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You have to recognize what enlightenment is. After that life becomes heaven. Thank you @Phil@Nahm and @Leo Gura thank you brother. Life is too short, too short. Just be happy, smell the roses, feel the wind, Love whatever happens, help people, appreciate what you have , feel light like a selfless prophet. That's how I feel right now. This all stuff comes to you with enlightenment. This is the real religion. Just love!!  

Much love!!!

I love you!!!

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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😲 Hope fully one day i can get to that level of realization. Happy for you friend 

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@Javfly33 you will my brother. But, actually you are already what you are. You don't need to do actually nothing.




"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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@James123 This experience is Nothing.

Nothing is us. Is happening nowhere.

After 'death' we experience ourselves = Borderless Nothing. In all directions because there are no directions. There is not even Space in Us ( nothing) 

We dreamed this shit up brother. Borderless Nothing. Is real. This is real. 

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5 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

@James123 This experience is Nothing.

Nothing is us. Is happening nowhere.

After 'death' we experience ourselves = Borderless Nothing. In all directions because there are no directions. There is not even Space in Us ( nothing) 

We dreamed this shit up brother. Borderless Nothing. Is real. This is real. 


"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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Smelling the flowers or chasing the wind won't make you content. Whoever claims to be is a liar. 

God won't allow anyone to be content without him. You have been sentenced to death. 

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There is only one way to be in heaven, it is to break the self, since the one who suffers is the self

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6 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

There is only one way to be in heaven, it is to break the self, since the one who suffers is the self

Ironically, I was going through a really tough time back in 2017 and wound up kicking a wooden door one day simply out of pure frustration. Got a bit of an injury / arthritis on my toe from that which never completely went away. 

What did start going away, though, after many years of internal work was the need to self-harm to express painful emotions. That door was the straw that broke the camel’s back.


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12 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Ironically, I was going through a really tough time back in 2017 and wound up kicking a wooden door one day simply out of pure frustration. Got a bit of an injury / arthritis on my toe from that which never completely went away. 

What did start going away, though, after many years of internal work was the need to self-harm to express painful emotions. That door was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

Yeah, I have also been full of rage and hatred, now I remember it and think: how stupid, what did you gain from that. But at that moment I couldn't get out of that way of processing, of those mental loops. fucking crazy, it was like an 8-dimensional video game without instructions. Objective: get out of there. How? Nobody knows, only instinct can help you, the game is long, you have to play it correctly. Nobody guarantees that you will finish it, but one thing is certain, you have to play seriously and determinedly, or you won't even pass the first phase.

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