
The Ego Disappeared. Do You Have Any Questions? :)

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@Barna Enjoy it! And if you feel ego come back in trying to get control again please read this.

And also here is some wise words from mooji.


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@Barna great to hear this.

I have a question. Do you still identify more strongly with being a human being or with being the empty consciousness? Since you are everything within consciousness too, that would mean you are also the body and mind? Unless by gone Ego you mean Mind is gone. 

I'm not understanding this, but cause im trying to explain with my mind.

How come you're the space, but you still have a heart and smile etc, isnt that the bodymind that the idea is to disidentify from... Or is it the case that you are also them as much as conciousness, because there's nothing else? I dont know this for certain though, it's not proven And I dont see how to prove it. 

This question is also towards myself, because I seem to from time to time deny being the body mind even though it feels I am exactly that.

Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Congratulation @Barna, are you enlightened? How much did 5 meo helped you on your way to reach this ego disappearance? 


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Update: the emotional high disappeared while I slept, but the intellectual understanding remained. Sorry, if it's not fun for you anymore. :D 

6 hours ago, Visionary said:

How is it to live without memory? Do you interact purely by your intuition? So is everything pure spontaneity? 

Are you "the experiencing"? The movie itself?


Cheers and congrats btw

I have memory, I'm a normal human being. :D 
I don't "feel" the unity as strong as I felt yesterday. My intellect says that I am "the experiencing", the movie itself. Whatever appears, if I ask "where is it?" the answer is " it is in me". It's like lucid dreaming, when you suddenly realize that you are dreaming and everything is in your head. The difference is that now I don't conceptualize the "container of my dream". And I see that the only thing I've ever experienced is my own awareness, my own presence. :) 


4 hours ago, Dodoster said:

@Barna great to hear this.

I have a question. Do you still identify more strongly with being a human being or with being the empty consciousness? Since you are everything within consciousness too, that would mean you are also the body and mind? Unless by gone Ego you mean Mind is gone. 

I'm not understanding this, but cause im trying to explain with my mind.

How come you're the space, but you still have a heart and smile etc, isnt that the bodymind that the idea is to disidentify from... Or is it the case that you are also them as much as conciousness, because there's nothing else? I dont know this for certain though, it's not proven And I dont see how to prove it. 

This question is also towards myself, because I seem to from time to time deny being the body mind even though it feels I am exactly that.

Right now I identify with all of my experience. The experience of the body is one experience among many others. I think the identification with the body forms only because we feel like the body influences a lot of our experiences. For example, if the body feels pain that could become the center of our attention and therefore the center of our reality. I think this is where the identification with the body comes from. However, now I see that I am all of my experiences and the awareness of it. It's like a paradigm shift. I shifted from the belief that "I am the body" to the belief that "Why would I be the body? The body is inside the experiencing, inside me." 

If you feel like you are the mind then be the mind. Try it out. Be aaall your mind. Isn't everything in your mind? Isn't the present moment forming itself in your mind? Feel that all what you are aware of is in your mind. Feel it now! :) And realize that the belief of the brain is just a thought. The thought of the brain is an experience just like all the other experiences. The truth is that you don't know where all of this is happening, but now you could have the feeling that all of it is inside you whether you consider the "container" the brain or consciousness. :) 

3 hours ago, electroBeam said:

@Barna  if you are everything, can you make poverty go away plzz

I am everything and that everything includes my own limits. :) 

3 hours ago, OBEler said:

Congratulation @Barna, are you enlightened? How much did 5 meo helped you on your way to reach this ego disappearance? 


I don't feel enlightened, the emotional high disappeared so nothing keeps me on the level where I was yesterday. :) 
5meo was a spoiler to this experience. Yesterday it was like "yeah, it's just openness, I've already seen it". :D 
I think the 5meo experiences are what keep my ego in check, because I know that there are a lot more intense ecstasies to experience. :) 


Thank you for all of your questions! :) 

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Congratulations !  

For how long have you been meditating ?

Did you read any helpful spiritual books ?

Do you prefer meditation or self inquiry ? 

Are you active in mouvement and expressions or calm ?

How do you perceive thoughts ? 

Thank you for offering help & wishing more insights and higher consciousness for you  , 

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11 minutes ago, Earnothing said:

For how long have you been meditating ?

Did you read any helpful spiritual books ?

Do you prefer meditation or self inquiry ? 

I feel like sharing, so instead of giving you a raw summary as an answer, I will give you my brief consciousness journey. :) 

I was first introduced to meditation when I was 13 or 14. But it was energy meditation with Sanskrit symbols. My consciousness work began a few years later when I read the Stillness Speaks from Eckhart Tolle (I still can't spell his name without looking it up first :D ). Then I read the Power of Now and the New Earth from him. I've also read The Ancient Secret of The Flower of Life Vol 1 so I'm interested in sacred geometry.

Then I became more interested in startups and the idea of having my own business, but I didn't do it, I started my master's instead. So there was a break from reading, but I watched youtube videos instead. This was the period when I got familiar with spiritual masters on youtube.

Then in September my whole life purpose changed. There were two important factors in this change. The first was that I started the Trinfinity Academy, so I started doing consciousness work daily. I had not done meditative consciousness work before, except reading and watching videos, so the Trinfinity Academy was a huge help for me in this. It teaches contemplating 10-20 minute meditations and 2-5 second mini meditations. I try to do a mini meditation every half an hour, it keeps me in a "happy state" during the day. :) 

The second important factor was that I watched Leo's video about 5meo so I wanted to experience it more than anything. After I started to regularly trip on 5meo I became more sensitive to other consciousness altering tools like weed, binaural beats and sleep, these were very useful for processing the 5meo experiences.

I also started to meditate spontaneously during the day, without planning, simply because it feels really good and relaxing. I am not doing any meditation technique. I simply sit with closed eyes, mostly motionless, and I just feel my body and the present moment. If thoughts arise I let them arise. :)

I have also read Martin Ball's Being Infinite and Being Human books to help me understand this substance. While reading these books I started reading in parallel The Ra Material, I'm still reading it, almost finished it, I really like this book. :) 

And then I found Matt Kahn last week. One can understand a lot doing consciousness work, but to really feel its truth, love is needed. I didn't realize how much love is missing from my life until I started to listen to his videos. This man is amazing. :) I started reading his Beginning Your Love Revolution book and I'm planning to read his bigger book as well.

And now let's get back to your other questions. :) 

1 hour ago, Earnothing said:

Are you active in mouvement and expressions or calm ?

How do you perceive thoughts ? 

I feel a lot calmer since yesterday. :) 

Thoughts are part of the present moment, just like anything else. 


Thank you for your questions, I really enjoyed answering it! :) 

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One ancient Zen take says that when you awaken this is the only emoticon that you use --> :)

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13 minutes ago, Malelekakis said:

One ancient Zen take says that when you awaken this is the only emoticon that you use --> :)

Thank you for endorsing my credibility. :)) 

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8 hours ago, electroBeam said:

@Barna  if you are everything, can you make poverty go away plzz

Hehe:):).. and then can he make us enlightened in a second with a magic wand. Abracadabra

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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i have just one question.


If the ego disappears, why tell anyone?

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2 minutes ago, Loreena said:

Hehe:):).. and then can he make us enlightened in a second with a magic wand. Abracadabra

I think you just did!

There is no I in Abracadabra! Self transcended

-1/12 is Infinity 

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God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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5 minutes ago, SOUL said:

i have just one question.


If the ego disappears, why tell anyone?

I am reality. At least my reality. All the suffering I see in the world is part of me, part of my reality. So I'm offering my answers for a selfish reason. :) I want all of you to be happy, because you are part of me, and I want myself to be a happy reality. Does this make sense? :) 

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Thank you for being here, I love you all. Or at least I'm learning to. :) 

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11 minutes ago, Barna said:

I am reality. At least my reality. All the suffering I see in the world is part of me, part of my reality. So I'm offering my answers for a selfish reason. :) I want all of you to be happy, because you are part of me, and I want myself to be a happy reality. Does this make sense? :) 

It was a rhetorical question but your answer did reveal quite a bit.


The ego wants to be justified so it moved you to tell others of it's own "disappearance" to justify it's existence as "non-existent" using the identity of the wider reality you say you are now seeing your self as being and the happiness for all in it as it's reasoning. Even "higher self" realizations can be used as ego desire for justification and can be seeds for it growing back in influence in us.


Then when we accept, agree and act in accordance with the ego's desire it gets it's justification so the ego finds it's place comfortably nestled within our being cloaked in it's new clothes(identity) by representing what we seek in our spiritual pursuits. The ego is crafty.


I appreciate you answering my question, it's enlightened my perspective greatly.



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50 minutes ago, Barna said:

I am reality. At least my reality. All the suffering I see in the world is part of me, part of my reality. So I'm offering my answers for a selfish reason. :) I want all of you to be happy, because you are part of me, and I want myself to be a happy reality. Does this make sense? :) 

Fascinating. All the suffering in the world is internal suffering for the mind. Since the mind parses it and labels it as suffering.
In this way it is part of your mind and part of your reality, but there is only your reality for your consciousness. You are everything. Your consciousness has awareness of the mind's label of the suffering. The mind's label and the suffering is not your consciousness, but it happens inside it.

Wanting to make us happy is a weird concept. For yourself, what the perception of our happiness concerns. It is a mental story of the answers in this thread and how your mind interprets them as happy. Then your consciousness is aware of the vision of our happiness constructed by your mind. This may make your mind content, it does nothing for consciousness as pure awareness really. But for a lack of a better thing to do, and a Buddha sitting all day is not very productive, its preferable to make the mind happy by making others happy.

Words don't really exist for these things, it sounds so abstract were language fails :) 
Fascinating stuff :) 

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@SOUL This is beautiful. I didn't think of it this way. Thank you! :) 

I thought about ego as the identification with the body and you widened it to identification with anything. I think you are right. :) 

I think identification with presence is good enough for me now.  One step at a time. No rush. :D 

Thank you for your clarification! :) 

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37 minutes ago, SOUL said:

The ego wants to be justified so it moved you to tell others of it's own "disappearance" to justify it's existence as "non-existent" using the identity of the wider reality you say you are now seeing your self as being and the happiness for all in it as it's reasoning. Even "higher self" realizations can be used as ego desire for justification and can be seeds for it growing back in influence in us.

This answers the negative also. For those enlightened that didn't share.
It may be the ego telling you out of fear, you are not really fully enlightenment, identifying within some mock humbleness. 

There is no reason to share, and equally no reason not to share.

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@zazed Thank you, I think you are right. :) 

I cannot even imagine raw reality without mind because imagination itself is mind. 

I feel awareness more clearly now, but I don't act or speak from awareness, I speak from mind. I speak from the love of my mind. :) And it's okay now. I love the mind. Or at least I'm learning to love it.  :) 

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