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I had this beautiful first salvia experience (he went on to explain w/ a straight face)

but honestly, the shock factor and the sheer acceleration of it overroad any negativity, it was all encompassing.

I prepared for something that i didnt understand. It was my first psychedelic because i didnt try lsd and magic mushrooms until later...

I prepared"too" well (is that possible) i had just ordered this new fold-able bed/couch thing and my room had this emerald green, baby blue vibe... this sortve salvialand - vibe... i dont know how to explain it, it was like i had prepared my bedroom for thousands of years only to consume salvia and magic mushrooms in its presence... and the room itself was like, the actual gateway, so beautiful, anyway...

Because i sortve superfluously had prepped music that had a steady beat, everytime the kick drum hit it brought me out, back to my senses incrementally.. i was able to stagger both the tripping and breaking-out've the spins... which was nice, nice for salvia... and i didnt know to do that, it just happened... i just wish i could live in that room again with them circumstances, it was like the emerald green room that nurtures you and... pushes you into thousands of little smiling salvia faces... a bit odd, of course, but so awe-inspiring in hindsight.

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