
Should I be Concerned about Never Coming Back from a Trip?

27 posts in this topic

20 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I doubt that the relatives of people who died from psychedelics post about it on Reddit or Erowid.

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Should I be Concerned about Never Coming Back from a Trip?

Whether or not that actually happens will be completely irrelevant in the next moment.

Let’s not worry about such matters when you could be imagining something completely more caring and loving towards yourself.

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I don't know if it is impossible or how likely it is.

But I do know that one of the worst things you can believe in a trip is to thoroughly convince yourself you will never come out of it. 

This happened on LSD in my first trip with the substance. 16h of intense tripping while thinking this is your new reality, forever, is indeed intense and should be avoided.

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes mature and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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2 hours ago, Davino said:

But I do know that one of the worst things you can believe in a trip is to thoroughly convince yourself you will never come out of it. 

In practice this is true.

Most of the time when you think you'll never come back, you do come back.

On the other hand, all it takes is one time to screw yourself.

It's good to have a healthy fear around taking large doses. Being fearless in this domain is not ideal because you will end up hurting yourself and regretting it.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 25.02.2024 at 2:02 AM, Cireeric said:

That trip also opened me to the possibility that this probably could happen - that the real mind of you just leaves off into another dimension and traveling there not coming back - but it seems like this still isnt a thing that really happens for people but more a paranoia and people get back after getting sober again.

I think this is an issue with insufficient non-dual/spiritual education/contemplation.

I personally haven't seen my mind to have a tendency to go in that direction, I think because I don't have the false concepts you do.

My mind can't leave my body as there was never something like "my body", it has always been the forever-morphing Godhead. The same goes for going to "another dimension" it's always the same dimension, the infinite, singular point from which all creation flows and to which it is contained at the same time in a paradoxical manner. It must be so. It's always the same fractal, but sometimes (that is when you trip) you watch it from a perspective that makes it look very intensive.

I have been blessed with a strong conviction of the reality shaping back more or less to it's current form if it's meant to be. It doesn't make embarking on a trip any less scary, I just don't get much paranoia during it.

If I get scared it's more because of just the sheer intensity of Beauty I see (Beauty with a capital B can be scary as hell) or if it's the long-acting psychedelics, then while in the less intense states I might get scared of hurting someone or myself physically in an unconscious set of moves.

My point is, I think there are thought patterns that you can enforce through enough contemplation to help lessen the "never coming back from a trip" paranoia.

Edited by Girzo

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7 hours ago, Girzo said:

I think this is an issue with insufficient non-dual/spiritual education/contemplation.

I personally haven't seen my mind to have a tendency to go in that direction, I think because I don't have the false concepts you do.

My mind can't leave my body as there was never something like "my body", it has always been the forever-morphing Godhead. The same goes for going to "another dimension" it's always the same dimension, the infinite, singular point from which all creation flows and to which it is contained at the same time in a paradoxical manner. It must be so. It's always the same fractal, but sometimes (that is when you trip) you watch it from a perspective that makes it look very intensive.

I have been blessed with a strong conviction of the reality shaping back more or less to it's current form if it's meant to be. It doesn't make embarking on a trip any less scary, I just don't get much paranoia during it.

If I get scared it's more because of just the sheer intensity of Beauty I see (Beauty with a capital B can be scary as hell) or if it's the long-acting psychedelics, then while in the less intense states I might get scared of hurting someone or myself physically in an unconscious set of moves.

My point is, I think there are thought patterns that you can enforce through enough contemplation to help lessen the "never coming back from a trip" paranoia.

I generally agree with you on that. This mindset is also very helpful for most trips and nowadays with more reasonable safe dosing I get into trips much more calm and confident with relatively the same attitude.

The problem was that at some point in the trip my whole worldview + any capacity for sober thought was gone. I was well read in spiritual literature, safe tripping guides and also practiced meditation but at some point all that stuff flew out of the window and I was in pure crazyland  realizing I couldnt possibly prepare for that. 

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I took 4 grams of golden teachers alone in my apartment 2 years ago, and had an experience that radically shifted my perspective on reality and myself.  But alongside it heightened my respect for these substances and I promised myself I would never do this again - at-least not by myself.  At some point during the trip, I had a strong emotional thought that I would never return to normal consciousness, that I would be completely lost in some dark and dangerous avenues of mind, where I will find absolutely no way out - End up in an insane asylum and ruin my life.  This thought and emotion sickened me and I almost passed out.

Even though I'm glad to have had the experience of that trip that eventually blossomed into a beautiful experience.  I will still chicken out to try a high dose experience by myself.  If I do in the future, I would want to have someone experienced with me...

Here is a link to that trip report:


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