Delusion Slayer

Full-Time Purpose - Aaron Doughty & friends

4 posts in this topic

After completing the Life Purpose Course (and btw Leo, thank you so much. review will come at some point), I have resumed making videos online. My chosen area is teaching Personal development with focuses in emotional intelligence, meditation, shadow work, etc.

Not long after, I enrolled in a free 3 week beta "Conscious Business Accelerator" with Aaron Doughty, Mat Shaffer, and Victor Oddo, which has been fantastic. The premise is essentially getting started with following your calling in serving others through building a "conscious" business. This attracts a very Stage Green crowd of what you may expect: light workers, meditation teachers, tai chi instructors, astrology gurus, trauma workers, shamans, etc. The course has built very well on top of the foundation I have built with the LPC and what I want to do with my calling.

Of course as these "freebies" go, the final week ended in them pitching and selling their course Full-time Purpose.

The base price, which is $2000, has 35+ video trainings "to build & automate a thriving online business", 12 months of live group coaching on zoom, the skool community.

I have not purchased a business course before, and I wanted to catch any opinions if anyone here has take this or a similar course before.  I really like the value proposition of the following:

  • The 12 months of live group coaching
  • Building an audience
  • Monetization via email marketing
  • Sales
  • Social media
  • Systems & Automations

For those of you who have taken this or a similar course before, are these courses worthy investments? I have poured a lot of mastery hours into my chosen area in personal dev but have not taken much time into the business side of things, and I wonder if I can learn this all on my own. 

I would be so grateful to hear your guys' thoughts. Thanks! 🙂

Edited by Delusion Slayer
unnecessary info

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I remember when "Aaron Doughty" started his YouTube channel. Initially his message was OK . Now its totally BS. The only business idea they are giving you is to grow their own business :-) . Haven't taken Leo "Life purpose" course but damn sure it has taught you to find your own purpose . Not giving any ready made business idea / Life Purpose.

There are other medium to find it too. Go to YouTube check any free courses available there. Some of paid platform like "Udemy" has tons of courses available (See the link :  ) . Not promoting any site here. just an example . Do your own research. There are many sites available which provide courses much cheaper than the price you have mentioned above.  Good Luck.



Edited by ExplorerMystic

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I took the course and paid for it a few years ago. To be honest, it gives you the basics for online business which is great but it does not guarantee success in the online space. Currently the market is pretty competitive in relationship to those who wish to teach others meditation, shadow work etc. Soon you will realize that those who are constantly making big money are those who are teaching others the business structure, sales and marketing rather than the skills itself. I would only recommend it if you already have a very solid product you feel confident to sell and have somewhat of an idea of how you are helping others through your personal development methods. 

The price for a year of coaching is good to be honest, however the coaching sucks, I am a coach as well and have invested big money to learn and it was funny to watch the guy coach because he was doing 0 breakthroughs and just felt confident to coach because he had a "successful" conscious business, but that is more mentoring that coaching. 

Anyways, I WOULD  recommend to get it if you're self disciplined enough to go through all the videos and have proof that you have successfully completed other online courses, and have already a solid understanding of your product and how you are helping others CLEARLY.

If you are in the very early stages where you want to help others and coaching seems great I would not recommend this. You will be way more focused figuring out what do you do to pay attention to this. Again, the online space for personal development is super competitive these days, you will spend money on the marketing platforms that will do this, you will spend money on hosting your website, marketing, so tbh, if you invest those 2000 in actual marketing you are more likely to get success (in my pov).

Hope this helps!

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You could check out It´s much cheaper and covers the business side of a life purpose. I am not familiar with the course you shared, nor have I taken the course I shared, but I´ve been following Julien Blanc for a long time and have enrolled in his TMA course which was pretty good. 

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