
Why do ghetto people behave so much differently than other people?

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4 minutes ago, abundance said:

Its his homework assignment to become a more compassionate human being. He cannot progress as a human being if he continues to look down and dehumanize ghetto "animalistic" people as he calls them. 

OK. I was just curious. Though I'd argue progression is relative. And none of us are perfect in thought or deed.

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1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

For your information, it's not just blacks who live in the ghettos. There are Whites, Mexicans, Indians, Spanish people in ghettos too. So this post is not about race, it's about behavioral patterns from people in general who live in the ghettos. It all depends on the state and city, some are mostly a particular race, some are mixed and proportioned, and some are more violent and oppressed. 

Please don't make this about race because there are plenty of non-blacks who live in ghetto areas. I'm using that word because that's the word OP used and doesn't really matter as it still means to live in an impoverished and low-income urban area of a city.

There are also plenty of people in these areas who don't act like animals and are trying their best to work jobs to get them out of that life-style or not just that, that are well behaved law-abiding citizens. It's just you predominantly find most of the kids acting out because of whatever reasons and also some of the adults, but i'ts not all.

That's definitely true. I've seen people from all walks of life. I've spent time in the roughest parts of Detroit, MI (mostly black) and have spent time in the Appalachia (mostly white) and can honestly say despair and hopelessness is at the heart of both communities. But I will say Black people have a bit of a unique set of circumstances given the history of Jim Crow, Slavery and The Drug War. All of that has shaped the "ghetto" culture we see today and that OP is hinting at but too afraid to say it. 

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12 hours ago, bebotalk said:

i didn't mention blacks. In my country, there are white inner cities that are rough. hence why I said it's not a matter of race. it's that some people are conditioned into side behaviours or lifestyles.

@bebotalk Yeah you're right that is why I never mentioned race because it is not about race.

 At the high school I went to there were plenty of white and hispanic kids who were in the same ghetto environment and were acting the same way as the black kids there. 

That's why I didn't mention race because I know it's not a racial thing because at the ghetto school I went to other races like White and Hispanic kids were acting the same way not just the black kids. 

Edited by NightHawkBuzz

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21 hours ago, bebotalk said:

It's a not a race thing either. 

Most poor areas in various countries tend to be rougher. 

I'm not sure the exact sociological reasons for it. But it's a direct connection between their rough enviroment. We're all shaped by our environment in various forms.

@bebotalk Yeah it's not about race at the ghetto school I went to there were white and hispanic kids who were acting the same way not just black kids. 

Ghetto isn't about race it's about the rough poor environments they grow up in. 

There were plenty of White and Hispanics kids at my school acting ghetto just like the black kids. 

So it's not a matter of race it's about the environment you are growing up in. 

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On 2024-02-25 at 3:35 AM, NightHawkBuzz said:

I had two different experiences in high school and in college. 

I went to a ghetto high school where most of the kids that went to the school came from very bad areas and they were poor. The ghetto kids at this school acted horrible. Below is a bulletpoint list of some of the things that would happen below at my ghetto high school with all the ghetto kids that went to it. 

  • They behaved very wild, crazy, aggressive and chaotic. 
  • Fights broke out constantly 
  • There was always chaos in the classrooms and this would stop all the learning that was happening constantly. 
  • Security had to be called into our classroom constantly because of confrontations that broke out 
  • The ghetto kids that went there were extremely, rude and disrespectful. 
  • They were hostile and always ready to fight 
  • They were very aggressive. 

I graduated and went to a college with people who came from different areas who came from more middle class and rich backgrounds they acted completely different. There wasn't always chaos and fights breaking out. The people that went to the college were more well behaved. 

I want to know why it is like this why do ghetto people behave so awful and horrible? Why do ghetto people cause so much chaos constantly?

   Based on many developmental factors like Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, 9 stages of ego development, Architypes and shadow work, Integrals Theory's other lines of development in life and societal domains, ideological indoctrination from family upbringing and cultural/social programming, metanarratives, information ecology one consumes from education system, mainstream/alternative news media, social media, tv programs, videos, radio, and many other information points which in today's world is far easier for misinformation to spread, and far easier for big companies to manufacture consent and conspicuous consumption of commodities and to hyper commercialize products and some peoples, and all these factors shapes our worldviews and how we think/feel.

   Despite antagonistic opinions about Benzino, he's got several good points about this here:


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@NightHawkBuzz To add to what's already been said here about the developmental aspects of this (I'd recommend giving that vid on Stage Red of Spiral Dynamics a watch), people tend to gravitate towards the types of behaviors which have been modeled for them while they were growing up.

Which is to say, the behavior that we tend to think of as 'normal' is something we pick up from interacting with our families and our peers. If someone grows up in a dangerous, stressful, toxic environment, often times people cope with that through behaviors and habits that can seem really maladjusted to someone who grew up in healthier circumstances.

(For instance, the stress and hopelessness of long term poverty damages people psychologically, stunting their capacity for things like delayed gratification. Which is why lottery winners who go from being poor to being millionaires overnight will often end up mismanaging thier expenses to the point where they end up going broke.)

Another term for this type of thing is called intergenerational trauma, where people who have been traumatized will pass down toxic behaviors and attitudes to the next generation, becoming a self perpetuating cycle.

For instance, people who have been victims of brutalization by will often learn that they can get get what they want (and avoid being a victim) if they assert dominance over someone weaker then themselves. Because that's the kind of behavior that's been modeled for them.

In addition to all that, society itself is highly predatory towards poor people. In that a lot of basic necessities will end up costing more if you happen to be poor ( )

Edited by DocWatts

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These ghetto kids I went to high school with would act like damn fools sometimes and it was actually scary to see how they would act.

Like when they were upset they would start punching the school lockers with their first. 

Also, when they would be upset they would get into confrontations with people and they would start throwing chairs around the classroom and they had to be held back. 

It was honestly scary to see how these ghetto kids would behave sometimes. It was very intense and very scary at first but then overtime I became use to it because I regularly saw it. 

Edited by NightHawkBuzz

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