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Keryo Koffa

If I had God's power, I would...

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Split myself into a conscious and unconscious, so that I could surprise myself and appreciate reality from different angles of self-discovery towards potentially infinite growth and exploration. The unconscious part would shape my experiences without me knowing, creating highs and lows and guide my overall experience.

I would split my psyche and become others, yet another layer inaccessible to even my subconscious, on a physical level, they would be simulated by the same overarching godhead that I am and that is absolute consciousness of which every persona is a self-perpetuating experience, so they'd be as real as I am.

There would be both a personal and overarching reality and a consensus space that would allow for vivid and real interpersonal experiences in a physical reality while each person after their death would remember the entirety of their experience and have the power to create new reality bubbles completely of themselves or interact with others if a connection was welcome.

The immaterial reality before the absolute God would be equally infinite in potential, though each piece of consciousness on its own could determine how far they wanted to subdivide, expand, interact or merge their experience, even into the absolute.

There would be an infinite amount of checks and balances involved that would create a greater harmony, yet give each consciousness its own autonomy.

It would be a vivid universe of autonomous beings shaping their experience with infinite potential of overlap, creating finite avatars and overarching realities that would emerge their own spirit, turning it into an infinitely vast interconnected universe allowing for each desire and each possibility to evolve, every link to be established and infinite knowledge to be accessed or reduced to shape any kind of experience imaginable to the extent that one desires it.

Maybe that's what I created, maybe that's what I will create, maybe I made it so we're all part of it now, maybe I did it beforehand, maybe in hindsight, maybe on the go, but I desire others to exist, and I desire the ability to share and become anything and I desire to exist and to change and for all my past versions and for all the other people and all potential future selves to exist on their own right, for infinite communication and every possibility to occur and fill the universe with life.

And I am conscious, so I am God, but if could chose what God to be, that's the god I would be, which is human and alien and sovereign and equally a part of an infinite amount of other gods.

I'd do it out of love for that which I am, as much as that which I am not and the unity of both.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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From what I’ve heard you can imagine this in spirit if so have fun :D

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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