
Not Sure What To Say About This...

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@Martin123 the thing im confused about is what do you focus on? hahahaha. Because its hard to focus on awareness itself. But yeah letting perception fade in the background is certainly good to do.

But focusing on your ego seems to be a good practice to do.

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Of course it's there xD 

If you can sense your awareness, your presence, that's the first threshold, you've already realized you're enlightenement !

The thing is most people will think there is ONLY this realization that everything is one, but no, that's just another threshold !

Awareness has an infinite "realization" curve, and if right now you're not at the stage "I see and feel that everything as me (like a perpetual orgasm)", that does not mean you're not enlightened, it's just an advanced stage of realization.

So don't think you aren't enlightened, you are, you just aren't aware of it entirely, and even when you'll be, there always be new insights/realizations, it isn't a finite "state".

Just don't make it a goal, and at the same time acknowledge that you can't see reality clearly right now, live in the present and be aware as much as you can, that's all there is "to do" :)



Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@electroBeam The awareness is always there. Let love be the anchor, the bridge that connects you, your attention to it! :-)
What could go wrong? More love in your being?
That is the beauty of the heart-centered path.
Even if you don'tacheive liberation (which you will) WHO GIVES A CRAP.
The amount of goodness and love you accumulate is.... I sometimes lose all words for what I feel.

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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One of the best things i have learned about meditation is to Remove the word TRY or TRYING.

Just be, Simply. The less you TRY the more you will Gain :)



Edited by pluto


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