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I'm happy that I will die

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I'm happy that one day my life will come to an end. This is not because I don't like living; In fact, I am very grateful to be alive. I'm happy that I will die because it gives me the freedom to live. It makes life meaningful.

Can you imagine? Being a human forever? Imagine time stretching on forever. Imagine the universe being such that your life is started at an arbitrary point in time, but somehow never ending. At that point, why create, why love, why live? In the end, everything will come to pass. Your body would be finite in size, but infinite in time. Shouldn't you do the "important" things first? You'll have time for fun later. Shouldn't you get comfortable first? It doesn't matter in the end.

When I think about all the struggles I will have in life, all of the suffering I go though, all the progress I will make, all the beautiful things I will see for the first time, it makes me happy there is an end. All the world tells me to work hard in school so I can get a good job, work hard at that job so I can have a comfortable retirement, then simply do nothing for the remainder of my life. I think they forgot that I'm a dying man, and I have nothing to lose. At the end, all will be washed away. Any amount of comfort, money, or success will be for nothing.

Because I will die, I am free. I am free to live a meaningful life, and justified in prioritizing the things that matter. I get to spend my days with my loved ones because I know they will not be around forever. I get to devote myself to something meaningful and creative because I only need enough money to get by. There is no such thing as security, no such thing as safety, no such thing as comfort. Only distraction. Before death, we are all naked.

How can anyone take anything from me? I don't have anything they can take. All of it is effectively already gone. I'm just borrowing it.

How can anyone hurt me? I have effectively already paid the ultimate price.

Because of death, my gratitude for life is genuine and immense.

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How old are you? And how did you get to this realization?

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I am using the idea of death to cope with the suffering in life very often. Good insight.

Edited by evgn

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many claim to no fear of death ... talk is cheap, wait til you get on your death bed or get a serious illness then let's chat

the only way to get over death is to realize you weren't born

it takes time to do so 

you have about 7 billions breaths allotted you

make each count

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Out with the old, in with the new. At your own pace.


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you just suffer from a lack of power and energy, hope need to be constantly ignited 

if live is meaningful only by dying, your just lost

do not forgot yourself on focus on what life could be, what the universe could be, if so, if then, etc

it might be everything you think, but don't forgot the only measurable truth, your in the reality you live, and you can master it

the quest for desire is one of the only way to find yourself in here, desire might be volatil but its a really demonstratively powerfull engine

things aren't here just by their ends, live them, regrets are impulsive and you could live them excruciatingly, they incarnate themself in our suffer and eat us little by little, don't fall in that

regrets are a true death, be the powerfull human you need.

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