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God consciousness

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I think I nailed the precise state of being.

Because in order to create a reality, one has to move into a state of being similar to that reality, then u can new reality. 

Now I have to wait for 4 months or less for those ideas to manifest in my experience. 

It took alot of time and trials and errors to figure out process of creation. 

I hope I can finally taste the fruits of my seeds of understanding of creation laws

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Most of the time in my past.

I was constructing an idea ,but never understood the main component which is psychological component.

I was fantasizing an idea I wish to experience and moving into step 3 which is to generate state of being. 

That's why most of time I failed to consciously manipulate reality.

But,with finally understanding the missing key which was psychological manipulation of my own mind which is second step,a bridge to state of being. 


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Burger king gang bang..

Bk whooper is coming chicken 

My tongue is ready...yahoooko

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My manipulated document worked.

My parents think it's legit.

I only copy pasted the signature area ,signature of head of college. 

I edited document and changed dates, etc.

Thanks to universal consciousness for helping me and now we are safe and securing with additional holidays.

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Abrahamhicks book is fuckin useful,that old hag delivers 

Rampage of appreciation process has key knowledge 

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I like dairy milk tropical pineapple so damn much 

First time I ate,me eyes became wide open and I was in ecstasy. 

The blending of liquid pineapple inside and chocolate fuckin blew my mind off

My video of eating tropical pineapple chocolate 

It's an old video months ago

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I played with wwe cards as usual 

Wrestling epic matches in parallel universe 

Venom vs Cena 

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Last night I had series of dreams.

I saw being awakened by my cousin in the dream, I saw my cousin and trying to go to sleep in the dream.

Then I saw both of them are either outside or in room.

I went down to go to shop and saw varieties of chocolates. 

I kitkat honeycomb chocolate and yellow honeycomb shaped edible thing was around it and packaging with kitkat yellowish with transparent Parr too.

I saw so many of them.

Flavours I have never seen ,so many unique designs and flavours in dream.

Another dream I saw was I was someone else like my body was different in the dream.

I was part of some let's say European family in the dream,I was a child about 10 or 11yrs old boy .

I saw 2 or 3 siblings all young in that world.

Some vampire relatives and daddy was vampire too.

Mother was human. 

But I saw how someone was trying to drink her blood, but she was kicked out by other vampires.Then I saw my dream mother trying to drink tea in restaurant with others -outside chairs one.

She was waitress and served the food and moved close to the mom and drank her blood by only a bite ripping her side shoulder cloth with it.

I saw big teeth dripping in mouth and she Said delicious. Then I saw back in mansion we live in.Children and everyone was scared of mom that she Will kill everyone as vampire. 

I remember running from room to room to survive in that eerie atmosphere. 

Then saw blood dripping from ceiling, everyone was there and then changed mom appeared ,there was blood outside on cliffs as well ,no idea who she killed,but she started talking rather than attacking and dream ended.

My other dream was my wife was vampire and she about to kill me.

There was another vampire trying to save me,but I saw the frame was still.

Meaning I was able to hear dialogue or sound in continumm but frame of dream was still I wasn't able to understand why it's not moving me in dream.

Another one was weird lucid dream.


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Cry me a river

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Aew just changed their set into new colour scheme.

It looks better than before.

I saw the debut of Okada in aew and some matches.

Swerve and joe segment was nice 




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I watched wwe 

Cody rhodes slapped the rock and rock was smiling after that...

Something big Is coming

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