Rafael Thundercat

When Will Leo makena Ultimate Post of Video on PostModernism?

10 posts in this topic

All i find around the topic online is super confuse and bias. I think this topic is important as is the topic of understaning Capitalism. 


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I already have such a video outlined.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Rafael Thundercat Sokal's affair is about the flaws of academic publishing process, not about postmodernism. The guy was confused. As most vehement opponents of something are. Publishing system being the issue is nicely illustrated by the latest 'AI rat with a big dick' controversy. https://www.vice.com/en/article/dy3jbz/scientific-journal-frontiers-publishes-ai-generated-rat-with-gigantic-penis-in-worrying-incident 

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