
I was happier as a kid

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40 minutes ago, TheGod said:

How did you reach this state of consciousness? is it consistent? 

You can permanently dissolve the ego through self-inquiry. Once you truly realize why there cannot be a "self" which exists inside of experience, the ego immediately and permanently dissolves itself. You can't think about yourself ever again, because you realize you could never do that in the first place. It is a binary recognition that you cannot imagine yourself.

There are many ways to go about doing self-inquiry, but it is useful to question your experience of past and future, and the "you" that experiences the past and future. The main point of self-inquiry is to question the entity you call "yourself" until you realize why it cannot exist. Once you realize that, you never engage with it again. It's like realizing that Santa Claus doesn't exist, there is no point in imagining Santa Claus afterwards.

Edited by Osaid

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You felt free because you had nothing to worry about. You only had to have good grades and help your parents. After school you could do whatever you wanted to and everything was exciting back then. No smartphones, no PC. Just friends and adventures. I also grew up in a village.

Nowadays, 10 year olds must have an iPhone and social media or otherwise they will be humiliated by others.

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1 minute ago, Osaid said:

You can permanently dissolve the ego through self-inquiry. Once you truly realize why there cannot be a "self" which exists inside of experience, the ego immediately and permanently dissolves itself. You can't think about yourself ever again, because you realize you could never do that in the first place. It is a binary recognition that you cannot imagine yourself.

There are many ways to go about doing self-inquiry, but it is useful to question your experience of past and future, and the "you" that experiences the past and future. The main point of self-inquiry is to question the entity you call "yourself" until you realize why it cannot exist. Once you realize that, you never engage with it again. It's like realizing that Santa Claus doesn't exist, there is no point in imagining Santa Claus afterwards.

I'm scared as fuck actually. 

I had very crazy experiences on 5MeO-DMT where I was literally suffocated by infinite love. The idea of me being in that state 24/7 scares the shit out of me. 

But maybe you're not talking about these crazy states? Do you still feel your body? Are you able to sleep? 

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1 minute ago, FourCrossedWands said:

You felt free because you had nothing to worry about. You only had to have good grades and help your parents. After school you could do whatever you wanted to and everything was exciting back then. No smartphones, no PC. Just friends and adventures. I also grew up in a village.

Nowadays, 10 year olds must have an iPhone and social media or otherwise they will be humiliated by others.

It's such a hard truth. I've noticed people are not socializing in the way I used to as a kid. 

I didn't have a phone or a pc and i was more joyful. 

I remember summer evenings where I would run around in underwear with my dog. Smell of grass and heat of the sun. Freedom and Joy. I used to climb trees and jump around abandoned buildings. Good times. 

Also I didn't care about sex at all. Now I constantly want to fuck. Thoughts about sex and women dominate my daily life. 

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11 minutes ago, TheGod said:

But maybe you're not talking about these crazy states?

Nothing changes physically, it is more like a recontextualization. You don't gain or lose anything, but your mind simply stops limiting reality through its projections. It is subtractive in nature, because it is a removal of a false identity. It is a deceptively simple shift in perception, but the implications of it go very deeply.

There is no contradiction between your current state and infinite love, you are just imagining otherwise. The infinite love you experienced was probably similar in nature to what I am talking about, but it only occurred during a very specific psychedelic experience, which probably involved a very heavy body load and all sorts of grandiose metaphysical thoughts I assume. It is a mistake to conflate the symptoms of that experience as if it is inherent to infinite love. 

Any fear involved, if it is not about some kind of immediate physical threat, is ego. Fear is simply a desire to avoid something. If the thing you are avoiding is in past or future, that is ego, because only the ego is afflicted by past and future.

Yes, I have a body. Yes, I sleep. But experientially, there is no "I" experiencing any of that, I only say "I" for the sake of communication.

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7 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

@Osaid does reality loose its 3D depth 

No, but it loses the distinctions you imagine about it. You could say it loses all of its "borders." I can still perceive things that are far away, which I think constitutes 3D perception.

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Osaid said:

No, but it loses the distinctions you imagine about it. You could say it loses all of its "borders." I can still perceive things that are far away, which I think constitutes 3D perception.

Mm I see

wym looses the distinctions you imagine about it. From my experience theres a difference between like the brain creates the sense of separation and projects a reality, vs mental projections of the mind that can be added on top of this

there can be these layers of mental self, but that’s not all there is to the self, so when that dissolves there was still this thin sense solidity and separation left. Like a speck of solidity that is not attached to the mind. And the outer reality that is  left is just brain projection.  I personally call this “pure neurological reality “ or just neurological self. If that makes any sense, or maybe it’s just bla bla dual talk to you . 

because some people clump it all together as just mind, but for me brain vs mind is different, mind for me is the minds eye and then projections of that.. I can dissolve my mind how much I want but this solid center that seems to me of the brain seems impossible 



Edited by Sugarcoat

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2 hours ago, Osaid said:

Nothing changes physically, it is more like a recontextualization. You don't gain or lose anything, but your mind simply stops limiting reality through its projections. It is subtractive in nature, because it is a removal of a false identity. It is a deceptively simple shift in perception, but the implications of it go very deeply.

There is no contradiction between your current state and infinite love, you are just imagining otherwise. The infinite love you experienced was probably similar in nature to what I am talking about, but it only occurred during a very specific psychedelic experience, which probably involved a very heavy body load and all sorts of grandiose metaphysical thoughts I assume. It is a mistake to conflate the symptoms of that experience as if it is inherent to infinite love. 

Any fear involved, if it is not about some kind of immediate physical threat, is ego. Fear is simply a desire to avoid something. If the thing you are avoiding is in past or future, that is ego, because only the ego is afflicted by past and future.

Yes, I have a body. Yes, I sleep. But experientially, there is no "I" experiencing any of that, I only say "I" for the sake of communication.

See my problem I don't think we are talking about the same states of consciousness. 

I don't think any sort of contemplation would reveal levels of consciousness that I reached on 5MeO-DMT. I was in a state of infinity where I was so conscious it almost felt like madness. Feelings of infinite expansion were driving me nuts. I stopped imagining objects, all I was seeing was just me. At the same time I was conscious that I was absolute and complete nothing. This feeling of nothingness was soo overwhelming I thought I would never be able to construct the dream again.  

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10 minutes ago, TheGod said:

See my problem I don't think we are talking about the same states of consciousness. 

Probably. I'm talking about enlightenment. What you're talking about is what I call an "awakening", or a glimpse into enlightenment.

10 minutes ago, TheGod said:

I don't think any sort of contemplation would reveal levels of consciousness that I reached on 5MeO-DMT. I was in a state of infinity where I was so conscious it almost felt like madness. Feelings of infinite expansion were driving me nuts. I stopped imagining objects, all I was seeing was just me. At the same time I was conscious that I was absolute and complete nothing. This feeling of nothingness was soo overwhelming I thought I would never be able to construct the dream again.  

There are no levels of consciousness. Your previous beliefs about reality were recognized as false because the psychedelic experience contradicted your beliefs, and you perceive this as an uptick in consciousness, but it is just a removal of belief or identity. 

If something is expanding, then it is finite. It is ego. It is not absolute. For something to expand, it must be separate from what it expands into. You experienced the collapse of your false beliefs about reality, you perceive that as an "expansion."

You can stop imagining, yes. What is left over from that is "nothing", yes. That much is not ego. From this you conclude that "you are constructing a dream", but that is just a metaphysical identity which itself is made of imagination. You aren't constructing anything through imagination. That itself is imagination. Imagination never leaves the medium of imagination. You can't conclude anything from imagination, you can only realize it is imaginary.

Describe a thought.

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43 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

wym looses the distinctions you imagine about it. From my experience theres a difference between like the brain creates the sense of separation and projects a reality, vs mental projections of the mind that can be added on top of this

Your mind might be creating things, but fundamentally the way you separate what it creates is that you imagine the separation. Separation is perceived as something you abstract through imagination.

Your experience has things inside it, but it is ultimately one experience, not two experiences. Your mind abstracts it into separate objects, and thus it multiplies the singular experience into something that is apparently multiple. Otherwise there is no separation, the separation is ultimately created through your imagined abstraction.

You have to translate the experience into separate pieces, like "I looked at a tree", but in actuality your experience included much more than just a tree. If you account for the whole experience, it is just one seamless undivided thing which has no separation. If there is separation, that means a part of the experience is not being accounted for, catch-22.

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10 minutes ago, Osaid said:

Probably. I'm talking about enlightenment. What you're talking about is what I call an "awakening", or a glimpse into enlightenment.

There are no levels of consciousness. Your previous beliefs about reality were recognized as false because the psychedelic experience contradicted your beliefs, and you perceive this as an uptick in consciousness, but it is just a removal of belief or identity. 

If something is expanding, then it is finite. It is ego. It is not absolute. For something to expand, it must be separate from what it expands into. You experienced the collapse of your false beliefs about reality, you perceive that as an "expansion."

You can stop imagining, yes. What is left over from that is "nothing", yes. That much is not ego. From this you conclude that "you are constructing a dream", but that is just a metaphysical identity which itself is made of imagination. You aren't constructing anything through imagination. That itself is imagination. Imagination never leaves the medium of imagination. You can't conclude anything from imagination, you can only realize it is imaginary.

Now that's you're enlightened how is it possible that you do survival? Like even being in this forum is survival on its own. 

Do you dream when you sleep? 

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4 minutes ago, TheGod said:

Do you dream when you sleep? 

Does dreaming only occur during sleep?

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21 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Does dreaming only occur during sleep?

It's occuring right now my imaginary friend 

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8 minutes ago, TheGod said:

It's occuring right now my imaginary friend 

Good, that means that my problems are imaginary too

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7 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Good, that means that my problems are imaginary too

I'm imagining you imagining having or not having problems 

I wonder what kind of body I would construct for you

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59 minutes ago, Osaid said:

Your mind might be creating things, but fundamentally the way you separate what it creates is that you imagine the separation. Separation is perceived as something you abstract through imagination.

Your experience has things inside it, but it is ultimately one experience, not two experiences. Your mind abstracts it into separate objects, and thus it multiplies the singular experience into something that is apparently multiple. Otherwise there is no separation, the separation is ultimately created through your imagined abstraction.

You have to translate the experience into separate pieces, like "I looked at a tree", but in actuality your experience included much more than just a tree. If you account for the whole experience, it is just one seamless undivided thing which has no separation. If there is separation, that means a part of the experience is not being accounted for, catch-22.

isn’t this separate self this contracted “sense “rather than imagined , because even if there is a moment where I’m not thinking there’s still this sense. And then this almost unexplainable sense  is what makes everything else seem separate too,  making it possible to imagine separation . So it’s more fundamental than thoughts 

I once had this massive yet subtle shift. It was like my sense of self was permanently detached from my mind, and it was blissful. I don’t know what it’s called. But it’s not enlightenment because I still have a sense of separate self.

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Just now, TheGod said:

Now that's you're enlightened how is it possible that you do survival? Like even being in this forum is survival on its own. 

The same way it is possible for you. But there is no imagined self which is mixed in with my survival. The focus is just on what is physically and experientially experienced, in other words, what isn't imagined.

Physical survival is equivalent to life and existence itself. There is no discrepancy. There are biological motivations which exist outside of ego, like physical pain when touching a hot stove for example. There is just no more engaging with past or future. Physical pain occurs in the present, so it is a biological motivator beyond ego. My physical survival is mainly motivated by very primal biological motivations, in which there is a dichotomy of "pleasant" and "unpleasant" sensations. Unpleasant sensations generally motivate you to move away from something, and pleasant sensations generally motivate you to move towards something. Beyond pure physical survival, I am motivated by the various other things that life or existence itself is made out of.

You don't need a self to experience physical pain, and you don't need a self to want to do something. The intention to do something is a reaction to a thought that you have, it's not really "you deciding it." You don't decide to have a thought prior to when it appears, so there is never truly a decision made by "you." When you imagine a unicorn, you don't ask yourself prior "Do I want to imagine a unicorn or not?" There is no entity which decides on anything, there is just an intelligent reaction to thought. There is nothing else beyond that.

I expand a bit more on this here:

1 minute ago, TheGod said:

Do you dream when you sleep?

I only dream when I am drifting into sleep or waking up. The actual period of sleep is very deep.

Describe a thought.

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1 hour ago, Sugarcoat said:

isn’t this separate self this contracted “sense “rather than imagined , because even if there is a moment where I’m not thinking there’s still this sense. And then this almost unexplainable sense  is what makes everything else seem separate too,  making it possible to imagine separation . So it’s more fundamental than thoughts 

I once had this massive yet subtle shift. It was like my sense of self was permanently detached from my mind, and it was blissful. I don’t know what it’s called. But it’s not enlightenment because I still have a sense of separate self.

The same way your "self" separates is exactly how all objects separate. You can only perceive separation if you believe you are a separate entity.

In your experience, there can be various sensations and feelings, but these sensations and feelings do not make any kind of claim like "I am separate from everything else", that is only what the mind can claim about the sensations and feelings.

Blissful identity shifts are possible. They can feel relaxing or empowering depending on what you imagine or assume. The way that works is that it dispels whatever belief you had about yourself prior which was causing you to feel fearful or disempowered.

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14 hours ago, Osaid said:

Physical survival is equivalent to life and existence itself. There is no discrepancy. There are biological motivations which exist outside of ego, like physical pain when touching a hot stove for example. There is just no more engaging with past or future.

It depends, because if they call you now to tell you that you have lost your job and that you are going to be deported to the Congo to work in a mine, maybe you will start thinking about the future non-stop.

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