
Sorry, but yes, Death is the End.

136 posts in this topic

2 minutes ago, Water by the River said:







Hope that is useful. With this information you can align the Jhana path with the descriptions of my original post.

Basically, at that stage of the path one can't force it, and Jhana Concentration style becomes less efficient.

Something like Mahamudra/Non-Meditation or Dzogchen becomes more efficient at the last stages. 

https://www.actualized.org/forum/search/?&q=Nonmeditation Yoga&author=Water by the River

But not before this stage, shortly before the finishing line.


Haha, I am more or less familiar with all the links provided (I am consuming Roger like crazy past two days) and still I am not sure if that comprehension non-experience is the 8th jhana or not.

Jhanas don't resonate at this stage.

I will carefully read your post on mahamudra, thanks.

My practice lately was just trying to maintain do nothing/letting go of contractions for the whole day.

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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1 minute ago, Arthogaan said:

My practice lately was just trying to maintain do nothing/letting go of contractions for the whole day.

For me that was the most tricky stage. One has to install an automized mindfullness-process that cuts of anything separate/I-feeling/I-thought automatically and fast enough, but can't use willful artificial activity for it (because that is separate-self/ego/thought process) again, and that is way too slow and cuts off Nonduality/Awakening). Best description for that stage I found is Brown, Pointing out the Great Way, chapter Nonmeditation. I had to read it dozens of times over the years to get the nuances...

Jhanas also work, but in my opinion Mahamudra/Nonmeditation is more sophisticated and efficient. Historically, it was developed in Tibet over a long time with many many practitioners, while Theravada/Jhana looks for me more like way earlier Buddhism. Although it of course also works, see Frank Yang, Daniel Ingram and Roger Thisdell. But all(!) say that at the last stages they needed to add something like Dzogchen/Mahamudra/Do-Nothing meditation and not only willful concentration (artificial activity). 

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10 minutes ago, Arthogaan said:

Haha, I am more or less familiar with all the links provided (I am consuming Roger like crazy past two days) and still I am not sure if that comprehension non-experience is the 8th jhana or not.

Jhanas don't resonate at this stage.

I will carefully read your post on mahamudra, thanks.

My practice lately was just trying to maintain do nothing/letting go of contractions for the whole day.

@Water by the River is the real deal. You are wise to heed what he has to say.

I like your progress, by the way.  You will be sitting with the Buddah in no time :)


Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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50 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

@Water by the River is the real deal. You are wise to heed what he has to say.

I like your progress, by the way.  You will be sitting with the Buddah in no time :)

Yeah, it's crazy how I used to skip through his posts but last couple of days I am seeing what he means and bookmarking him like crazy.


Haha thanks brother :x

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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There may be a dead end, but there is also a U-turn you can make.

I AM Godzilla

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4 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:


The torment on earth won't even detect compared to hell. Watch more testimony's they explain the same torments. God is very real, the one you are mocking daily.

We have not created even one grain of sand. 

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3 hours ago, Water by the River said:

For me that was the most tricky stage. One has to install an automized mindfullness-process that cuts of anything separate/I-feeling/I-thought automatically and fast enough, but can't use willful artificial activity for it (because that is separate-self/ego/thought process) again, and that is way too slow and cuts off Nonduality/Awakening). Best description for that stage I found is Brown, Pointing out the Great Way, chapter Nonmeditation. I had to read it dozens of times over the years to get the nuances...

Jhanas also work, but in my opinion Mahamudra/Nonmeditation is more sophisticated and efficient. Historically, it was developed in Tibet over a long time with many many practitioners, while Theravada/Jhana looks for me more like way earlier Buddhism. Although it of course also works, see Frank Yang, Daniel Ingram and Roger Thisdell. But all(!) say that at the last stages they needed to add something like Dzogchen/Mahamudra/Do-Nothing meditation and not only willful concentration (artificial activity). 

This description of the 9th fetter by Frank Yang describes my experience of the last 2 days:


9th fetter is restlessness. Even after the Self/self is completely gone, there remains the debris of old conditions that are still operating, albeit mostly at the subconscious level now…manifesting themselves through very subtle beliefs, assumptions, and sensations that make you feel, in ways you can’t really point your fingers to, that things should somehow be different. And that there is something that you should be doing to course correct this misalignment.

Unable to cling on to a self, these sensations from time to time “rise up” against the flow of life, thus making you believe that there exists versions of realities other than whatever is happening right now. You can still experience a little bit of suffering here. Although by this time your suffering level has been decreased by about 95 percent. 


In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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1 minute ago, Arthogaan said:

there remains the debris of old conditions that are still operating

...and that debris burns wonderfully in the everburning fire of the Infinite Emptiness of ones True Being.

And God said, Thou shalt not be able to see my face; for no man shall see my face, and live.

Exodus 33:20



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Tell me what you see
In the afterlife
Par-delà le ciel
Par-delà le soleil

In all there is to learn
The sun is on our side
And though you're on the run
You will survive
Expanded to the state of light
The deepest corners of the world
Gliding through the lowlands
And swimming all the oceans
Walking through the silence
Already made it through the night
There will be a new day
Whenever the sun rises

You're invisible
You're in everything
Tell me what you see
Tell me what you see
When you're everywhere
When you're everywhere
Tell me now
Tell me now

While you drift away from all the plagues of this world
You're put out of misery, giant monster
You won't have to face it again
Every step of the way gets you higher

All the voices trapped underneath the ground
Let 'em all go in the sky
Find the power lost underneath the ground
Let it all blow in the sky
All the voices trapped in my head
Let 'em all scream in the night
Find the power lost underneath the ground
Let it all blow in the sky

@Breakingthewall @Water by the River

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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Death, hell, and solipsism are pretty popular topics on this forum. I wonder why?

I AM Godzilla

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3 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Death, hell, and solipsism are pretty popular topics on this forum. I wonder why?

We just like to party.

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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Just now, Arthogaan said:

We just like to party.

Lol, this song almost killed Weezer’s musical career:


I AM Godzilla

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I love how we hijacked the Death-Thread with music.

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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this is insane,

this is fucking insane

I am God I am Alone for eternity

The Love is so brutal I could only Live one Life at the same time.

Absolute solipsism, absolute Love for myself. It was all such a fucking dream.

All pain and suffering just prepares you for this. To experience this Love.

5-meo-dmt fear is just that, you are resisting the truth. The truth Love is One. One. One. One. 

Only ONE POV!!! I am You literally!!!

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Isn´t weird that all your life you seeked Love from other people and fear loneliness? 

Well, news for you, you were resisting the Truth   

And at the same time is so damn beautiful because other Beings were literally Me, I looked through their eyes. They were me literally. Literally 😩😫 This is Real.

ONLY ONE POV BABY!!!! Time to accept the Love that you are!!

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@Arthogaan really beautiful lyrics. Deep and very evocative with our topic. I will give their music more opportunities, the first listen it seemed too dense to me, but many times that happens at the beginning

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