
Why Absolute Awakening Is An Illusion Per Se

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Btw, when I write here my goal is to clarify myself, you are my tools friends, it's a pleasure to use you

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7 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Btw, when I write here my goal is to clarify myself, you are my tools friends, it's a pleasure to use you

Yeah sure, like everybody else without even realizing it. Solipsism. Lol

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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7 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

What does remove all structures mean and how do you remove them.

Remove structures means remove any meaning. imagine that nothing means nothing, then what remains is what you are. It's not difficult to remove them, Instead of exchanging one meaning for another, realize that meaning occurs within who you are and cannot define what you are, it is absolutely obvious. How to make it not sound mysterious? Let's see, the meaning is learned, it is a superstructure above you on a mental level that allows you to be a human among humans. But you are a being that exists, like an animal, let's say, something that has emerged from reality, this is prior to the existence of any meaning. the meaning is a creation, then you remove it, and that's it, deactivated

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3 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:


Don't say the word 😅

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Just now, Breakingthewall said:

Don't say the word 😅

I almost didn't. Just wanted to irk you a bit😂

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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3 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Remove structures means remove any meaning. imagine that nothing means nothing, then what remains is what you are. It's not difficult to remove them, Instead of exchanging one meaning for another, realize that meaning occurs within who you are and cannot define what you are, it is absolutely obvious. How to make it not sound mysterious? Let's see, the meaning is learned, it is a superstructure above you on a mental level that allows you to be a human among humans. But you are a being that exists, like an animal, let's say, something that has emerged from reality, this is prior to the existence of any meaning. the meaning is a creation, then you remove it, and that's it, deactivated

In other words, become a nobody. Why though. Why not play around and become somebody, somebody that knows it's nobody.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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7 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:



7 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

I almost didn't. Just wanted to irk you a bit😂

When someone says about solipsism it seems to me that they are having a psychotic break.

4 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

In other words, become a nobody. Why though. Why not play around and become somebody, somebody that knows it's nobody.

Well, nobody is a meaning. You are something. without meaning, if someone shoots you with a flamethrower, you will notice it anyway if you don't give it meaning. Reality exist, and that's what we are. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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7 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

In other words, become a nobody. Why though. Why not play around and become somebody, somebody that knows it's nobody.

It's knowing that knowing means nothing, but you can see what reality is , look around and perceive the life, but not operating in the level of meaning. It's a matter of levels. You just have to leave the level of meaning. It's extremely simple, it's an artificial level

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Just now, Breakingthewall said:


When someone says about solipsism it seems to me that they are having a psychotic break.

No, nobody is a meaning. You are something without meaning, if someone shoots you with a flamethrower, you will notice it anyway if you don't give it meaning. Reality exist, and that's what we are. 

Oh, perfect. That's what I'm trying to do or undo, depending on how I look at it. This is it. Observe without meaning. Just see things as they are not how you think they are. If someone pukes, just see puking, not they're puking because of. Is that what you mean. See, how easy is that to accomplish. I just asked you if that's what you mean. Still seeking meaning. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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11 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Oh, perfect. That's what I'm trying to do or undo, depending on how I look at it. This is it. Observe without meaning. Just see things as they are not how you think they are. If someone pukes, just see puking, not they're puking because of. Is that what you mean. See, how easy is that to accomplish. I just asked you if that's what you mean. Still seeking meaning. 

But the thing is if you can do it or not. At first it seems like something very difficult and you need 5meo dmt or whatever, because our mind is programmed for this madness, it is as if we were addicted to a mental drug. but it is very simple, I don't understand why it is so difficult, but it is, it is a puzzle that you spend years doing in twisted ways to realize that you had to take it and turn it around. something very simple and stupid but same time a change of perception that you can't do from the level of perception where you are, it's like a jail where you could scape just walking out but you walk in

Edited by Breakingthewall

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@Princess Arabia people say that this shift is enlightenment, but it's just shift from the mental level to the real level, something normal, be like an animal, detached of the mind. But real mysticism is another thing, that's the argument that I have always here. Opening, etc. no! Opening means nothing, you are delusional...etc. opening is real, levels are real, but first the mind must be deactivate totally 

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3 hours ago, r0ckyreed said:

So, I have made several posts about this topic, and I have been wanting to discuss the matter again after Leo's Blog Post on Liberal Vs. Conservativism Simulation with the Global and Local Maxima concepts. So, here I go. But first, you must watch the video to get the idea of global and local maxima.


The thing is that when you awaken, you will think you have reached the global maxima, but in reality you are still at a local maxima. There is no getting rid of that self-deception. It is kind of impossible to awaken to a true global maxima because reality is infinite and your human form will always be finite. The reason why I say "kind of impossible" is because I think it is possible to awaken global maximally, but it is through physical death. You see, when you awaken and reach a high state of truth and understanding, human survival puts constraints on the degrees of awakening possible. Just being a human is already an inherent limitation on consciousness.

Just think about an alien state of intelligence and how they may have significant degrees of understanding of reality than we do. Now, think of an ant. Do you think that an ant could ever reach an awakened state compared to a human? No! It can only reach an awakened state relative to being an ant. But what would that even look like? We cannot even imagine this because we are not an ant. Now, do you think a human could reach an awakened state of consciousness? Yes? Relative to what? The awakened state you have as a human will be no more deeper than that of an ant because reality is infinite. You will have an alien who will already have a deeper understanding of reality than you ever will. And then there will be another type of alien who has an even deeper understanding and so on and so on.

Awakening seems to be only applied to the species. When we say Leo is Awake, we are essentially saying that he has reached a high level of understanding compared to the average human level of consciousness. When we say Leo is Awake, we are not saying that he is global maximally Awake, but he is local maximally awake because there are still infinite degrees of awakening. Buddhism is a local maxima even though there are some Buddhists will think the Buddha was global maximally awake. The same with Jesus and the same with Leo. Do you see the problem? Awakening is relative in a sense because there will always be higher levels of awakenings. So that means that one awakening you have will be relative to a higher or lower awakening that you could have. For instance, no-self is a form of awakening, but it isn't the highest. Understanding how God exists, what reality is, and why there is evil/conflict is another type of awakening that you have. And all of those insights will be affected and constrained by the limitations of human understanding and the influence of human survival. The paradox is Leo is now talking about genetics impacting relationships/sexuality, but I still think genetics is overlooked when it comes to spirituality. Our human genes and brain already limit our understanding of reality because these were created by Reality. Do you think we can ever comprehend Reality with the brain and genes that reality gave us? I am basically using Leo's argument that "Brains Do Not Exist" against itself here. If our brain is imaginary and if understanding happens through a functioning imaginary brain and imaginary genetics, then any awakening produced will also be imaginary?

I tried to explain this concept via Godel's Incompleteness Theorem and now I have explained it via Global/Local Maxima. I am not sure how else I can explain this insight to you all. But the global and local maxima I think is the closest idea that I can think of to illustrate that there is no final or global maxima awakening. Leo is awake relative to the human species and 3D perception. An alien is awake relative to the alien species at a 4D or whatever dimension. Death is the absolute awakening because that is the moment where the finite form merges back into the Infinite Source. The finite form can never grasp the whole. Reality is infinitely mysterious.

What are your thoughts? What am I missing? 

What you are missing is you can die without physically dying. For example 5 MEO DMT trip is the same as physical death. THAT is what you are missing. So you can awaken Globally by going Infinite and through that the relative is dissolved into the Infinite. When Leo talks about total awakening and degrees he is talking about the Absolute creating a relative concept and teaching it to you. This teaching is intuitive. I'll give an example.

Let's say a person never got to see or experience a waterfall. Then they have a spiritual awakening that causes the relative world to cease to exist. In this Absolute Potentiality they experience what it is like to be a waterfall by becoming a waterfall. Waterfall is a distinction within consciousness, it is relative. So first they became pure potentiality which is total, then they actualized that potentiality and experienced Waterfall Consciousness. Since Reality is an intelligence they can intuit things about the gravitational pull and the molecular structure of the water without having to study it in a lab because they WERE the waterfall. When they come back to being human that intuitive knowing of Waterfall Consciousness is given back to the Human Consciousness and the Human Consciousness does its best to transmit this knowing in the form of language using the existing models that it has for explanations of reality.

What I just described was why Being is Prior to Knowing, and how Being and Knowing are ONE. A scientist studies a waterfall, but his knowledge will always be limited, but if he became the waterfall, then his knowledge expands because it's direct. Just like everybody who meets you experiences you as an OTHER unless they become you. 

r0ckyreed is a specific type of consciousness. Anyone that you deal with will never get or understand you completely unless they can drop their consciousness's barrier they have constructed and experience themselves as you. This is possible and completely destroys the materialist paradigm. Until you experience this for yourself you are stuck in the realm of speculation which most on this forum are at. They guess and try to logically explicate what is possible, but nothing can substitute an awakening. 

Awakening is pure insanity to the non-awakened mind because it is the realm where there are NO RULES. Logic....is a set of rules, Reality doesn't have to follow rules.

Edited by Razard86

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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4 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

@Princess Arabia people say that this shift is enlightenment, but it's just shift from the mental level to the real level, something normal, be like an animal, detached of the mind. But real mysticism is another thing, that's the argument that I have always here. Opening, etc. no! Opening means nothing, you are delusional...etc. opening is real, levels are real, but first the mind must be deactivate totally 

wouldn't you say though that levels are itself an idea, even if experientially different?  And yes even the claim and idea that there are not levels, are to an idea, until even these claims that ideas being real are dropped as well..... but once that door is open, I'm not sure we can talk about much, hahaha..... and yet, the experience keeps on chugging.....

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6 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Oh, perfect. That's what I'm trying to do or undo, depending on how I look at it. This is it. Observe without meaning. Just see things as they are not how you think they are. If someone pukes, just see puking, not they're puking because of. Is that what you mean. See, how easy is that to accomplish. I just asked you if that's what you mean. Still seeking meaning. 

Don't fall for this, trying to rid yourself of meaning is itself meaning. Meaning and no meaning are the same thing. You actually cannot create a boundary between either. It is the work of the ego to try to rid itself of meaning. This is why Koan poems exist like what is the sound of one hand clapping?

The point is to realize that there is no meaning and simultaneously there is meaning but that all meaning is creation and lack of meaning is destruction. All meaning only has value when it exists, but that meaning is temporary... and to find out WHY that meaning is temporary. 

The truth is there is no physical existence. What we call physical is a fluid nothing in disguise as physical. As such all meaning is fluid, it is ever changing and combining and morphing and cannot be bound to any particular way of being and is thus groundless. All grounds are temporary so there both is and isn't a ground. 

For example https://www.latrobe.edu.au/news/articles/2022/opinion/men-are-slowly-losing-their-y-chromosome

And this https://isna.org/faq/y_chromosome/

This is not widely understood...that we created the concept of men and women....but how can men and women exist....when XX can also be a man and XY can be a woman. Reality likes to play with our definitions and meanings of things to show that all labels are arbitrary. But with that said, they also are not. We have exceptions to the rule, so that change happens. Since Reality is infinite it has to keep changing since that is what it is. So it must be this way. 

Without meaning, there is no understanding. Don't let anyone demonize meaning, that is a trap of the Masculine since the Masculine loves to destroy. But don't get too attached to meaning because the Feminine loves to nurture meaning and doesn't like it being destroyed. Accept both equally. As they are both necessary.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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8 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Can someone please quote any of these questions and answer them please.

So-called enlightenment is not so much about finding an answer as it is about getting rid of the question. Or to put it another way: The (absolute) answer to all of your questions will be 100% non-verbal, a-rational and un-communicable.

Which is why enlightenment cannot be taught... it can only be realized.

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8 hours ago, Argonaut said:

Seems like the point of the game is to enjoy it, not to constantly worry about trying to play a more advanced game and shit on the one you're currently in.

Ding ding ding... spot on.

Trying to attain alien consciousness while in human form is like trying to attain Chinese food while you're sitting in an Italian pizzeria. Here's a crazy idea: How about enjoying a juicy pizza now and going to the Chinese restaurant tomorrow?

Food for thought. 9_9


Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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8 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

Absolute awakening is something extremely simple.

Mmmmm, nice to see that you're finally starting to adapt some of my favorite slogans. ^_^

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7 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

I don't understand why it is so difficult,

Why is the game difficult? To make it more fun, of course.

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27 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Mmmmm, nice to see that you're finally starting to adapt some of my favorite slogans. ^_^

Yes That is something obvious and primary, the essential thing is to be able to leave the mental world completely and rest in the being, using spiritual terminology. This seems easy but it is not, there should not be even a molecule of attachment left in the mind, and then the real change occurs. By the way, is this your case?

but what I say is that that is not "enlightenment" although many people call it that. It is freedom, integration , maturity, idk , but in some way it's superficial. You are like this all the time, while you work or do whatever, you have let go of your mind, you are free. great yes, you are finally happy, test passed, medal and diploma. but you can go deeper into the being, break its surface and open yourself to living intelligence, to mysticism. This is something else, and it has no end, and it is completely real for a simple reason: everything is real, that about dream and illusion is sick madness, make me sick just reading about "illusion". Illusion is mind, how the people say that they transcended the mind and then they label the reality as "illusion"? Crazy


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