Happy Lizard

Struggling with LP values

11 posts in this topic


I have been struggling with adding and removing values form the LP course value assessment exercise. Like I’ve actually spent a week at least thinking about this.

basically I keep finding and removing values and adding values and I’m either 1 value over or 1 less. 

I have some values that share similarities like Art and beauty, wisdom and spirituality, But at the same time they are each a bit different. I feel like I’ll miss a value or add a value by mistake if I don’t get it right. 

Am I overthinking this? Would appreciate your help.

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Define the values, maybe some have differences and you can combine them if they are similar. 

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@Happy Lizard I've struggled a lot with this as well, but as a toxic perfectionist ive learned to let go of looking for that absolute clarity  which ultimately leads to procrastination for me. Go with what feels right and you will learn to prioritize and add more concrete definitions over time . matter of fact most of my clarity  about tis comes spontaneously when im about my day.

Also brainstorm with chatgpt about this. its super good for seeing things from multiple perspectives and giving examples so that you can see if you resonate with anything. you can feed it entire exercises and pick and choose what you feel is relevant.

How much chatgpt can help you depents on the quality of questions you ask it. thats how that tool works,

Edited by mmKay

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@mmKay great idea! Thanks!

I think the explanation in the course is too short, kindof unclear what is the pourpre or how to know for sure this is a value that defines you. Its just too quick.

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@Happy Lizard he said it took him 3 years to get to where he is with his value list at that moment. Put that into perspective

Also it's something dynamic. With time and life experience it morphs

Edited by mmKay

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The value exercise can be a bit difficult to do because it feels like each time you choose 10, you have to leave other 10 on the table which feel perhaps even more authentic to you sometimes. 

It is likely you'll be revisiting this exercise many times over the years to come; I have  done and redone my values at least 5 times since I did the LP course. Gradually, with more life experience and exposure to new things, you will learn to 'feel' into it. 

You can do this by observing yourself more in your daily interactions with the world. Watch the things that inspire you and give you joy vs things that upset you and make you feel sad or even hopeless. Your intuition is more attuned to this than your rational mind. 

it is worth not rushing through this too much, but also, don't let perfectionism paralyze you. 

I don't know how old you are but as you age, these things become easier and easier to identify 


Edited by Michael569

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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Posted (edited)

@Happy Lizard I had the same problem at #3 and I knew that I could only be sure when I defined the values. I keep a journal about my LP process, which is in my signature:


At first, I had 23 values and needed to reduce them by combining them to get to 10 values. To combine the similar ones I needed to define them.

Edited by Loving Radiance

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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On 2/26/2024 at 10:44 AM, Happy Lizard said:

I think the explanation in the course is too short, kindof unclear what is the pourpre or how to know for sure this is a value that defines you. Its just too quick.

Shorter explanations can be like powerful seeds that get planted into the proper soil. Doing so may not seem to produce much long-term fruit in the beginning, but it’ll all unfold and make more sense the more you nurture and be patient with it.

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Thanks everyone, this has been helpful!

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20 minutes ago, Happy Lizard said:

Thanks everyone, this has been helpful!

Anytime. Reminder to always be the final authority on how you perceive advice and tips. All the power to you!

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Posted (edited)

What @Michael569 have said is pretty much spot on. To be more pedantic about "observing yourself more in your daily interactions with the world," you should look at the activities that you wrote for the questions in  "The Big Leap Process" to find your authentic values.

Your blisses should tell about your authentic values.

For example, a bliss of mine is making people laugh and being playful, for hours and hours. From this I can infer the following values; Humor, Friendships, Authenticity, and Creativity. 

If a lot of your blisses have overlapping values, then you are golden.

Edited by EdgeGod900

I corporate now. No more jokes or I report, yes?

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