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Difficulty Concentrating After Meditation

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Good evening dear actualized friends! I want to ask you for any tips  because after my meditation my awareness is too much disidentified with my cognitive aparratus and i find it difficult to concentrate on my studying! Any tips?    Thank you

Edited by lightnessofbeing

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For starting out with meditation, make it the first thing in the morning or the last thing in the evening before you go to bed. Remember that meditation is NOT about states of mind or conciousness. Don't compare yourself in meditation with yourself after meditation, you don't need that. Just give yourself fully to whatever you are doing. Just as you ARE in the given moment, that's enough. Take your time and be patient with yourself.

I hope that helps.

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Yes, maybe i could gradually turn my studying into meditation, thank you@Ludwig

Edited by lightnessofbeing

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