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During DMT breakthroughs / leaving the body, how does the brain remember?

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If our consciousness really goes to another "place", or at least leaves the body or the mind during cases such as near death experiences, people who have clincially died, DMT breakthroughs, deep god consciousness states etc, my question is this; isnt it illogical that the brain remembers these experiences, if they didnt take place within the brain? Afterall memories are stored in the brain as a result of experiences of the brain, thats at least my understanding.

I have a hard time making sense of this. people who have clinically died reports remembering what happened during the time they were dead. 

people who report their soul leaving their body and going to another dimension doing DMT trips remembers what happens, even through the experience allegedely takes place in a completely different reality

Now I am aware that it is extremely commonly reported that people have very vague memories of these experience, sort of like trying to remember a dream. its a very weak memory most of the time. however what im saying is that if our consciousness does truly leave the mind/body, the brain should have no recollection of the experience whatsoever after the experience ends

a possible solution is that the brain is a transmitor that can tune into different frequencies, thus creating a bridge between the experiences and the brain. this does however not answer the question of people who have clinically died.

another solution is that "consciousness" is capable of carrying memory / information.

whats your thoughts on this?

Edited by emil1234

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