
Mind, Senses And Reality

3 posts in this topic

So, this morning as i was walking into work i was contemplating some teachings about non-duality.

As i was walking up the stairs to the floor i needed to be in, i realized i was walking inside myself.
It was the strangest sensation, as if reality folded in upon itself and i was the only single thing left.
I was able to realize this multiple times today and is part of some realization about reality that is growing in me.

There are many senses one has. Sight, hearing, feeling, thinking. So when walking around and looking at the world, one is not really seeing the world.
Everything enters consciousness through the eyes, and the eyes work together with the brain to create vision. 
So when you would think, "i am seeing the words of Zazed here", you are wrong. One does not read my words, the words and the screen exist only in your consciousness. Words don't have any inherent meaning, its just ink in forms. The brain interprets them and everything it sees, as such one is constantly only seeing itself. The air, the moon, the sun, your lover, your enemy, they are all imaginations in your mind, by vision.


Now why is this important? It seems to be part of being fully present and becoming enlightened. By realizing i'm walking around inside my own mind, there is a quieting down that happens. There is less desire, because i realize i'm not seeing a hot girl on the corner, but just myself. The hotness exists only in my consciousness, the girl exists only in my consciousness. Reality is light rays entering my eyes, and there likely is a girl there somewhere. But the girl out there, and the girl inside, is not the same girl. And i can ever only meet the girl inside my consciousness.

Sound works the same way, just a different sense.
Feeling works the same way, just a different sense.


I like to compare it with art. Because consciousness is the canvas. The senses are the pencils drawing upon the canvas. But what is drawn is not a flower, it is just the pencil of sight, drawing a flower upon my canvas. The canvas is pure consciousness, the pencil is the eye, the flower is the mind.

This realization brought a strange sense of peace, and stability to my mind. I feel like a rock that cannot be moved from it's path in life anymore.
And i feel peace, knowing that everything is playing out inside my mind, and that it is within my power to change interpretations as i see fit. It is my toy, my playground. I am the world fully, or i see only myself.


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Bulldozer. It was a compliment.

Thank You for your contributions.

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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Life is our canvas. Awaken and paint.

I want to paint our world together with all of you. ? ❤

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