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What Leads To Peace

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I've been paying very careful attention to the present moment and I noticed something. 

Don't you ever have those moments when you're not worrying about something, those moments where you're kinda just being ok? 
You can be on your way to someplace, or waiting for something, or even just being distracted doing something. 

Do you notice that in those moments you are not being bothered by your 'problems'? 
You are not being worried by your ''worries''. 
You are not being bothered by not being enlightened, or by a fight you had with someone, or a bad event that happened in the past, a goal you haven't reached yet... 

The first rebuttal from the mind would be :  
''well of course, I wasn't thinking about those things so I wasn't bothered, but that doesn't mean these problems are solved!''

But that's it right there. 
Take any problem you think you have, anything that usually bothers you, and watch out for those moments when you are not bothered by them, when you are not thinking about them.
Those moments, are the peace, those moments are the solution, they are the proof that your 'problems' are unreal.

You'd say : ''but when I think about the problems again I get worried and bothered, so it's not solved!''

Even when you don't actively think about your ''problematic'' circumstances, you are aware of them. You are always aware of everything that is going on in your life because you are powerfully intelligent. 
So how can there be moments where you are seemingly at peace with everything you are? With everything that is going on? investigate this. 

To focus on something, is to create it. 
If you think there is a problem, there is a problem.The thinking itself is the problem being. 
The problem can only be if you think. 
If you don't think about the problem, there is no problem and you are at peace.  
Your mind will have you believe that you have to ''solve' a problem through thinking and planning and only then can you achieve peace. 
 No, you demonstrate it yourself all the time, we can't help but have moments where our so-called 'problems' don't seem to affect us. 
But we think those moments are moments of ''escape'', of ''illusion''.  Moments of ''distractions'', we deem these moments as unreal, as exceptions. 
No these are the moments of ''truth''. 

You constantly manage to get at peace with your problems. 
But then we think them back into our life, and then we get at peace with them and then we think them back. 
If we do not pay careful attention to the present moment, then we do not notice this process, this ''back and forth'' and we believe that our problems are static entities in our life that need to be solved through more thinking. Because we do not see that they are constantly being solved naturally just by being ourselves, so there's no need to think. 

this is for me a beautiful realization, for now I really understand why they say that we're already naturally enlightened, only because you're already enlightened can you have moments where your problems don't seem to matter, moments where your thinking is dispelled.   

We are able to not give a damn about our problems, and we do it all the time, if we just pay more attention to those moments of truth, can we start doing it more and more. 

Pay attention to those moments when you don't give a damn, and learn from them. 


Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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