ying & yang' can be in perfect alignment.

And in the same way, if you manage to cause yourself endless misery Reality won´t be there to guarantee you that you start to feel joy. Reality is unconditional.

Nothingness has given absolute responsibility to us. We can create joy or misery for 1 million years and it won´t give a fuck. Total just an Empty Platform for total freedom. How Perfect. 

You could say this infinite 'mind' is truly truly Perfect precisely because is outside Human BULLSHIT

(So yes, im calling your ying&yang story bullshit. If that wasn´t clear. :P)

Edited by Javfly33

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19 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

'Everything that you project to me is things created by humans. I´m absolutely beyond all of that. I´m outside all of that'.

'All of that' = Karma, ying & yang, love, 'universal intention', etc....

Is all crap we are projecting to nothingness.

Including what you just wrote?

"Receiving a message from the deity" is also a human "bullshit" story... right?

19 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

You could say this infinite 'mind' is truly truly Perfect precisely because is outside from Human BULLSHIT.

Your so-called infinite mind is the very source of human bullshit. It includes EVERYTHING.

If you like/crave one part of it and dislike/reject the other, then that's your problem.

19 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Which means that if you manage to be joyful for most of your life Reality won´t be chasing you to give you some misery so 'The ying & yang' can be in perfect alignment.

Did I say that it does?

All I am saying is that reality cannot be experienceable without contrast. Like it or hate it, it is what it is.


Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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1 hour ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Including what you just wrote?

"Receiving a message from the deity" is also a human "bullshit" story... right?

Your so-called infinite mind is the very source of human bullshit. It includes EVERYTHING.

If you like/crave one part of it and dislike/reject the other, then that's your problem.

Did I say that it does?

All I am saying is that reality cannot be experienceable without contrast. Like it or hate it, it is what it is.


The deity says you are full of shit :P

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15 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

The deity says you are full of shit :P

Takes one to know one. ;)

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No offense, but you guys are like little children who are constantly screaming "I want to eat nothing but ice cream and cotton candy all daaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy!!!"

Luckily, your parent (aka. reality) is smarter than you.

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