
Sometimes I wish I was 20 again with the knowledge I have now

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I feel like I wasted my 20'ies with stupid things. Now I'm early 30'ies. I wish I could go back to being 20 again with the knowledge I have now. That would be worth diamonds in my eyes.

What I discovered in my contemplations is that the real acre of diamonds is youthfulness. What is the point of being wealth, health and great relationships if you are not young and ready to bust? If I lived a shitty life all my life and had a glow up at 50 or something I would not appreciate it.

Now I'm doing good at probably when I'm older I will say I wish I was 30 again but that is the whole thing. Always running behind life.

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I told you, whenever you start to make it in life, thinking it will make you happy, there's always going to be something else to wish for. It's not enough now you're making thousands per month, now you're wishing you were in your 20's again. Take a magic pill that can get you back to your 20's and you'd be wishing to be in your 30's. It never ends. Infinity can never be satisfied with finite things. Accept who you are now and whatever stage you're at because it is not who you truly are. Your infinite nature doesn't want for anything because it IS everything.


Know thyself....

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1 hour ago, StarStruck said:

being 20 again with the knowledge I have now.

What is that knowledge?

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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39 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

I told you, whenever you start to make it in life, thinking it will make you happy, there's always going to be something else to wish for. It's not enough now you're making thousands per month, now you're wishing you were in your 20's again. Take a magic pill that can get you back to your 20's and you'd be wishing to be in your 30's. It never ends. Infinity can never be satisfied with finite things. Accept who you are now and whatever stage you're at because it is not who you truly are. Your infinite nature doesn't want for anything because it IS everything.


Good point about infinity and finity. I don’t know how to satisfy it though. So the only way to be satisfied is to have everything because I’m everything? Doesn’t make sense. 


8 minutes ago, Arthogaan said:

What is that knowledge?

Perspective. Consciousness. What else?

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24 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

I don’t know how to satisfy it though. So the only way to be satisfied is to have everything because I’m everything? Doesn’t make sense. 

Why are you trying to Absolutely satisfy. When you eat and feel satisfied, don't you get hungry again. Do you ask how do you satisfy your hunger for good with one pop everytime you get hungry, no you just eat, and then eat again. There's nothing to satisfy. The egoic mind cannot understand this because it's what's trying to satisfy itself. The egoic mind can never be satisfied. Just experience life and all the joys it has to offer including the need to feel satisfied. See it for what it is. Illusory.

Don't get attached to it. Just eat. You will get attached, but also see that for what it is. Temporary. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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99% of humans get this insight on their deathbed, so 30s are pretty decent.

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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Sign you've grown imo

Also, you might like the book, 'The power of regret' By Daniel Pink

Edited by Ulax


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Funny. Im in my early 20's, and I wish I were younger with the knowledge I have now too.

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Sometimes I wish my mom listened to Beethoven all day long since the moment I was conceived so I had that dope head start in music

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