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Gettin out of the time

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The basis of awakening, of living an awakened life, is leaving time. There is a moment in life, perhaps around the age of 12,13,14, that you begin to see life as a temporary process, and not as an in-depth approach. Little by little this takes on a dimension, you begin to have an idea of yourself as an entity that moves in time. This entity accumulates data every day, until it takes on a solid dimension, which overrides the deep focus and veils it.

There comes a time, without realizing it, when you are outside. You do not flow with life but rather you are a few meters above classifying it. All this mental activity could be classified as an illness if it weren't for the fact that almost everyone processes this way. The causes are social interaction, language, the conceptualization of reality in order to function as a collaborative hive organism where each gear is in its place. an evolutionary work of art that creates things like spacial trips or atomic energy . A manifestation of the intelligence of the cosmos that, like all its other manifestations, is genius, art and perfection. but this is built with some foundations, some bases, that are the primordial mud of the evolutionary jungle of life, and life is absolutely ruthless, its consideration towards what it creates is the same as that of an engineer with a machine: it must work, it doesn't matter how. and once it works, then he treats the machine well, he doesn't force it to work too hard, he loves it and enjoys it, but if it is necessary to tighten, it is tightened, if parts have to be forced until they break, it is done.

Well, time is a dimension in which life puts us so that we fulfill a function, but it has a problem: it is a dead, false dimension, a mental virus necessary for the software to work. This dimension, once it starts, grows in a cancerous, exponential way. In a few years since it began, humans live in a psychotic dimension, we are prisoners of the matrix, robots with permanently running software. In some cases, quite often, this software is dissonant, full of cracks, hidden areas, anger, fear, hatred, shame, lies. a real party. This same software, at a given moment becomes aware of itself and says: yes, ok, but this is unbearable shit, a disease. I am a disease. Then, the self sets itself a titanic task: getting out of itself. cross a door that really is him. 

If you want to cross that door, you must deactivate time, since time is your essence. Without time the self disappears, since time is its dimension. To deactivate time, the self must begin to release ballast, stop comparing, analyzing, judging, fearing. quite a challenge since the foundations of the self are solid, otherwise it would not have the irresistible drive that it has. breaking the self is breaking a work of life engineering, it is not a small thing that is done, it is a serious achievement. It is life shaping itself, and this is always through challenge.

Life wants you to deactivate the self at a given moment. You are called to it, if it were not so, you would not be trying. once you achieve the complicated maneuver of opening the self, first just a moment, them more often, the self start changing completely, the software continues to exist, there is still a controller, but it knows that it is software, it goes into the background, it begins to stop progressively letting more space to the real, to reverse the process that originated it and make a change . then it seems that the self begins to be a kind of mirror. begins to reflect reality, and to find attractive the idea of merging with reality and disappearing completely.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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