
Sales leadership by Bet-David training worth it?

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@Leo Gura Hmm, I see but Why would a millionaire need advice in business in the first place?

Do you think, that the value offered from him would be that valuable? You seem to have conflicted opinons about him.



Edited by LSD-Rumi

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3 hours ago, LSD-Rumi said:

@Leo Gura Hmm, I see but Why would a millionare need an advice in business in the first place?

Do you think, that the value offered from him would be that value? You seem to have conflicted opinons about him.

I have no idea what he teaches in that seminar. Could be valuable, could be BS. But I can't really trust PBD's biz advice because his whole success was built on a sleezy MLM pyramid scheme. There is no evidence that he knows how to launch a real non-pyramid business that creates serious products and services. Mostly what I see is that PBD is very clever in setting up the persona of himself as a biz guru, but it mostly looks like a character he has concocted to fool his gullible pyramid scheme members.

There are legit business seminars and workshops that are high end and worth it. Dan Kennedy used to do some of the best, hard-nose, high end business seminars. He charged a lot of money for them. Yes it's worth it because taking your biz from 7 figures to 8 figures to 9 figures requires new skills, mindsets, and strategies.

If you already make $1M per year, paying $5k for a seminar is nothing. But if you are making nothing, you should not be shelling out $5k for such a seminar.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

his whole success was built on a sleezy MLM pyramid scheme.

Why have you changed your opinion on the guy?

Screen Shot 2024-03-04 at 2.52.01 AM.png

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

There are legit business seminars and workshops that are high end and worth it. Dan Kennedy used to do some of the best, hard-nose, high end business seminars. He charged a lot of money for them. Yes it's worth it because taking your biz from 7 figures to 8 figures to 9 figures requires new skills, mindsets, and strategies.

If you already make $1M per year, paying $5k for a seminar is nothing. But if you are making nothing, you should not be shelling out $5k for such a seminar.

This is Great, thanks!

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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4 hours ago, Yali said:

@Leo Gura

Why have you changed your opinion on the guy?

Screen Shot 2024-03-04 at 2.52.01 AM.png

Goes to show he good pbds gift was that Leo was taken in xD

Tbf he is smart because he was able to cloak his mlm as if it was some legit insurance company, it wasn't, the main income was from recruiting others and only 1% made any real money from it, meaning the other 99% were how the 1% made money. This is why you need to have your own judgement on things, don't just take what Leo says automatically. 

The other thing with pbd is that he would never disavow mlms meaning he fully knows what he's doing and how he's taken advantage of people without any repentance. He isn't someone I'd want to learn from personally 

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7 hours ago, Yali said:

@Leo Gura

Why have you changed your opinion on the guy?

Screen Shot 2024-03-04 at 2.52.01 AM.png

My opinion changes as I learn more.

I don't have detailed knowledge of Pat's businesses. All I have to go on is what people report about it.

From what I see now, Pat is extremely crafty in disguising his MLM as a serious business. Pat is a great bullshitter.

But maybe I'm wrong. It's hard to know what's really going on in Pat's businesses from the outside.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura Could MLM be a legit business plan?

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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6 hours ago, LSD-Rumi said:

@Leo Gura Could MLM be a legit business plan?

First of all, It is a legit business plan. It absolutely works for the people at the top. But note how closely MLM's are related to pyramid schemes, which are literally Illegal.

Basically the difference is that a pyramid scheme doesn't even bother to have a real product or service and just relies on recruitment as the main income, and MLM's use the same structure but have a product / service and commissions from recruitment. A pyramid scheme is a lazy MLM.


In some people's eyes MLMs are amazing. Because they are ignorant on how they are exploiting people. If they fully understand how bad is what they're doing, they wouldn't be doing it.

But it's precisely people that lack those capacities of empathy that fall for such business plans.


I fell for a door to door salesman MLM entrepreneurship cult in Barcelona in my early 20s.

I don't want to toot my own horn but I have an above average bullshit detector, and I was absolutely mind-blowingly amazed at how congruent all of these people were acting, specially  the people at the top.

I literally was crying at the directors office trying to understand wtf is going on and they were bullshiting me till the very last moment with a straight face acting as I was the crazy one.


I only was able to understand years later that the reason for their congruence was that THEY THEMSELVES were absolutely brainwashed and bought into the miracle of MLMs, and from their POV I was nuts for wanting to quit. Their frame is SO STRONG that you literally question your sanity.


This phenomenon of being brainwashed with your own BS business is very common nowadays. If you call them scammers, these people will say you're attacking them and hating on them because in their eyes they are doing something legit and noble.

This is the case for people like Andrew Tate , Tai Lopez or the recent Spanish copycat Llanos Fitness, and many more.

Notice how congruent, assertive  and convincing such people are. It's tough to detect the scam only by their persona unless you take a look at their actual money making mechanisms. Sometimes you can intuit it.

They are scamming you, without them even understanding  they are actually scamming you, because they absolutely believe in their own BS. Which is mixed with some valuable information creating this cognitive dissonance effect of scam and value. Which is only logical because to fish you can't use an empty hook. Gotta put a little bait on it. It won't work otherwise. This is not planned. It's the only way it can work.


Edited by mmKay

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26 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

@mmKay Keep Andrew separate from this. He offers real value.

i will not hijack this thread with any of his widely known shenanigans  other than his exploitative afilliate referal link MLM which is relevant in this context. And yes of course he offers some value for certain people at a certain point in their lives, that's why he's even more dangerous than an absolute 100% scammer. He lures people in with real actual value

Skip to Minute 5:00. But if you're bought into his stuff you probably wont register this


Edited by mmKay

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Do you think those at the top know its bullshit though? Like PBD, i get the feeling him and a few of his cohorts know exactly what they're doing, he himself said only 1 out of 100 will make it. Those below I understand them getting caught up in it, it functions the same as a cult where the members do genuinely believe in it and are sold this amazing dream. 


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@Consept nope. He isn't an evil mastermind. He is absolutely bought into the miracle of his MLM and he will unconsciously turn a blind eye and rationalize  and recontextualize any scammy aspects of it. Him and other people in his shoes. That being said it's possible for such people to involved in consciously scammy  related activities as well.

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1 hour ago, Consept said:

Do you think those at the top know its bullshit though?

He has bullshitted himself into believing it's a legit business.

Guys like him don't have any higher standards. As long as it sells it's considered legit. Trump style. Which is why he's such an admirer of Trump. It's the saleman mentality. Anything that can be sold should be sold and is good simply because people buy it.

This is why I hate sales and marketing people with a passion.

Edited by Leo Gura

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15 hours ago, LSD-Rumi said:

@Leo Gura Hmm, I see but Why would a millionaire need advice in business in the first place?

Do you think, that the value offered from him would be that valuable? You seem to have conflicted opinons about him.



$1M in revenue refers to the gross revenue for the company. 

A sales guy will make somewhere between 5-20% in commission on that, depending on the industry, the company they work for, and their compensation plan.

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