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A civilisation built on suspicion

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I don't like to smile and great people with hello, I don't like the need for it, I have instincts against playing into the need for it.


But it is a necessity of advanced civilisation, ideally we would live in tribes of 100/200, were a conversation between each agent begun without the need for appearances to deflate well-grounded suspicion.

Let me ask a very important question, why is the suspicion for others well grounded?

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To confirm my hypothesis try watching a video on youtube in 4k of someone filming walking downtown in some city somewhere, these are typically from Europe. If in these videos you zoom in on peoples faces and you do not see the horror I do then there actually is something wrong with your mind.

This horror is what polite society bear on crutches or covers up with bandages, the behaviour of people when they greet one another etc is a product of need, it is the supply to the demand, it is the bandage to the wound.

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