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Germany has legalized cannabis

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Today the Bundestag voted to legalize cannabis.

Home cultivation will be permitted and there will also be cannabis social clubs with licensed dispensaries. If things go well, the law will come into force on April 1, 2024. However, it could be delayed a bit, but 2024 is certain.

I am very happy about this as I live in the most conservative state of Germany where the cannabis laws were very strict. I'm also excited to see how this will impact culture and society here.

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interesting. Herr Scholz is a lot more progressive than Merkel was. 

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Who cares about cannabis, they need to legalize psilocybin.

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1 hour ago, bebotalk said:

interesting. Herr Scholz is a lot more progressive than Merkel was. 

Considering her to have been head of the christian democracy party and him being of the social democratic party that should not be too surprising.

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Bout time Germany 

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Only a matter of time before US joins

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4 hours ago, Scholar said:

Who cares about cannabis, they need to legalize psilocybin.

Watch your bias!

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Finally. This will certainly have effects on other European nations as well, I know here in the Nordics many who haven't thought about the situation much will be reconsidering their views, since Germany is generally quite respected here. 

Sweden is an especially interesting case, they are super progressive in so many ways but generally their views on drugs are highly conservative, at least as they are reflected in the laws. This will surely stir up some cognitive dissonance. 

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6 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

Me: *trying to quit weed*

Bundestag: "Halte meine Bong"

It's about giving the people back their personal responsibility ;) 

I'm from Germany, too, btw and this is exciting news!

Let's hope the Bundesrat doesn't delay it too much. In theory if all Bundesländer in which the Green Party is part of the coalition would vote neither yes or no, it would go through. The Green Party voted unanimously Yes for legalization in Berlin. So it depends on how many deviants there are in their own party, we'll see...

The reason why some of them want to delay it, even though their party voted Yes on the bill, is that they fear it could overburden the legal system when they have to open all cases again in which people got jail time or fines for cannabis related crimes - because part of the new bill is also a complete retroactive amnesty.

In my opinion this is a terrible reason to delay such an important law change while thousands of people still get charged for cannabis possession today.

All in all I'm quite optimistic though. Let's hope the best.

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new this  would be on the forum, only difference is that it will take cash flow from criminals i say thats a good thing

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It’s not a good idea. Studies show cannabis destroys the gray matter in your brain, which also correlates with lower levels of concentration, impairment in cognitive functioning, especially when used in adolescence. Not very wise.

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41 minutes ago, r0ckyreed said:

It’s not a good idea. Studies show cannabis destroys the gray matter in your brain, which also correlates with lower levels of concentration, impairment in cognitive functioning, especially when used in adolescence. Not very wise.

Just like beer.

This is great news for Germany!

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I wonder how weed legalization will affect one of the most hard-working countries in the world xD


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8 minutes ago, shree said:

I wonder how weed legalization will affect one of the most hard-working countries in the world xD


I think those who want to try out weed already have tried out. Therefore I think the effect will be not noticable at all. 

But If doctors begin to abuse this medicine and recommend many people to try it out there could be a problem. But even that is not possible in Germany because corruption is low.such things as oxycontine epidemic are never possible thanks to the strict laws.

Overall nothing changes.

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Europe is oddly regressive when it comes to weed and psyches.

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16 hours ago, Ima Freeman said:

Considering her to have been head of the christian democracy party and him being of the social democratic party that should not be too surprising.

Well even centre-right parties can be progressive. Not all people in a party are alike. Some GOP peole in the USA are pro-abortion for instance. Is there a point?

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