
Small Awakening while listening to Tao Te Ching

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So I was listening to Tao te ching and I realised that the thought of stress and fear were coming without my consent and This made me realise that I am not in control of my thoughts and I am not in control of what happens outside as well. I'm not the doer.

I can only observe. But after few hours my ego is taking over and it wants to "do" things and become the doer. 


What's the solution for this? 

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1 hour ago, Tech36363 said:

What's the solution for this?

You had a state change

Now you need to have a stage change if you want it to stick arround

State is temporary

Stage is permanent

Once the state is ever-present it becomes stage

For example, it is very similar to learning a new language. First it takes time and effort but sometimes you get in the flow for a certain ammount of time while you are studying or speaking it. However, with time it becomes second nature and flows efortlessly, you think in that language and even dream in it, making it permanent. You manifest your desires and thoughts through it, your whole world view is mapped and contained in it, the tool is part of oneself the same way the hand and its functions are part of oneself. You and the language have become one.




God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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When you wake up in the morning if you have time just sit up and look and don't think about anything. Notice when you wake up you instantly start thinking about things this starts the ball rolling instantly. Hold off on it and the ball might not start rolling.

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Two ways you could approach this:


1. Is it true that the fear was arising without your consent?

Reflect on this deeply.

What specifically is the fear?

What belief or justification could you have that upholds the fear?

What are the pros and cons of continuing to allow yourself to uphold the fear?

It can seem like a fear arises without your consent, but that's just because it has become an ingrained habit.

Even after you recognize the fear as not serving you, it might still arise for a while.

This is 'residue'.

It will die off if you've truly recognized the fear as not serving you, and you continue to remind yourself of that.

P.s. If the fear goes, the stress will go too. So focus on resolving fear.


2. Recognize the silliness that the Ego (thought) thinks it can be the doer.

You've asked "What's the solution?" implying there's a problem.

But you've mentioned you've realized you're not the doer; You're the observer.

If this is what you've realized, then you wouldn't be seeking a solution, because as the observer, you'd just observe the Ego (thought) wanting to become the doer, as a cloud floating by.

It's a fart in the wind.

So as long as you remain the observer of the silliness of the Ego (thought) trying to claim it is the doer, what is the problem?


On 01/03/2024 at 6:05 AM, Tech36363 said:

my ego is taking over

Who's Ego is taking over?

Do you need to allow it to take over?

Why comply with it?

As the observer, why not continue to watch it? Where is the problem then?

Edited by Brandon Nankivell
Spelling and grammar error

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See that every thought that comes after "falling back" like: "Oh no, I feel like I'm the doer again" , " Oh, I was just lost in thoughts :/ " . "Oh what can I do to comeback" "oh, how do i prevent this from happening"  - all of those, are just another thoughts, and you just see them smile at them and let them go their way.

Thoughts appear and dissappear like clouds. They are not your thoughts. Thoughts are not anymore yours than the clouds or the weather. Just see them and let them go. 

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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On 29/2/2024 at 8:35 PM, Tech36363 said:

thought of stress and fear were coming without my consent and This made me realise that I am not in control of my thoughts and I am not in control of what happens outside as well. I'm not the doer.

What we are aware of is usually only the surface. thoughts emerge from depth, from the energetic configuration of existence that you are. No meditative trick is going to be of any use to you, since what emerges is the result of a reality, of a hardware.

For some reason we are all afraid to look hardware in the face, I would say it is an evolutionary trick to move like a human tide. It is very difficult to open yourself completely, to the core, but if you want to be your own master and not a puppet, you must do it. There are no shortcuts, it's not an easy thing. You have to be a scalpel that opens the psyche and sees through it. psychedelics are essential I think

Edited by Breakingthewall

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On 09/03/2024 at 5:27 AM, Arthogaan said:

See that every thought that comes after "falling back" like: "Oh no, I feel like I'm the doer again" , " Oh, I was just lost in thoughts :/ " . "Oh what can I do to comeback" "oh, how do i prevent this from happening"  - all of those, are just another thoughts, and you just see them smile at them and let them go their way.

Thoughts appear and dissappear like clouds. They are not your thoughts. Thoughts are not anymore yours than the clouds or the weather. Just see them and let them go. 

That's it. Cheeky, cunning thing Mr. Ego is 9_9

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Try listening to this translation/audiobook if you haven’t yet:

It always seemed to give me great results. I loved listening to it in depressed states just lying in my bed in the dark not moving. It allowed me to resist the moment less. 

I’ve listened through this over 100 times. The more the better I would think. Listening one time leaves a lot more room for the ego to freak out and try to take control again. 

I like to meditate alongside listening to these, raising mindfulness and looking more into my True Nature. 

Here are some other audiobooks I’ve gotten a lot out of:


Edited by BipolarGrowth

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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On 9.3.2024 at 0:42 AM, Arthogaan said:

See that every thought that comes after "falling back" like: "Oh no, I feel like I'm the doer again" , " Oh, I was just lost in thoughts :/ " . "Oh what can I do to comeback" "oh, how do i prevent this from happening"  - all of those, are just another thoughts, and you just see them smile at them and let them go their way.

Thoughts appear and dissappear like clouds. They are not your thoughts. Thoughts are not anymore yours than the clouds or the weather. Just see them and let them go. 

Ding ding ding... spoken like a true Dao warrior.

Nice to see someone putting it plain and simple without any needless fluff for a change. A rare sight on this forum!


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2 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

A rare sight on this forum!

This entire forum is filled with diverse and rare creatures me thinks B|


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48 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Ding ding ding... spoken like a true Dao warrior.

Nice to see someone putting it plain and simple without any needless fluff for a change. A rare sight on this forum!


Hi hi thank you :x Too bad there's no-one now to be proud ^_^

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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14 minutes ago, Arthogaan said:

Hi hi thank you :x Too bad there's no-one now to be proud ^_^

Consciousness is proud of Consciousness.


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8 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Consciousness is proud of Consciousness.

Prouding happens B|

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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