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Soul Flight

Where would all of us be without this forum/internet?

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Imagine having an awakening or mystical experience in 1990 or earlier. No internet. I guess we would turn to churches, monasteries, hippie communes, and cults. It's nice we all get to talk. Are we better off with the internet or would we make more progress finding other seekers in real life? Where would you be without the internet and this forum?

I think it is helpful to chat with you all. Psychedelics are helpful too. Scary to go through this alone. But I guess the external world has always been a manifestation of my internal world all through the ages.

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Awakening is just a word . Lets play with it. Awakening or insight if its real and not just a thought / mind game will bring with it a total freedom . That freedom will never ever build churches, monasteries, hippie communes, and cults. When it sense other human being on this path . It will try to help them with limited capacity of thought / Silence.

Just to get a taste of it in human realm. It has projected people like "Hitler" in the place / location called earth. Now try to think it via your thought system (Mind). As a person you & me will never accept a person like "Hitler" to be born ever again on the face of earth but that force has allowed it to be there with total compassion.

That's why "Awakening is just a word" . Its open you to see behind our human mind curtain. The insight keep coming and it never end because of its infinitude.

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@ExplorerMystic Good point. I am implying more about struggling with feeling insane or sounding insane. Being worried. Being concerned. Being uncertain.

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