Keryo Koffa

Inquiring into Leo's Godhead Model and the Infinity of Gods

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My consciousness is the only absolute I can know right now at my current state of un/awareness.

Leo talks as if there's just one observer and maybe he refers to absolute God, but it seems he says that the currently conscious avatar is the only one in existence and all of reality only exists as a bubble around it simulated in a minimalist fashion only as far as it is psychically convincing. And that nothing exists until the godhead consciously wills it into being in the present, as time is only an idea projection of current awareness. And that others are like a mirage, a reflection of present awareness interpretation of self-projected form. 

But I wonder, doesn't God have to know and simulate the exact life of everyone else in order to make this a convincing simulation, in which case, is God not simultaneously consciously everyone to the full extent that it's not just the avatar's field being rendered but all entities and "non entities" as well, every blade of grass, every overlap of perception between all observers all equally consciously created by god, in which case, how am I the only conscious entity? Aren't all entities, projected or not equally conscious as experienced by god in order to simulate around the avatar, in which case everything is experienced, in which case every other is as real as me and an equally conscious entity, that is a subset of the god being that creates the whole experience?

And then there are other Godheads, as featured in the "Infinity of Gods" video. And Leo says that he might have his godhead and I might have mine and that his godhead made contact with other godheads like mine and those fused into a meta-godhead, while remembering the individuality of sub-godheads, which are sovereign on their own, though somehow the distinction becomes imaginary. And then the godheads are supposed to help each other out if the collective dream turns into hell, as experienced by their avatars which is themselves in finite form. But that gives godheads a unique identity, doesn't it?

So then, if Godheads are by themselves sovereign and they can share a collective dream, then how do I know what another godhead's avatar is compared to just an illusion, if there is even such a thing as an illusion as it all seems equally real. Godheads are infinite and unbound, they only bind themselves if they wish and are infinite, and know all that is knowable, I imagine them as reality bubbles.

But then, how many Godheads are there, could a blade of grass be the avatar of a godhead, or a squirrel, a human, a DMT entity, could it be that the entire universe is conscious not only because a local godhead has to simulate it for its avatar but also because it is inside a collective dream of which each godhead embodies a different aspect of reality as a conscious entity and each godhead can link other godheads through their avatars, while their local conscious focus maximizes the experience of reality and balance of the meta-structure of the universe.

So then when I interact with another human, Leo would say they only exist as a perspective relative to me, but if they're another Godhead's avatar, am I not equally a perspective to them and then are they not just as real as me, or even if it is just a reflection of me, outside of my bubble of awareness (my godhead), might they not exist irregardless as a conscious experience simultaneously only currently unexperienced. And really, aren't all possibilities the case irregardless of whether they're materialized or not, like the Mandelbrot set in mathematics. And then, even if Godheads know everything, isn't there room for more infinity, since they might know every number on the infinite scale, but beyond that there's infinite space to create a psyche that filters patterns around selective lines.

So then, maybe my current perspective is a fractal mirror of a localized materialized godhead avatar, but am I not equally arbitrary and doesn't imagining others make them real and can they not exist outside of imagination, in the unknown or unexperienced, as one can invent infinite experiences, along infinite patterns and then infinitive those infinitely. Wouldn't each consciousness, exist equally conscious as it all can exist so it must exist and is all simulated only relative to each other WHICH MEANS THAT EACH EXPERIENCE IS FULLY CONSCIOUSLY EMBODIED BY GOD, irregardless of the current avatar's sovereign consciousness?

So then, an avatar could be its own Godhead, as if there's room for more godheads, then as above, so below, so maybe there is a cycle of reincarnation or maybe the NDE experiences are real or maybe there exists a formless psychic universe full of sovereign entities that interact with each other as I interpret from "Seth Speaks". That each consciousness, equally real and valid chooses to materialize itself in a type of play and develops itself more fully in-between lives being a vast multi-personality energy gestalt, of which each individual is a part, and yet conscious in itself simultaneously. It's really fascinating.

Anyway, that's the end of my conceptual proliferation for today, tell me what you think and don't give me the Buddhist "stop thinking and become nothing" attitude.

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This post will give you as much perspective as it gets

Edited by mmKay

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7 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

This is where people get Solipsism wrong. It's not concerned with the mere human aspect of existence. It doesn't mean that you're the only "real person". The trap a lot of people fall into is not realizing that their "human avatar" is also just an illusion! Yes "other people" are illusionary, but so is this meat suit!

it means that the thing that is peaking out into the world through your eyes, is the same thing that is looking through mine. It's the same fundamental force that is making the sun move across the sky, the same energy which is holding your very body together and making your fingers move when you type.

God is infinite in understanding, this necessitates that god understands what it's like to be you, and nobody else. Your physical body is literally a manifestation of God understanding what it's like to have your body. God knows you, through actually BEING you! When you think it's god knowing thought. When you feel it's god knowing emotions. If you had godly super powers you would do a pretty bad job at being a human (at least as far as this reality is concerned).

So when you're talking to somebody, you're actually talking to yourself, experiencing what it's like to be that person, at another time (I'm using "time" more metaphorically here, now is the only time any of this could be happening). So if you hurt someone, you're simultaneously living through their pain, from their pov. And from their pov, you will appear to be them.

You could differentiate between the words "me" and "I". "Me" refers to the experience of being an individual entity, "I" is that which is actually being the individual entity. So "me" would be the human that appears to be writing this text, but it's the "I" that IS actually appearing AS "me writing a text". "Me" could be anything. If I was born as an alien on the planet Globtrob, it would be "Me, the alien from planet Globtrob!", but it would still be "I" that would be having this experience of being an alien. "I" is basically that which remains when the "me" dies.

"Your" personal sense of consciousness is an expression of that universal consciousness we call "I". Solipsist aren't trying to point you to the fact that you're having a "human experience" and that this experience is somehow special, they're trying to point you to the consciousness that appears as a human.

Very good explanation of solipsism. I had these insights on many trips but you put it in good words

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