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Kuba Powiertowski

Ultimate things.

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We as humans undoubtedly live in times of total chaos and confusion. Since, as it seems to us, we permanently removed Transcendence from reality during the French Enlightenment (science, by force, left the Logos as the indelible Source of Laws - although completely secularized), we have been left to explain the mystery of existence surrounding us only in the horizontal dimension. This gave rise to new forms of belief: in evolution, mental models that have superior causality over what Is, in universal relativism. You can no longer become more dazed by the fumes of your own phantasmagorias. You either see it or you don't. There is no intermediate state between what is real, what exists, and what is unreal. For example, Unconditional Love, which is everything, does not mean acceptance of evil acts against the Truth and Life, but unconditional acceptance, forgiveness, and compassion for the one who commits such acts in ignorance OR WITH FULL KNOWLEDGE. Compassion, because one will face a shorter or longer period of self-condemnation that is not measured by earthly clocks. There are no intermediate states between Truth and Lie, Life and Anti-Life. There is no slight good or any lesser evil. The shadow exists so that you know where the light source is. We are slowly approaching the end of another metaphysical epicycle. Everything indicates that our illusion will once again defeat us. Nevertheless, hope never dies.

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All your earthly suffering will turn out to be a little pimple on your ass when you finally realize that you have turned your heart to stone. Wake up.

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