
Everything is Vibration

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Here's my current understanding of the Law of Attraction:


You don't attract your thoughts, you attract what you ARE right now. 

That means that you must have your goals and life purpose clear and bring the feelings of that goal into the present moment. 

Raise your vibration and you'll attract the things that are on that higher frequency. This is the main thing. You can never become rich by identifying as poor. You do everything a poor man does, you'll stay poor. It is very simple. So in this case, raise your vibrational frequency to attract the wealth you desire. 

Now the main question: how do you raise your frequency? 

This week I've started experimenting using AI voice-over to repeat my positive money affirmations using my specific goals and using my real first and last name to hook me in and I'm shocked at how powerful this is. I listen to it all the time and it instantly increases my vibration with all these positive statements using my name, 

As humans we're very conditioned. If in the morning you read positive affirmations, 2 hours later you already forgot. If your goal is to become a successful entrepreneur, you visualize this in the morning and by noon you're behaving not like a successful entrepreneur anymore because you are conditioned in your current ways and every single influence affects your subconscious. You need constant, constant, constant reminders that you are a successful entrepreneur. 

"You tell yourself a lie often enough and you'll believe it" - Bob Proctor 

Above quote goes for everything, objective truth has nothing to do with this. 

Meaning; you can brainwash yourself into anything. Obviously plenty of historical proof for this. Also note that your current reality is nothing but a massive brainwash (conditioning) with your own (hi)story. 

Other ways to raise your frequency are going out in nature, other forms of positive self talk, asking yourself positive questions ('what amazing things am I going to do today'?) meditation, relaxation, healthy foods etc. 

I had no idea how powerful all these influences are. Every impression in your day counts. This is why this work is so important because if you value truth and self honesty you'll be able to grow. 

And finally, from the higher state of vibration, you then are in a state of ALLOWANCE! From there, you attract these beautiful things on that frequency. WHAT YOU RESIST PERSISTS! So only from that state of allowance can change take place. 

Edited by Butters

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LOA is one of these concepts that get overly mystified in this field. The very essence of " law of attraction " is basically the psychological phenomenon of selective focus and the reticular activation system. 

Do this experiment.




Focus on everything that's red in your environment.

Notice how you have the mental capacity for this.

Notice that there exists a specific mechanism in your mind to be capable of Selective focus. Play around with this if you haven't before.

Now focus on everything that's made of wood.

Now focus on everything that's edible

Now focus on everything that bothers you about your house

Now focus about everything you like about yourself

And so on

You could even frame some types of depression as selective focus set on negative and disempowering  perspectives.



So,  of course if you think a lot about becoming a stand up comedian, all of the sudden you will start noticing all the valuable action steps and opportunities towards what you're thinking about .

And then if you think about it enough, it will become part of your subconscious mind and  become more automatic.

And then thoughts become actions. And actions have consequences. And consequences have consequences.

So you think about signing up to a local gig. And you actually do it. And you happen to meet people from the industry, which is normal. And you keep showing up and eventually you get a paid gig, and suddenly you're a stand up comedian.

And all of the sudden  you have " attracted " your goal with your mind.

Which Is still amazing, but no need to mistify it.

The literal physical equivalent would be if you look at a  tea pot , you see a tea pot. Why? Simply because you're looking at it. So if you look ( "mentally focus " ) at your goals, that's what you "attract", to use that terminology.


There is truth to reality being " imaginary " but that's a different and very technical Spiritual topic.

I remember very vividly how I mentally controlled physical reallity directly through thoughts while lucid dreaming and astral projecting. What I thought of, materialized.

So the concept of vibration rather brings unnecessary unclarity. You could talk in terms of depth consciousness. If you have higher consciousness you think about more quality things , take action towards more quality things, and therefore " attract" more quality things.

A lower consciousness person thinks about pride and status. That's what he thinks about and therefore that's what his actions will guide him towards.

Edited by mmKay

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You can read Ask and it is given by Abraham and Esther Hicks to learn more about vibrations. Other books are Becoming Supernatural by Joe Dispenza and Psycho Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz.

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