
What is an ego?

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One of the things that had the most impact on my well being is ego death.

I really want to know how to define ego.

What it is.

For me it was a sensation coupled with a thought.

A sensation somewhere behind the eyes.

And a thought : "this is me".

I am really interested in how you guys view ego and what it appears as to you.

Since I think enlightenment is much harder to reach then ego death.

And ego death can help reduce a large amount of suffering.

Thanks and have a good day!

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Ego is the center, the feeling that there is a self that receives the experience, so on the one hand there is the experience and on the other the self that receives it. The reality is that there is no center, this is the experience, there is no receiver, so reality stops being compressed to a non-existent point and opens up, revealing its depth. but the programming of life creates that center, for example at the moment when there is a threat.

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@Breakingthewall What brings this center about? Its components if you will. Or the cause for its existence.

Because from retrospection it is a very limiting and isolated experience and I wish to study it deeply.

Not everyone can get enlightened but my point of view is that everyone can remove their ego.

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@Theplay if you remove your ego, there will be no more you and inevitably enlightenment happens. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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@James123 Not in my experience.

The fact that you no longer are identified with the false self does not mean you know your true self.

The first can be a process.

The last is spontaneous insight. 

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1 minute ago, Theplay said:

@James123 Not in my experience.

The fact that you no longer are identified with the false self does not mean you know your true self.

The first can be a process.

The last is spontaneous insight. 

Ego is not only you / body i mean. Entire universe / you. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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@James123 That's not how I define it.

That is where the confusion is I think.

When I was Identified with the ego it was me/body/mind.

What I'm identified with now cannot be spoken.

And requires an awakening.


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12 minutes ago, Theplay said:

@James123 That's not how I define it.

That is where the confusion is I think.

When I was Identified with the ego it was me/body/mind.

What I'm identified with now cannot be spoken.

And requires an awakening.


İf "you" are identified, it can be spoken because "you" are a word itself. 

Good for you brother. 

Much love!!! Peace!!!

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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1 hour ago, Theplay said:

@Breakingthewall What brings this center about? Its components if you will. Or the cause for its existence.

Because from retrospection it is a very limiting and isolated experience and I wish to study it deeply.

Not everyone can get enlightened but my point of view is that everyone can remove their ego.

The ego inevitably occurs due to how reality is configured. You are born with genetic programming that makes you tend toward survival and move away from annihilation, and even more so since we are part of a collective, tend toward acceptance and move away from rejection, serve the hive. The perception of the center is inevitable, if they poke you it hurts, if they poke another it doesn't hurt, it's like that and this closes your psyche, you build your psyche based on this. Some do it in a completely closed way and will never consider another option, they will compete and look for the best materially and that's it, others, like you or me, will see that this is a trap, that reality is more and they will go. to try to open your perspective. The ego is not false, it is a compression of perception due to the need for survival, what is attempted is to be able to decompress at will to be open to what existence really is, to the flow of creative intelligence, and in this way Leave the resistance and get on the wave and surf it.

Deep down, it is the ego, the center, that is intelligent enough to realize that resistance is useless and that the most beneficial thing for it is to relax and even withdraw temporarily to achieve a better experience in every way.

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There's no need to kill what is just a construct. You only need to reform it. The ego is needed to experience life. Do you want to walk around like a zombie? You are only interested in "killing the ego because it brings you suffering. Learn to transform the ego and suffering will cease to exist. Understand that you are not the egoic mind and who you truly are is beyond anything that the ego can construct. 

We are trying to reach somewhere where we already are. How silly is it to be at the car dealership saying you want to go to the car dealership and you want to kill the very transportation that will get you there. All you have to do us deconstruct the mind and start from scratch and rebuild a new home, not try to kill it. Can you kill a thought, can you kill an idea. Yeah, abstractly, but that thought and idea will never die and will be floating in the ether from whence it came, forever. Ego death is just a silly term for people seeking liberation but don't know how.

Know thyself....

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13 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

The ego is needed to experience life. Do you want to walk around like a zombie?

I was quite successful at removing most of my ego.

And life still goes on. It's spontaneous.

I don't feel like a zombie. Quite the opposite actually.

22 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

The ego is not false, it is a compression of perception due to the need for survival

Very good use of words. It does feel like something is being compressed to a specific location which itself is boundless.

Its like the mind traps our sense of self in the body.

The mind is the matrix.

And Leo is Morpheus. 


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ego is that what imagined splitting god into two which maketh ego and non-ego

ego is all that helps me and benefits me and supports me for example my body and perhaps other bodies

non-ego likewise is all the bad stuff i don't like

it's all a fun game, a dream, an illusion of light, all false but still cool

god pays not a bit of attention and not one note of heaven misses a beat in this insane play

Edited by gettoefl

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