
I was wrong, feminism was right

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(Well, maybe not the late stage feminism which is being used as an advantage by some people and is becoming a nazi in its own.)

But I mean that I have absolutely and finally verified there has been a sexist mental paradigm for at least previous 1-2thousands years that have created a duality between men and women.

Basically I have completely deconstructed the duality between women and man, and I have verified the absolutely only difference is physical, the rest is a complete imaginary bullshit, probably created by religious traditions.

Masculine and feminine energy is in both beings (men and women), but because of physical differences usually men choose to potentiate and live from a more masculine energy or females more feminine energy. The more physical traits are less important in the world the more this differences between choosing energies will be reduced, until we literally form perfect Beings with 50% masculine energy 50% feminine energy, where the only difference between the two beings will be in the genitalia ( in order to reproduce)

As a society we are heading towards that but no idea how much will take, maybe 100, 1000, 1 million years, I don´t know. 

I have completely broken through all past karma in relation to sex/women/religon thanks to yoga practice, and I completely have healed all my toxic relationships with women. Feminism is right. 

All I can say is that trust your intuition, break everything that culture taught you, see the Real Being, not the culture created character.

Next time you think in any toxic, resentful or just 'weird'/does not feel quite right towards women, just think of a 7 year old female kid and think how innocent that being is, and notice how you are projecting all the culture crap on to that little kid. That kid of 7 years old someday will be a 23 year old women, notice how is still the same Being, but you are projecting the crap of the culture to that. 

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You are more feminine guy that's why you support feminism because men mindset is completely different from womens mindset because its not coming from same place.No man cares about feminism or being toxic just because you have a wrong view of whats a man.

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Good stuff.

Glad to hear you're doing well, my man. 🙏

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Nice post. Makes sense. Not that feminism is right, but just the general post. I'm not a fan of terminology when it comes to certain things especially dating. I'm old school and simple, but with a twist. 

What really is feminism. Is there masculinism. Just give me a man and some food and a house to live in to have sex and i'm good. No isms around here.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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10 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

You are more feminine guy that's why you support feminism because men mindset is completely different from womens mindset because its not coming from same place.No man cares about feminism or being toxic just because you have a wrong view of whats a man.

"Wrong view of whats a man" is supposed to mean what, exactly? 

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Women where historically oppressed because they are physically weaker. "Might makes right" in nature, etc.

I wonder how much "late stage feminism" and the discourse surrounding it is shaped by social media and all of the incentives that follow? Like how much of the calls to actions are genuine and not just for engagement?

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3 hours ago, Israfil said:

"Wrong view of whats a man" is supposed to mean what, exactly? 

Depends on who you ask. A conservative? A progressive?  A doctor? A priest? They’ll all give you different answers.

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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@Israfil 1.Thinking that a man thinks in a weird resentful way towards a woman, or look towards a woman to now determine if he should do this(be toxic) or not he doesnt do that.He acts according to his own principles if they are toxic then he will have a reason and the reason is not a woman.

2.Man doesnt comes to absolute conclusions about anything outside of him because he is working internal for himself ,so he can only talk in absolutes about himself,with this comes alot of deceptions and assumptions from feminine guys like you hear :oh she must have a boyfriend i wont approach"thats not how man thinks.

3.Again same principle you dont heal a toxic relationship with women you dont look at women as an object of a problem you see your own toxicity that you choose to fix or not.


I can go on but thats basics of what i see with this...you cant say feminism is right or wrong if you never been a man first...

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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8 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@Israfil 1.Thinking that a man thinks in a weird resentful way towards a woman, or look towards a woman to now determine if he should do this(be toxic) or not he doesnt do that.He acts according to his own principles if they are toxic then he will have a reason and the reason is not a woman.

2.Man doesnt comes to absolute conclusions about anything outside of him because he is working internal for himself ,so he can only talk in absolutes about himself,with this comes alot of deceptions and assumptions from feminine guys like you hear :oh she must have a boyfriend i wont approach"thats not how man thinks.

3.Again same principle you dont heal a toxic relationship with women you dont look at women as an object of a problem you see your own toxicity that you choose to fix or not.


I can go on but thats basics of what i see with this...you cant say feminism is right or wrong if you never been a man first...

I read all this, but I've met very feminine women doing those things. This doesn't seem like necessarily masculine. 

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@Israfil Its a huge difference if what someone does comes from action or reaction.

It could also mean that at that moment you are in reaction and she goes into action.

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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53 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@Israfil Its a huge difference if what someone does comes from action or reaction.

It could also mean that at that moment you are in reaction and she goes into action.

What I meant is that the characteristics you mentioned - authenticity (1), a realistic approach to dealing with the world (2) and not having a victim mentality (3) - are not necessarily "male characteristics". 

Also, "action" and "reaction" are labels you can arbitrarily place in behaviors. Every "action" can be reframed into a "reaction" if you argue differently.


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@Israfil What im saying goes way deeper than how you simplisticly put it here so ill drop it...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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On 22/2/2024 at 0:09 PM, NoSelfSelf said:

You are more feminine guy that's why you support feminism because men mindset is completely different from womens mindset because its not coming from same place.No man cares about feminism or being toxic just because you have a wrong view of whats a man.

Do not proyect your ignorance to me buddy 😂😂 i know Who i am 

 You seem you do not.

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Calls itself NoSelf but is full of identity and projects It outside 🥲

I see you so clearly that i know your ego wanted to call me a "feminine Guy" precisely because you were hurt of the Love and Power my post had 😂

Envy is a bitch. Learn from the Light of my post and stop projecting.

Classic games of scared egos of Truth.

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@Javfly33 I was right somebody got emotional and started to attack 👍 i guess you truly deconstructed duality between man and a woman.

Know it all people are precisely full of ego.

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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On 2/23/2024 at 2:14 AM, NoSelfSelf said:

.He acts according to his own principles if they are toxic then he will have a reason and the reason is not a woman.

This right here is coming from a hurt individual. A wounded character. If you're going to go into a relationship with a woman, boundaries needs to be set into place but cannot be selfishly and strictly based on principles that are only for your own gratifications. Compromise is key, and the other's best interest.

You say if your principles are toxic then, oh well, I won't change them for a woman because that'll make me weak, ilm assuming that's the reason; but that's exactly what makes a man weak when he's not flexible enough to accommodate the woman in his life even if it means to adjust his own toxic principles. This is saying I don't care about you, I'm only protecting my wounds. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Princess Arabia You dont know anything about game, so you look it from the surface level,its precisely her best interest for me to have my principles ,set my laws.Then she is going to hear them transparently ,so she knows what she is getting herself into there is no manipulations,skeletons in the closets,running behind eachother everything has a structure and ill communicate myself clearly that she knows what she is getting herself into, you never had that, so you must label it as wounded...you never had a man that you follow that he tells you who he truly is ,that you work for his time, work to get him and have sex with him not other way around.

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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6 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@Princess Arabia You dont know anything about game, so you look it from the surface level,its precisely her best interest for me to have my principles ,set my laws.Then she is going to hear them transparently ,so she knows what she is getting herself into there is no manipulations,skeletons in the closets,running behind eachother everything has a structure and ill communicate myself clearly that she knows what she is getting herself into you never had that so you must label it as wounded...

What you're saying here i get, but I was referring to the fact you said "toxic". I'm assuming you know they are toxic but still stand by them, that's what I was responding to, not just merely having principles or boundaries and stating upfront who you are as a person. If one has toxic principles and are aware they are toxic, and will stand by them no matter what, that,s a wounded individual, that's why I used the word. Maybe your use of the word toxic altered your meaning.

Also, stop saying I know nothing about game because I'm the one the game is being played on. I'm the referee in your game. I decide if it works or not. I may not need to learn fame but u sure know how to referee it.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Princess Arabia Some things can look toxic to you, but i have my reason why behind the things im doing, so you dont know why behind the brhaviour, so you precieve it as toxic.But ill keep my toxicity because its something valuable to me, because ill always love myself more than a woman.

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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1 minute ago, NoSelfSelf said:

, because ill always love myself more than a woman.

The degree to which you love yourself is the degree to which you are capable of showing and giving love. So saying you'll love yourself more than a woman doesn't mean you're showing her less love than yourself, it only means that's how much you're capable of loving yourself.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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