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To not merely do that which is the most efficient in the shortest time possible is the nature of telos, for humans it takes the form of abstraction, for animals the form of physical intuitions telescopically, to us an archaic form of cognition.

All the universes with their matter and energy does the most efficient thing in each respective time continuum, telos does more than this, the ego is the character trillions of such instants of telos took, the will of the ego is the current and kernel of your existence.

The ego can become its own end or it can become the means for the deepest abstractions, most significant perspectives, most wonderful creations or truest world-views.

If you are an enjoyer of the best of art, music, movies, societies etc. then you are the enjoyer of the product of the biggest egos, awaringly or not, if you want do do something great then your ego is your guiding force and you will have to allow it to look ugly.

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The more perfect the curvature of its wheels the more time it will take for a car to stop, the nature of human will is like this.

The strongest and most clear will does that which is the most efficient but not in the shortest time possible (a square wheel would make the car stop instantly), instead it does it in the longest time possible by abstracting the furthest. And this is the least efficient thing it can do right this moment.


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I watched a horror short film...

Telos of crypt tv on was graphical....

But that ball with Egyptian symbol 

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