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What about mixing weed with Kriya Yoga

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Hi, I'm just curious if it's a good idea to mix weed with my Kriya Yoga practices or should I stay away from weed. I don't mean to do weed every session but once in a while.

Thank you!

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In my experience weed makes me very aware of my thoughts and emotions. The downside is it makes the mind busier, distorts thinking, and makes me sluggish. I don't find weed helpful for meditation but it is great for journaling. Try it out for yourself though.

In meditation you want the mind to be bright, clear, and energized.

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@deathendmartin practice kriya yoga in sober, in sober is where you will sharpen your concentration and sober is were you will feel the sweetness of energetic points. and use psychedelics to go deeper into the understanding of consciousness with contemplation

Edited by Rahul yadav

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Why not! I find that weed makes me more sensitive to my body overall, so mixing it with yoga sounds extremely relaxing. 


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What is your intention doing Yoga?

Yoga is not an exercise or just 'another' thing.

Is a sacred process. If you are thinking about trying to have 'fun' or try to see if you can trip with it or whatever, you are not understanding the seriousness of what you are doing.

In fact, I know you plenty of guys are doing this Kriya Yoga thing from books. Too much people in the forum casually doing this.

Yoga can not be learned/done from a book on an Amazon.


Edited by Javfly33

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8 hours ago, Ramanujan said:

@mrPixel is weed fun. how much pleasurable is weed

It's not a great substance for me. I would say that it's only pleasant 25% of the time. But I'm probably different than most.

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8 hours ago, mrPixel said:

It's not a great substance for me. I would say that it's only pleasant 25% of the time. But I'm probably different than most.

this was my experience too. weed is hyped up .

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I find cannabis to be useful in meditation.  The yogis use it in India and called in Ghanja.   The cannabis amplifies my feelings considerably which allows me to observe negative feelings that my mind in an ordinary state easily suppresses with the ego defense mechanisms.  However, it can be a very challenging meditation if you aren’t prepared to sit with the suffering.  An undisciplined mind can easily tip into paranoia.

Edited by Jodistrict

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@Jodistrict You didn't read what I said earlier. Weed is great for amplifying emotion so you can study it. I'm not sure how you're meditating, but meditations is not about studying the emotional body. Understanding the mind is done off cushion such as journaling, noting thought, etc.

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1 hour ago, mrPixel said:

Weed is great for amplifying emotion so you can study it.

I find this to be true, especially since I tend to have an avoidant personality type. Deep trips leave me no choice but to face emotions that I’ve been suppressing for a long time. Paradoxically, I choose to do this because I love exploring myself. 


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1 hour ago, mrPixel said:

@Jodistrict You didn't read what I said earlier. Weed is great for amplifying emotion so you can study it. I'm not sure how you're meditating, but meditations is not about studying the emotional body. Understanding the mind is done off cushion such as journaling, noting thought, etc.

I said observe not study.   But it is more of an actual feeling and embodiment and total acceptance of what is.   Any insights come out of this non conceptual process.  

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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6 minutes ago, Jodistrict said:

I said observe not study.   But it is more of an actual feeling and embodiment and total acceptance of what is.   Any insights come out of this non conceptual process.  

A mix of observing and studying actually sounds delightful! Like being a mixture of two worlds… You are both the teacher and the student, depending on the context of any given situation.


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@deathendmartin Be careful. It is not something to take lightly. I had a kundalini awakening after ingesting two microdoses of weed and then doing kriya yoga (routine up till Om Japa) 2 hours after ingestion.

Edited by Loving Radiance

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