
Where can I find stage Turquoise people and communities?

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I want to understand what exactly is holding me back from Turquoise. I think my values mostly align with Yellow, I do not seem to posses the love of others and community that this stage embodies so well. In my personal study of the spiral dynamics model, I believe being immersed in a community of this vMeme would evolve my psyche, but we’re can you find these people? Also, have you ever met a Turquoise human being? Are you at Turquoise yourself?

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Extremely tough I don't think it really exists yet, this one is as close as I can find.

Other ones that are close ish to such stage communities are still right now led by 1 individual generally who holds almost all the powers and decision making, and have high price of entry.. 

Also keep in mind most people fall not just on "one particular stage" they tend to have shades of Blue, Orange, Yellow, etc... True stage Turquoise that transcends almost all "humanistic/egoic" thinking is very rare & I have yet to find this, I consider myself in the true stage Turquoise. I still have to do certain things to maintain basic survival like anyone with a body though, but my mindset/attraction/motivations/operating principles are genuinely not of this world..

So in the end if you want to be near those people you have to find them basically. It's really extremely rare or nonexistent.

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ❣ Warning: nobody here has reached the true God.

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24 minutes ago, Onecirrus said:

@puporing Do you have any suggestions to transcend Yellow?

Yeah, Yellow tend to be more intellectuals. So my suggestion would be to find ways to open the Heart, this would be the main distinction to me between Yellow/Turquoise. Certain art and music can help with this. Learning to do art/an instrument can accelerate that. Quiet time alone away from distractions. A period of disengagement with worldly things like politics/business etc. Engaging more with things that can develop empathy like maybe volunteering on a distress line or related things.

Also helps a lot if you have some savings or not have to worry about survival all the time.

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ❣ Warning: nobody here has reached the true God.

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪ 星空のディスタンス ♫┆彡 what are you dreaming today?

                           天国が来る | 私は道であり、真実であり、命であり。

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No. definitely not in North America nor South America nor Africa nor the Middle East nor Australia nor most of Asia. Maybe India? It's very spiritually developed. There's also a lot of corruption, traditions and disagreements there; and the average mentality there is still in stage blue. But there will be some people in stage turquoise (and by default also have some people in stage purple there too) simply because it's so diverse. Communities? Even if there are communities, they will be very rare. And since their ego is generally lower then you'd be less likely to also hear of them. I personally have never seen a stage turquoise community. If you are going to find it, it will be in India. Not to romanticize India, but If you don't find it there, I don't think you are going to find it anywhere else.

Edited by TheEnigma

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