
I'm Scared My Mind Is Too Strong, I've Failed My Self

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@Arkandeus Ok, yes... I  can see the use for it for necessary actions, it's just right now where I'm at, when I think of ego it's mostly a focus on what not to use the ego for.  I see what you are saying..

I don't believe the ego is the point of anything but I can see a purpose for it in a human life, to interact with others but not from the selfish and false aspect we have given it...

Examine what you believe to be impossible, and then change your beliefs.

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@LRyan People tend to seek out an "evil". They want to place blame, find fault, call it bad and wrong, it's false. not real and use it as a reason why they aren't what they think they aught to be.

It's the mind still being gripped by dualism. There will always be a scapegoat found in that mindset that must be defeated for everything to be "good", right, true, real and will be the reason why they can be what they think they aught to be.

The problem is there will always another scapegoat that mindset will find.

Releasing that mindset is stepping away from the war in ourselves and a step towards inner peace if that's what you seek for your life.

Just don't make it another scapegoat in the process....release it without using it's vices to justify it is a challenge. hehe

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17 hours ago, LRyan said:



I understand what you mean about the attention to thoughts...makes sense...

They say we need to completely destroy the ego.

What do you mean without the ego there is no point? Can you elaborate? What is it that people want through the ego?  Are you speaking about possessions, a job...accomplishment?  

Aslong as you live you will need a ego. But it being a tool is diferent from believing you are the ego.

Maybe my epic drawing skills give a better view 9_9


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