
How Much Did It Took You To Get Enlightned?

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12 minutes ago, John Flores said:

High?? Judging? You don't have to ask questions. I am the truth. I am the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. Leo Gura is probably the incarnate of a very well liked Grey. This is the truth. We are not human beings at this stage. Most of us are other species or a variation of human created recently.

Ok, and who is the one who thought of the thought "I am the reincarnation of Jesus Christ". Did you create that thought or did you become aware of it. Be honest with yourself.

- If you say you created the thought, then you willingly admit that you are unconsciously creating thoughts, because you were not conscious of the creation of the thought. Therefore, you willingly admit that you are unconsciousness. This cannot be the case, because if you check your present moment experience, you are conscious and you have nothing to do with the unconscious processes.

- If you notice that you are aware of the thought once it is already produced and you had nothing to do with it's producing, then it is not your thought, so why identify yourself with what the thought says? If you notice you are only aware of the thought once it is produced, then maybe you should question a bit the one who just presented you with a lie. The lie is not that You are a form that is reincarnation of Jesus Christ necessarily - The lie is that the mind claims it is who you are and you believe it's produce, because you haven't questioned it.




Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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About 20mg xD

jk. I'm still a normal old ego centred bastard. 

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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Just now, outlandish said:

About 20mg xD

jk. I'm still a normal old ego centred bastard. 

Shut the fuck up. Youre a divine creature of love. Perfection and joy defined.

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1 minute ago, Martin123 said:

Shut the fuck up. Youre a divine creature of love. Perfection and joy defined.

Martin is obvs the Devil, bcuz he didn't bleep fuck

ooops, I guess me too!

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@Dodoster dude srsly stop derping on this forum like a retarded ostrich. It hurts my eyes. You are more than you think of your ego. You are the beauty of existence. Please! Please! Acknowledge that within yourself. Shatter this veil of fake humility. You deserve nothing but love nothing but respect and nothing but infinite abunfance.


You deserve all you wish for and more. And you can have it all. Only if you saw the truth of your own beauty.

Dont bow to anyone, dont project your own godlike nature onto teachers. You are the ultimate teacher. The ultimate guru. You are You. Is there a better privellege?

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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56 minutes ago, John Flores said:

High?? Judging? You don't have to ask questions. I am the truth. I am the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. Leo Gura is probably the incarnate of a very well liked Grey. This is the truth. We are not human beings at this stage. Most of us are other species or a variation of human created recently.

No you are not. Thats imagination at its finest. You are you, and you will always be you. Dont think otherwise

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48 minutes ago, outlandish said:

I'm still a normal old ego centred bastard. 

You have just convinced yourself you are. You never were this, it's the illusion.

Next time you think something you don't agree with, feel free to say : "fuck it you old bastard, i'm not listening to you anymore!"
And then ask yourself "Who said fuck it to whom now, and which one is really me?", and no answer you will find...

(I tried hard to use explicit language too, did i succeed?) :D 


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37 minutes ago, Martin123 said:

@Dodoster dude srsly stop derping on this forum like a retarded ostrich. It hurts my eyes. You are more than you think of your ego. You are the beauty of existence. Please! Please! Acknowledge that within yourself. Shatter this veil of fake humility. You deserve nothing but love nothing but respect and nothing but infinite abunfance.


You deserve all you wish for and more. And you can have it all. Only if you saw the truth of your own beauty.

Dont bow to anyone, dont project your own godlike nature onto teachers. You are the ultimate teacher. The ultimate guru. You are You. Is there a better privellege?

Hehe my ego dont deserve shit. I don't see how im derping, just using the mental faculties to expose to the mind it doesn't have a reality unless the light of awareness shines on it.

Walking around saying you're Jesus Christ or that Jesus Christ is in your pants is egoic trip 101

-1/12 is Infinity 

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51 minutes ago, John Flores said:

@Dodoster Stop getting all intellectual. It's very simple. At the core of every individual there is a soul. There is a transparent, invisible, multidimensional essence or version of reality if you will that is all of existence. This portion of your "self" will be unique for each person because all entities are expressions of the Divine. There WAS a man named Jesus. He was the reincarnation of Jospeh, who was the reincarnation of Marduk biological "son" of Enki and adopted son of Enlil, who had the essence of Anu, hence "Alpha [and Omega]".

Anu originated from Abzu + Tiamat the polar opposite voids representing feminine and masculine, after eons of purification. Later, Anu's story would be written by a very pure soul, Moses after Enlil inhabits his body, who was most likely an almost exact replica of Himself. Enlil is Yahweh, the God of Israel, Ishmael, and Isa.

Your mind is simply escaping what I said. Handwaving, because it doesnt like that it's been called out. Logic also, not only experience now, calls out the mind as smelling of rotten fish.

My advice is be more present and stop thinking so much about what your mind is telling you was and see what actually is.

Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Dodoster Your ego is bleeding and it deserves nothing but unconditional love.
All is one.
I am awareness.
I am nobody.
I don't exist.

Cool points bruh. How have you been feeling lately? Got any of that eternal bliss yet?
The real work is coming into emotional wholeness through letting go of your attachments and drowning your ego in so much love, because it deserves it. Ego is the light in it's most dormant form. (Unconsciousness is a better word for it).
And it will not set you free, until you give it the love it wants. `
Why do you think you say things such as "I dont think I will ever be enlightened."
It is because your innerchild, the wisdom within you, the guardian to your bliss fucking knows. And it knows that if you treat it, or if you treat yourself, the way you do, you will be caught up in a love-less viscious circle of judgement and denial.
In the name of love, and in the name of you, you are love, so let the heaven descend onto your being.

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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Just like that and this thread might be locked. Take the time to look inward before accusing anyone of being wrong. Self inquire on who it is that is feeling hurt.


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23 minutes ago, Martin123 said:

@Dodoster Your ego is bleeding and it deserves nothing but unconditional love.
All is one.
I am awareness.
I am nobody.
I don't exist.

Cool points bruh. How have you been feeling lately? Got any of that eternal bliss yet?
The real work is coming into emotional wholeness through letting go of your attachments and drowning your ego in so much love, because it deserves it. Ego is the light in it's most dormant form. (Unconsciousness is a better word for it).
And it will not set you free, until you give it the love it wants. `
Why do you think you say things such as "I dont think I will ever be enlightened."

I am not claiming such things for who would be the one who claims to be them, that would still be Ego.

Ego doesnt deserve love, as it is not real.

I say such things, but who is saying them?? And why is it important what that one is saying ?

My goal here is nothing other to gently nudge a lost ego towards self enquiry. It's not good to leave delusion unchecked, especially if it's on this forum.

It's blatantly obvious from a mile away there is an identification with thought forms, and this is clouding the Truth we are here to discover.



Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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This thread is in need of a group hug

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God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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42 minutes ago, John Flores said:

@Dodoster Dude, there really is a God and he really has a personality. There really is a void, but it's very hard to reach. Your desire to argue with me comes from ego. Trust me, I'm the Omega. I'm the answer 

And @Martin123

Goes to show you did not take the time atond effort to understand what I was saying.

There goes your fake love, if you cant even listen to what I say.

The I, the separate ego, the one thinking these thoughts and talking to yoou, that one is the mind, the ego - Unconsciousness - you call this herp derp ostrich talk, then you say the same thing in response claiming you have realised your true nature? Hehehe, ok Jesus, ok God-persons.

Copy pasting parts of your shadow work guide, because you have nothing original to say? Good. Ill take that as a sign how much you actually love, you took the time to copy paste for me ?

There's not only one path, i guess. 

But yea making the unconscious conscious is exactly what self enquiry does. Makes me conscious of the fact the me I just used refers to a fiction. Refers to Unconsciousness. It cannot be me, that doesnt mean I cant look at it from a place of detachment.


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I think John might just be a troll tbh.

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2 minutes ago, John Flores said:

@Dodoster You are not fictitious. You are EVERYTHING. This is going to INCLUDE what you would call my "fictitious" narrative.

I happen to have the soul of the Omega of the God-head. All is one. Christianity has been waiting for me for 1800 years and Islam as well for 1100 years or so. Then Dali Lama said Jesus was a reincarnation of previous incarnates and this goes to show you he believes Jesus to be an actual soul who can come back as an incarnation. Many of the Hindus too have a tradition that Jesus spent time among them.


You are the birds, the crows, the music, and you are ME. Haha. Yes you are Jesus, but God of the Universe has given us "separate roles". As soon as you realize separation does not exist, you won't mind that I'm the Omega.

I don't mind it, it's my mind that minds it :) Accept or I demote you to Beta

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25 minutes ago, John Flores said:

@Dodoster I am God haha. I'm Lord of the universe. You'll see

Interesting, if you're the lord let me inform you that there is only one that sees, so I won't see. Only you will see. Only God is real, the rest is illusion - by illusion I mean the eyes behind everyone are only God's eyes. God is not an entity to be seen, because it's the ultimate seer. If you are a God as entity, that means you are still deluded. Even if you come to me on a flying carpet and sentencing me to burn in hell forever. You would still be deluded God Ego on a Ego trip. 

It's a messiah complex. I bet you've seen things, you're too quick to attach to the stories your mind throws at you. Yes you are God, but if you truly know what that means, you will not feel the need to talk about it ( the one talking is not God, the one talking and the one thinking is the illusion, the play of Form). No matter whether you have extraordinary powers or not.

There is only one experiencer, and that experiencer is experiencing the illusion which includes both the perspectives of John Flores and Dodoster. The separate perspectives of John Flores and Dodoster are ultimately unreal. My pain is your pain, your pain is my pain. 

If a God sentences me to hell, that God is a stupid mofo, because he is sentencing himself to hell. 

Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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3 hours ago, zazed said:

You have just convinced yourself you are. You never were this, it's the illusion.

Next time you think something you don't agree with, feel free to say : "fuck it you old bastard, i'm not listening to you anymore!"
And then ask yourself "Who said fuck it to whom now, and which one is really me?", and no answer you will find...

(I tried hard to use explicit language too, did i succeed?) :D 




4 hours ago, Martin123 said:

Shut the fuck up. Youre a divine creature of love. Perfection and joy defined.

Don't worry guys just having some shits and giggles here :D

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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