
Legalizing sex work?

43 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

woman who works as a teacher teaching how to build bombs to blow up schools is a normal woman

I have not seen teachers teaching children how to make bombs to blow up schools. If you are referring to militants then those are militants. Stop making up unnecessary shit to support your weird theories and please stop demonizing women who are doing good work in this world. They suffer enough. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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3 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

You've called prostitutes, prostitutes and women who aren't prostitutes normal. So I guess in your eyes a woman who works as a teacher teaching how to build bombs to blow up schools is a normal woman and every other woman who works as something other than prostitution normal. 

People use money everyday to purchase poisons that destroys their bodies but all of a sudden you have a problem with using money to purchase sexual pleasures. You will enjoy spending your hard earned dollars to buy foods that are rotting your gut but demonize the use of money for pleasure. 

What you're saying is sex is sacred but the body is shit and I can feed it whatever I want because I don't respect it, but your biases and ignorance will make you not see how the purchasing of sex for money is no different, and from your arguments not mine, than the purchase of poisons is ok. 

I will not argue with you anymore on any topics ever again because you're the perfect example of how if you argue with a stool, they will try to eat you up and spit you out just to bring you down to their level.  And whatever else you said up top does not refer to me only your ideas of me and what your mind concocted up to fit into that idea. I rest my cases with you and will no longer engage with you here on this forum because, you and I are always battling out a lost cause that never leads to anywhere, and all its doing making you look like an ass and I will save you the embarrassment. Ignored.

This is a very derogatory comment. 

There's nothing wrong with calling a prostitute a prostitute just like there's nothing wrong with calling a drug dealer a drug dealer. Everything comes with a price. 

Women who work hard and create good in society should not be derogated.

If a woman has a problem with being called a prostitute, then maybe stop being one. 

I don't know the fuck you're talking about sexual pleasures. That's so cowardly to spend money on something like that. If I can get a decent girlfriend, why would I spend money on sex? And I don't want to be with someone who sleeps around, it's against my sexual ethics and that's fine too. I don't even understand what you mean by buying food that's rotting my gut. Sex is a difficult thing for most people. There are emotions attached to sex, there are no emotions attached to eating food. I don't see sex as pleasure, that's derogating sex. I see sex as union and I would want to give sex to a more deserving person like a girlfriend or wife or spouse. Because they are a soulmate and having sex with a soulmate should be a heavenly experience. I will never spend money on sex, I just don't find it right. It's exploitation of a man's sexual weakness, it's straight up predatory. 

I'm a respected and respectful person and I didn't look like an ass ironically. You try too hard to degrade me. It didn't work. I have every entitlement to preserve my respect and what I want to do with my  body is none of your business. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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4 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

People use money everyday to purchase poisons that destroys their bodies but all of a sudden you have a problem with using money to purchase sexual pleasures. You will enjoy spending your hard earned dollars to buy foods that are rotting your gut but demonize the use of money for pleasure. 

If your job is to exploit men for money by using sex then it's you who chooses to compromise on your sexual ethics. Stop degrading men on the forum. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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