Rafael Thundercat

Why We're So Self-Obsessed

20 posts in this topic

I always remember one sentence from Leo video on Solopsism where he say " Everyone is already Solopsistic" 

And this video is about it. From each one point of view all is ultimately about them. Of course not about the Infinite Being but the Character they are. 

What about me? Me too. is me me me me me 

Why We're So Self-Obsessed


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because we think we are real and ego haven´t surrendered to infinity .  To let go of the character is death. And we are paying the price for this. 

Edited by Javfly33

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6 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

because we think we are real and ego haven´t surrendered to infinity .  To let go of the character is death. And we are paying the price for this. 

Oh man to the hell with this absolutist conflations. My post is about a social phenomena. Of freaking course that is ego and of course when ego die is all gone. But for now we live here in this crazy messy show. So, dont you like to undertand this shity crazy wacky show?

Die first then come to talk about ego death.

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6 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

because we think we are real and ego haven´t surrendered to infinity .  To let go of the character is death. And we are paying the price for this. 

Ironically, I am in the process of legally changing my name and need to pay the costs for a fingerprint card and court fees :D

I AM Lovin' It

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1 hour ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

Oh man to the hell with this absolutist conflations. My post is about a social phenomena. Of freaking course that is ego and of course when ego die is all gone. But for now we live here in this crazy messy show. So, dont you like to undertand this shity crazy wacky show?

Die first then come to talk about ego death.

In this case is not absolutist or relativist, is the explantion. People take themselves seriously because they think they are real.

It might seem radical but is what it is. If one lives in the ilusion all your Life Will be about your character. 

1 hour ago, Yimpa said:

Ironically, I am in the process of legally changing my name and need to pay the costs for a fingerprint card and court fees :D

What does that have to do with what i said lmao 

But yeah man Happy for you if you change your name to something you like more ☺️

Edited by Javfly33

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Because of identification with dualistic thoughts. In non dualism you don't have problems with locality 

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We're self-obsessed because there's only one mind. One SELF. That one mind is Absolutely obsessed with itself. It's all there is. Don't you see it. It's so obvious. We can try to explain away all we want, there's only one thing in the Universe. It's obsessed with itself, it's obsessed with imaginary others, it's obsessed with it's creations. Thats why we're addicts. Absolute obsession. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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5 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

We're self-obsessed because there's only one mind. One SELF. That one mind is Absolutely obsessed with itself. It's all there is. Don't you see it. It's so obvious. We can try to explain away all we want, there's only one thing in the Universe. It's obsessed with itself, it's obsessed with imaginary others, it's obsessed with it's creations. Thats why we're addicts. Absolute obsession. 

Of course is One single Self. Of coursee. Is so Obvious. Everyone see it. Dont you see everybody speaking about this Infinite Self everywhere?in the coffee shops, parks online ... everyone keeps repeating the Leo Gura Teachings everywhere. Yes yes is an aAbsolute Obsession. 

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3 hours ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

Dont you see everybody speaking about this Infinite Self everywhere?in the coffee shops, parks online ... everyone keeps repeating the Leo Gura Teachings everywhere. Yes yes is an aAbsolute Obsession. 


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3 hours ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

Of course is One single Self. Of coursee. Is so Obvious. Everyone see it. Dont you see everybody speaking about this Infinite Self everywhere?in the coffee shops, parks online ... everyone keeps repeating the Leo Gura Teachings everywhere. Yes yes is an aAbsolute Obsession. 


What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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is very clear to see when someone comment without even watching the whole video that was main reason why someone posted the thread. Some of you guys just read the title of the Video and comment fast based on the Title. The video is not about the Big Ideia o SELF bit the history of how from ancient times the sense of self was a bit different of how is today in the Instagram age. it feel like many here became lobotomised by Leo content that all topics need somehow to be channeled by the Absolute Prisma or Solopsistic whaever. Gosh, if this is the case, Leo did a diservice for your lifes. There is more to live than just reducing everything to Absolute. Snif 5Meo and go to Absolute when you feel like but dont let that ruin the capacity to enjoy the daily things in life. 

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Curve ball question from Teal Swan at 14:37 min: DO YOU BELIVE IN ONENESS?

If you really Listen this Video and let it sink in yourbody you will undestand why is cringe to red most of the things I read in this Forum. If you guys want to act like Stoics that are Indiferent of everything in this world ok, Go and live like that. 

Edited by Rafael Thundercat

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26 minutes ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

is very clear to see when someone comment without even watching the whole video that was main reason why someone posted the thread. Some of you guys just read the title of the Video and comment fast based on the Title. The video is not about the Big Ideia o SELF bit the history of how from ancient times the sense of self was a bit different of how is today in the Instagram age. it feel like many here became lobotomised by Leo content that all topics need somehow to be channeled by the Absolute Prisma or Solopsistic whaever. Gosh, if this is the case, Leo did a diservice for your lifes. There is more to live than just reducing everything to Absolute. Snif 5Meo and go to Absolute when you feel like but dont let that ruin the capacity to enjoy the daily things in life. 

Nothing is ruining anything for me. It's quite the contrary. When you know thyself, life becomes easier not necessarily materialistically, but mentally. I like to go deep and beyond, not just surface issues, and for me it takes to look at both the Absolute and the relative simultaneously. You can enjoy the daily things in life even more when you understand the nature of things and become less delusional. Most people out here are depressed, anxious, angry bitter, envious, jealous, sad, confused just because they don't know the truth of who or what they are. Integration and proper discernment is the key and learning how to separate/combine the two without leaning too much on one way or another.

You say to live a little and enjoy daily life but if you look around you, most people are doing these things superficially and are using coping mechanisms just to get through the mundane life so obviously something is wrong there other than to just ignore the nature of who you really are and ignorantly pretending to be something you're not. Everything someone says, especially if that's the way of being they have embodied and are Spiritually inclined, doesn't always mean they are parroting Leo's teachings and all topics have to be whatever you said. Leo didn't invent anything, and his teachings are only delivered to us in his style, presentations and most are very in-depth and relayed to us through his unique personality. Most of his topics aren't new and are things he's done extensive research on, but that does not mean we are only influenced by his teachings and others' and not through our own direct experiences, insights and in-depth contemplations through these direct experiences. Thank you.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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10 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Most people out here are depressed, anxious, angry bitter, envious, jealous, sad, confused just because they don't know the truth of who or what they are. Integration and proper discernment is the key and learning how to separate/combine the two without leaning too much on one way or another.

So, what is wrong about being anxious, bitter, envious, jealous, sad, confused? Lets be Stoics like a rock? Accepting polarities is accept of all, like Leo said somewhere "Acceptance of ALL of yourself". For me is about accepting the the whole specturum of human reality the darkness and ligthness both. Because is what is , there is no escapism. And I know when I tend to use Spiritual Concepts as a Escapist coping mechanism. The true is: When you are in daily life Ideias of Infinite have no use. I let Infinite Oneness for moments of deep psycadelic journey. And even sometimes the Rreality is that you end up going to a trip with intentions of Trancendence and the trip take you down to the Hell, and is in that Hell that sometimes is the Gold you need to make your life worth living. 


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Wikipedia time :

Dissociation is a concept that has been developed over time and which concerns a wide array of experiences, ranging from a mild emotional detachment from the immediate surroundings, to a more severe disconnection from physical and emotional experiences. The major characteristic of all dissociative phenomena involves a detachment from reality, rather than a false perception of reality as in psychosis.


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1 hour ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

So, what is wrong about being anxious, bitter, envious, jealous, sad, confused? Lets be Stoics like a rock?

Every forum member from now on in the mental section, dating section and personal development section, or any section, please, if they are having life issues that needs to be attended to and are seeking advice, please pop in all of them and tell them "good, beats being stoic. Nothing wrong with having mental issues and life issues and have feelings of unworthiness and low-self esteem and can't find a job or can't get laid or feeling depressed and suicidal. NO, NOTHING WRONG WITH THESE FEELINGS. KEEP IT UP, Don't be stoic, that's life".

See how well that works. I also know of people who are happy, well balanced, enjoying life, their families and friends, travelling and having a grand ole life and they are not stoics. 

1 hour ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

Accepting polarities is accept of all, like Leo said somewhere "Acceptance of ALL of yourself". For me is about accepting the the whole specturum of human reality the darkness and ligthness both. Because is what is , there is no escapism.

Acceptance doesn't equate to agreeing with and giving up on. It means to recognize that life does have challenges and to not resist and fight them. To recognize them for what they are and address them accordingly without ignoring yourself and becoming nihilistic. One doesn't have to stay depressed or sad or miserable  because they are practicing acceptance; acceptance comes in when you realize it's a part of the equation because of polarities, like you said, allow it to be there and find more conscious ways of solving those issues without getting into permanent or long-lasting states of hopelessness. Its not about escapism but to try and not let those energies grab a hold of you for too long in the first place which requires practice, understanding and knowledge of how to transcend those lower vibratory states. Not to just surrender and accept them to be just that and to live miserably because of polarities. THEY EXIST TO SHOW US WHERE WE ARE GOING WRONG, not just to accept. That's why suffering can be a blessing in disguise but it's not a blessing if you're stuck in hell.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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2 hours ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

Wikipedia time :

Dissociation is a concept that has been developed over time and which concerns a wide array of experiences, ranging from a mild emotional detachment from the immediate surroundings, to a more severe disconnection from physical and emotional experiences. The major characteristic of all dissociative phenomena involves a detachment from reality, rather than a false perception of reality as in psychosis.


I'm not speaking about disassociating from anything, but to recognize that challenges are meant to be overcome and doesn't need to be associated with a permanency of state of being as in that is just what I am and I need to just accept it. Life sucks so deal with the negativity and I need to just associate my beingness with this sucky life. I'm not even concerned with disassociating here in these comments because I'm not referring to that.

You seem to be complacent with not growing yourself into the best you can be and to just accept the sucky part of life because it exists. Well, I have news for you, it only exists because of duality and duality is not the truth only half truth. Do you want to live in hell or heaven. You can do that by abiding in the Awareness that you are and surrender to your true nature who knows best and can guide you to more peace and tranquility in order for us to live a more fulfilling life without too many of those negativities. Some will be there but they will be quickly transcended and reformed without being disassociated from. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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42 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

You seem to be complacent with not growing yourself into the best you can be and to just accept the sucky part of life because it exists

From where do you assume this about me ? 


43 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

it only exists because of duality and duality is not the truth only half truth.

If truth includes duality how duality cant be the truth? Rigth now I experience this computer in front of me as a sort of " Other" and I interact with it and my words as split from me and me as split from the whole cosmos. Of course in case of a higth dose of whaever psycadelic this dual state could become a little fuzzy, but is not the case now. You understand my point? When something is not the case I dont write or speak as if it was the case because I would not being truth to what it is now. I one day I am able to drink a high dose of something and come here and write my experience then I will do it, and that will be true to what it, at least for me. 


48 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

surrender to your true nature who knows best and can guide you to more peace and tranquility in order for us to live a more fulfilling life

You made a shift from you to us here. Did you notice it? Ask youself why you made the shift.


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On 2/26/2024 at 5:58 AM, Yimpa said:

Ironically, I am in the process of legally changing my name and need to pay the costs for a fingerprint card and court fees :D

Your Self is more than your name. It's natural for you to change your name if you think doing so may improve your life.


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1 minute ago, hyruga said:

Your Self is more than your name. It's natural for you to change your name if you think doing so may improve your life.

The recognition that Consciousness is every name!

It ain’t self consciousness…. It’s Love ;)

Okay, back to not-mumbo-jumbo talk…, heh

I AM Lovin' It

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