
Airport Security Radiation Exposure

2 posts in this topic

Hello. I am flying for the first time alone. I went through the airport security millimeter wave technology, and I can’t help but wonder how it works and whether I am getting radiation exposure and what this will do to my long-term health if I will be a more frequent traveler. What do you all do? I heard you can request for a thorough pat down instead. The millimeter seems less time consumption but am concerned about the health risk.

I typed my question into ChatGPT and this is what it said:

“Millimeter wave technology is used in some airport security scanners, such as body scanners and luggage scanners. These scanners emit non-ionizing radiation in the form of millimeter waves, which are a type of electromagnetic radiation. Non-ionizing radiation has lower energy than ionizing radiation and is generally considered to be less harmful.

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) in the United States states that millimeter wave scanners used in airports emit far less energy than other common devices such as cell phones and microwave ovens. The scanners are designed to operate within safety guidelines and limits set by regulatory agencies to minimize any potential health risks.

The millimeter wave scanners used in airport security are considered safe for most people, including pregnant women and children. However, individuals with certain medical conditions or concerns about radiation exposure may request an alternative screening method, such as a pat-down search.

It's important to note that while the risk of radiation exposure from millimeter wave scanners is generally considered to be low, it is not entirely zero. However, the amount of radiation exposure from these scanners is typically well below the safety limits established by regulatory agencies.

If you have specific concerns about radiation exposure or airport security, it's always a good idea to consult with relevant experts or authorities who can provide you with the most up-to-date and accurate information.”

Thanks! :) 

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You're in there for such a short time that I wouldn't be too concerned with that. Phone and electronic use are more of a concern and microwaveable foods. IMO, there are other more serious ways of radiation exposure to be concerned about than a very quick airport security scan.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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